How to Maximize Traffic

11 replies
hi, can anyone tell me how to get maximum traffic?????????/
#maximize #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Edwards WOrld
    Originally Posted by jhonsmith74 View Post

    hi, can anyone tell me how to get maximum traffic?????????/
    What are you doing paid traffic or Free traffic?

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Article Marketing (Ezine Articles) 5 a week
    Facebook (Hugely important)
    PPC or PPV (PPV is new but effective and cheap)


    Comment on blogs that are ranked highly like (Go to goole and type in "your niche + blog)

    Make good comments on the top 20 sites and link your website (this is way more effective than it is given credit for)


    Review sites/blogs
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  • Profile picture of the author tiptopmovie
    do seo or buy google adword or facebook adword u get lost of traffic ..... that mush u expand money
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  • Profile picture of the author greamhick
    Great answer thanks it helps me to.
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  • Profile picture of the author imfusa
    If you are new in this business then i would recommend you to buy advertising.
    The best PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is Google Adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amelia O
    What kinda traffic?

    Paid or Free?? Targeted or not Targeted??

    Article Marketing always work for me. Some work and time put in though but the traffic is free and targeted.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfstyles
    There's so many different ways to get traffic online... articles, YouTube, forum posting, blogging, press releases, software, FaceBook, social marketing etc, etc.

    However what I've found over the last 7 years online is that you need TARGETED traffic in order to convert. The 2x best ways I've found to get this traffic is AdWords (I've had 1 million+ clicks now) and SEO traffic... especially page #1 of Google.

    Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author singhavn
    There are many ways to get free traffic which has been discussed above like article marketing, blog commenting, forum marketing etc. For paid traffic, In the beginning go for ppc like adwords and adcenter only and start doing seo side by side. Later on you can add media buy as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacmille
    There are different ways to get traffic like article, social marketing, blog commenting, word press and facebook. you can increase traffic using Alexa.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    Use highly effective and diversified traffic sources .
    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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    • Profile picture of the author ricky321

      There are many techniques to get genuine traffic on your website such as blogging, article marketing, video marketing, Social networking, classified posting, forum posting/yahoo answer, commenting, press releases, Social bookmarking, social page ( Hubpage and Squidoo) creation and PPC (if you have the budget) etc.

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