32 replies
Hi Folks,

Really want to get cracking with an internet business. Totaly new to this industry tho so haven't got a clue as to the best and cheapest way to get started. I have made the mistake of joining a couple of programmes but they all seem to go off on a tangent and I get lost in a labyrinth of additional add-on programmes and offers? I have looked at Push Button Cash System, New Affiliate Cash System, Home Website Center and Global Domains International also Auto Traffic System X. Are any of these any good or is there a better starting point for a newbie marketer?
Your advice and assistance would be most appreciated.
Many thanx for taking the time to read this post.

  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    I would say to look in the signature files of everyone here at the forum and see what programs you like. Some are free and some cost money. There is no push button system that creates wealthj - they all require work.

    Here on the WF there are many people willing to help you out. Just follow your heart and answer their questions because it will help them to help you better.

    There are tons of ways to make money online. Are you looking for a quick income or a long term business or both? Take a look at things like that!

    The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here: http://internetmarketingdude.xyz

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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      You need to decide what type of internet business you would like to in into - is it blogging, a service provision site or coz other type.

      You can click on any of the links in my signature to see if my site can help.

      [B]Get free resources for Entrepreneurs and Startups.

      Check out our collection of Product and Business Reviews?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3610018].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author roninja1
      Originally Posted by mysterrio View Post

      I would say to look in the signature files of everyone here at the forum and see what programs you like. Some are free and some cost money. There is no push button system that creates wealthj - they all require work.

      Here on the WF there are many people willing to help you out. Just follow your heart and answer their questions because it will help them to help you better.

      There are tons of ways to make money online. Are you looking for a quick income or a long term business or both? Take a look at things like that!
      Many thanks for the prompt reply. I figured that as this is a genuine forum of experienced internet professionals I would get some sensible and logical advice. The main problem with attempting to research this field is that you obviously get bombarded with a confusing barrage of systems and offers. I guess I am looking for both quick income and long term business. I am particularly interested in the health, fitness and self protection niches.
      Once again many thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author robfrancis
        Originally Posted by roninja1 View Post

        I am particularly interested in the health, fitness and self protection niches.
        Once again many thanks
        Health and fitness niches especially are highly competitive. You should focus on a smaller subsets of these industries and also make use of this forum and lots of free tools such as Google's keyword tool which might help you find secondary keyword phrases (subtopics) within your chosen fields that may be more attainable.

        You also need to decide if you are planning on producing your own product (information ebook perhaps) or promoting other people's products and services (affiliate marketing and Adsense).

        Don't buy any push button systems that make you $872,375 overnight while you sleep, without you needing to know anything or do anything, all the while driving truckloads of cash into your bank account on autopilot like an ATM machine on steroids spewing out cash, from some dude (or dudette) that got laid off then in desperation went into the seedy underworld and found the Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris of programmers who creates a software program that they hand over for peanuts, but which maxed out their spouse's last credit card, all the while blaming the gurus for lying to you (because this dude or dudette would never do that) but they now have mansions, new cars, 80 foot luxury yachts and despite being so wealthy they are willing to give you this exact same system for a mere $37 but only if you buy now before this page is gone in 24 hours. Because this is not just an ebook/video telling you to sign up at ClickBank. Honest.

        Best of luck to you,
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Hey Roninja,

    All I can say at this point is that you want to avoid ANYTHING that sounds too easy to make money. Making money online requires that you have the basics skills of setting up a website, squeeze page and learning how to drive traffic to it.

    Affiliate marketing is great because you don't need your own product.

    There are so many programs out there with fancy names, like "cash system" and "push button software" which really does nothing but take YOUR money.

    A general idea of how you get into this business and what to invest in:

    1. domain name (go daddy, namecheap) $12 a year
    2. Hosting account (hostgator) $4-8 month
    3. Autoresponder (Aweber) $1 1st month then $19/mo
    (Listwire is actually free for auto responders but I haven't tried them and you get what you pay/don't pay for)

    This is a business and will take time.

    Give yourself at least 3-6 months before you start making anything so you don't get discouraged.

    Best of luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author roninja1
      Originally Posted by RyanHaus View Post

      Hey Roninja,

      All I can say at this point is that you want to avoid ANYTHING that sounds too easy to make money. Making money online requires that you have the basics skills of setting up a website, squeeze page and learning how to drive traffic to it.

      Affiliate marketing is great because you don't need your own product.

      There are so many programs out there with fancy names, like "cash system" and "push button software" which really does nothing but take YOUR money.

      A general idea of how you get into this business and what to invest in:

      1. domain name (go daddy, namecheap) $12 a year
      2. Hosting account (hostgator) $4-8 month
      3. Autoresponder (Aweber) $1 1st month then $19/mo
      (Listwire is actually free for auto responders but I haven't tried them and you get what you pay/don't pay for)

      This is a business and will take time.

      Give yourself at least 3-6 months before you start making anything so you don't get discouraged.

      Best of luck to you.
      Many thanks guys. Will take your advice. Nice to get some genuine feedback from "real" people who are making it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author SShip
    Hi Roninja,

    Welcome to the IM world.

    First, stay away from those push button systems. There is no system that is push button and can make you money overnight.

    Have you decided on a niche (or your area of interests)?
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    • Profile picture of the author roninja1
      Originally Posted by Fruzzlies View Post

      Hi Roninja,

      Welcome to the IM world.

      First, stay away from those push button systems. There is no system that is push button and can make you money overnight.

      Have you decided on a niche (or your area of interests)?
      Many thanks. Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Self Protection
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  • Profile picture of the author Ty Neal
    Hello my friend,

    First I would say welcome to this awesome online industry :0) What is it are you trying to do? I know you want to make money online but by doing what? I have seen alot of people get started with George Brown Google Sniper, It a sweet course that will teach you how to profit from niche sites.

    There a lot of training here on the forum and we all will be glad to help you my friend...
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    • Profile picture of the author roninja1
      Originally Posted by Ty Neal View Post

      Hello my friend,

      First I would say welcome to this awesome online industry :0) What is it are you trying to do? I know you want to make money online but by doing what? I have seen alot of people get started with George Brown Google Sniper, It a sweet course that will teach you how to profit from niche sites.

      There a lot of training here on the forum and we all will be glad to help you my friend...
      Many thanks Ty,
      I want to build a network of sites offering health, fitness, nutrition and self protection products. Already had a fantastic response from this forum so I now know I have come to the right place to find the right people.
      Best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    If you want to work to get some money...you can write aricles or do some of the things listed here in the warriors will hire you section or go to somewhere like odesk.com or other sites like elance.com or many others. There are many of these in my free book below and many are widely available. Just avoid paying to get work and avoid the push button programs because most don't work.

    IF you go with hostgator for hosting I would get the $9.95 package and not the $4.95 package because it allows you to build more than ONE website for the price - but this is just what I did...it is up to you which option you go with.

    The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here: http://internetmarketingdude.xyz

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    • Profile picture of the author roninja1
      Originally Posted by mysterrio View Post

      If you want to work to get some money...you can write aricles or do some of the things listed here in the warriors will hire you section or go to somewhere like odesk.com or other sites like elance.com or many others. There are many of these in my free book below and many are widely available. Just avoid paying to get work and avoid the push button programs because most don't work.

      IF you go with hostgator for hosting I would get the $9.95 package and not the $4.95 package because it allows you to build more than ONE website for the price - but this is just what I did...it is up to you which option you go with.
      Ok will do. Thanks Mysterrio. Have seen the options on hostgator and wasn't sure so thanks for that info.

      With gratitude & respect
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      • Profile picture of the author Chad Masters
        If you want to make any money...start joining affiliate networks.

        Start with Clickbank. You can then download a free html editor called "Kompozer" for creating websites

        You can then get a domain name specific to your niche.

        You can write an article at Ezine articles or hub pages. Ezine gets over 1 million hits a day.

        This forum is definitely a good place to learn
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        • Profile picture of the author MichaelG469
          I think "The Challenge" by Ed Dale is an awesome place for beginners to start and learn...plus it is FREE. I'm glad I stumbled upon it.
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  • Hi Roninja1... Welcome to the forum... You can go to our website via my
    signature link below... View the videos first, then the articles, and finally
    download the "Business in a Box" ebook... Hope you find our content
    helpful... Contact me for any specifics you may want to know...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    try do download free ebooks (plr) and stuff before buying paid courses....but it depends on your budget. Read and apply...and you will succeed.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author wilsonusman
    dude just talk to me let me know how I can help you. I've been doing it for almost two years now. I run my own blog where I talk about internet marketing sometimes and blogging too. I was once in your situation so I know exactly what you're talking about.

    if you're serious just send me an email, visit the blog or just message me it's cool totally willing to help you.
    Entrepreneurship & Blogging || About Wilson || Contact Wilson

    Blog: Fun Lifestyle :: Subscribe To RSS :: About Wilson
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  • Profile picture of the author alliance
    Welcome to the greatest marketing forum in the world. Before buying different programs use the warrior forum's free resources and invest in the war room membership as soon as possible. The war room will provide you with an endless supply of free marketing resources.

    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally

    The main part is just getting started, buy a few domains related to the niches that interets you where you can write articles or reviews. Try and get exact keyword domain names, .com , .net, .org or if you are aiming for UK traffic go for .co.uk domains.

    Check the free keyword tool at https://adwords.google.co.uk/select/KeywordToolExternal to confirm that the niche has demand and more importantly has some advertising competition.

    Use wordpress which is free or a free html edtor to get your content online. If you have any budget I recommend Xsite Pro.

    hosting is cheap, plenty of options.

    Start with maybe 5-7 pages on each site and most importantly get anchor text backlinks for these pages and keywords. Even writing 2 articles per day will give you a 60 page content website after 1 month.

    Promote affiliate offers through Amazon , CJ.com, tradedoubler, clickbank etc..

    Once you get going you will want to start building a list but keep it simple to get started.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author jakchrist
    One thing to be very careful of is some of the Gurus out there who make their income off scamming people who are looking to get into the business of affiliate marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author pianochris
      Originally Posted by jakchrist View Post

      One thing to be very careful of is some of the Gurus out there who make their income off scamming people who are looking to get into the business of affiliate marketing.
      Agree with this. A lot of the information can be sourced free just by doing good, thorough research. However, that's not to say that you shouldn't consider purchasing business plans and models if you think it is going to help.
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  • Profile picture of the author backoffice
    Well..............I would like to suggest all newbies just avoid to do things that looks spam. Like don't send many messages to promote your services. It will sue your account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    Hi and welcome,

    It kinda sounds like you are wanting to set up some niche sites in your area of interest? Then my suggestion would be put your filters on and study up on niche sites only for now. If you focus on finding out what you can about that, then you're ready to map out a plan of action.

    Decide on the number of sites you will have, what each one will focus on, how they will relate to your other sites, etc. You might want to start with an authority site/parent site of the other sites you will eventually create. Here again, there are choices to be made.

    1. Choose which business model you want to do.
    2. Research it, but don't get stuck in research mode.
    3. Plan out what you're going to do; overall plan and smaller plans of action.
    4. Implement.
    5. Tweak.

    Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sammy Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author garrettwilson
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    • Profile picture of the author joebel
      If you really want to learn about online business, try to learn with "The Challenge" by Ed Dale. It's very useful especially for the newbies. It start from the basics until you can make money on your own. It's free and you can Try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author androgenx88
    ryan said it best. you will need the basics. but my guy who got me into internet marketing is using a certain program that he bought (which i wont name) . I havent bought it but he gave me a free template that they offer. check out my site fastcashclubplatinum.com to see how one of their templates look like. Basically it does everything for you from squeeze page to whatever haha. makes me real lazy, but just make sure you know the basics! good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author ben1ewis
    Hi Roninja1

    Its always best when you start to know what skills you can offer like, are you organised? good with writing? computers?, etc.

    And find someone you like and get familiar with for help with your weaknesses, whether technical or basic.

    And keep asking q's here at the WF!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I would keep coming back here and reading and taking action on one thing.

    Choose one thing and stick to it till it makes you money then just upscale and outsource.

    I cannot belive the treasure trove of info there is in here even for a newbie, it can actually be too much stuff, and info overload can come quickly...just stay focuesed and take action everytime you learn something. That is the quickest way you will see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author raycowie
    Originally Posted by roninja1 View Post

    Hi Folks,

    Really want to get cracking with an internet business. Totaly new to this industry tho so haven't got a clue as to the best and cheapest way to get started. I have made the mistake of joining a couple of programmes but they all seem to go off on a tangent and I get lost in a labyrinth of additional add-on programmes and offers? I have looked at Push Button Cash System, New Affiliate Cash System, Home Website Center and Global Domains International also Auto Traffic System X. Are any of these any good or is there a better starting point for a newbie marketer?
    Your advice and assistance would be most appreciated.
    Many thanx for taking the time to read this post.

    If you want to know how to do everything involved with creating moneymaking sites, I recommend Google Sniper by George Brown. I used it and it takes you through everything step-by-step. Keep it simple.

    Before you can become unstoppable, you have to get started!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonny Mulroy
    Hi there, my best advice is to stay away from push button software, it is purely all hype and won't let you progress with your internet marketing.

    A good place to start is finding a coach who can show you the ropes.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSEOking
    To be fair as a newbie I would avoid anything on clickbank thats in the make money niche as it hard to spot the great products from the scam products and these products are all generally based around taking money from newbies!!!.

    Half of the push button wealth generating rubbish, are just redesigned old software such as, article spinners and blog commenting software that will get you a very little in return.

    Head over to youtube type in affiliate marketing and such like trawl through all the videos that are trying to sell sell sell to you and eventually you will find some golden ones with great info that can push you in the right direction.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Cottrell
      Hi Roninja,

      If I can give you one piece of advice it's this; you need momentum to get your business moving. So don't push too many cars! Here's what I mean.

      When you get started with affiliate marketing, you sign up for all sorts of offers which will turn out to be out dated software that promise you $10 gazzillion by midnight tonight. You'll keep looking at them and trying each one out but then get distracted by another email that hits your inbox the next day and moving from one to another.

      Think of all these crazy offers as cars. If you keep switching cars, you'll never push any of them anywhere. Stick to one 'car' and you'll soon see it moving along quicker and quicker.

      Good luck,

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