Seriously? - For BIG Bucks Is It Really About Having A Big List!

37 replies
I got asked this question by one of my subscribers today!

I actually thought it was a really good question!

the answer to that questions is a BIG FAT ...YES....and NO...

So let me explain.

Traditionally someone will tell you to get out there and find as many leads as you can...and add them to your list as quick as you can. Then just send emails to them. Lots of emails and they SHOULD buy! ? Well should they?

While it sounds good, its not very good advice.

Here is where I have had the most success over the years with my listbuilding.

Here is what i think it is REALLY...all about!

1) Getting people on your list by giving away high value content.

2) Let there be some sort of transparency between you and your subscribers.

3) Build a long term relationship with them and create fans, do not just think of them as a number that should eventually buy your stuff.

4) Be a problem solver. I have always made more money when I helped solve peoples problems.

5) HAVE SOME FUN!... dont make things monotonous. Have fun, and test and track stuff. That is where the real money is i think.

Doing these five things will bring you sales, but the mentality of the prospect then changes from "oh great this idiot is spamming me again" to get them thinking they are happy to pay what you are REALLY WORTH! That is so crucial i belive.

Always remember that quality is always more important than quantity. My mentor once showed me something very AMAZING!. When i first met him, i thought he had a gazillion people on his list, but to my amazement he said LOOK! and showed me that he only had a list of about 4000 people. He nodded and says, yes, I do not need a list of 300k or 1 million. While that is good, he explain the whole way he grew his business was to aim for 5 subscribers a day, high quality subscribers and nuture them. Treat them on email, like you would a best friend.

In January along this year 2011 with this 4300 numbered list he did a launch and make $112,000 in sales. He was actually disappointed LOL....but not really, as he was really more amazed of the response he got with such a small sized list.

Just goes to show you ...YES the money is in the LIST!!! but really there is more money in the RELATIONSHIP you have with the list. The better the relationship, the better the open rate and PROFITS you will make in the long run.

Just my two cents.

Here cheers To your online profits!
#big #bucks #list
  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    As usual Celente you have great advice! Thanks for sharing this! I think each point made is very important to building a good solid, profitable list!
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  • Profile picture of the author TylerRWS
    Excellent post, Celente!

    Especially, point #5. So many marketers takes this stuff way too seriously. They don't know how to kick back and have a lil' fun!

    Even in the way people write, you can tell those who truly enjoy what they're doing.

    If you're not enjoying your IM career really any different from any other job you've had in the past?

    Once agian...great points, Celente!
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by SimpleTravis View Post

      Excellent post, Celente!

      Especially, point #5. So many marketers takes this stuff way too seriously. They don't know how to kick back and have a lil' fun!

      Even in the way people write, you can tell those who truly enjoy what they're doing.

      If you're not enjoying your IM career really any different from any other job you've had in the past?

      Once agian...great points, Celente!

      think frank kern. Not only does he make money, but he has fun doing it. Heck even if he is not having fun, he sure has a good way of faking it on camera.

      Plus he shows how making mistakes is a cool just means you are NORMAL, not a suit and tie buffon screaming buy my SH!T lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior AllStars
    Seriously? - For BIG Bucks Is It Really About Having A Big List!
    Um...actually I think this is also true for little bucks as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author NoelleGrandison
    My next step in my online business is to start building my list, and I love this post. The people I read from are the ones I feel a personal connection with.

    They've shared their successes and failures with me as a subscriber, and while they will promote products to me, I always feel like they've got my best interest in mind. I've long unsubscribed from people that send nothing but promotion after promotion. If I instantly roll my eyes when I see who the email is from, they've lost me as a subscriber!

    The fun aspect isn't something I really considered before. It is important to keep having fun with our IM ventures. After all, what the heck are we doing it for if we don't enjoy it?

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  • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
    Makes me want to start build a list too... thank you for the nice tips.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by ca3s4r View Post

      Makes me want to start build a list too... thank you for the nice tips.
      OMG you mean you do not have a list.

      Get off your butt and do it double time, I mean do it yesterday LOL.

      The results are staggering when you start to do this. I was amazed and I do not class myself as a guru at all (if there is such a word)

      Seriously I dare you to try one or two of these tactics I mention. I am sure it will help your business in some sort of way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Halloran
    I really love the way Frank Kern markets, I believe everyone can learn from him. Relationships are key

    It's not what you know, it's who you know.

    Stop thinking only about helping yourself achieve your goals, and start thinking helping others help you achieve your collective goals.

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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Kern is good and funny. His transparency is also refreshing such as lines like "blatant affiliate link". This makes me laugh. I know it's an affiliate link, and that's cool; but the fact he makes a joke about it is even cooler.

    Celente, thanks for the great info. I'm slowly building a focused list and get great feedback. It's in a smaller niche so will not number into 100s of thousands. But knowing that a small, responsive list works well is music to my ears.

    I was slow to get into listbuilding partly because I seldom opened emails I received. But, there are a few marketers whose emails I do open (and even buy), which told me that if done well, can work. It works on me, so I thought, I too can do it with my readers.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Originally Posted by celente View Post

    Just goes to show you ...YES the money is in the LIST!!! but really there is more money in the RELATIONSHIP you have with the list. The better the relationship, the better the open rate and PROFITS you will make in the long run.

    Just my two cents.
    Surely this is just common sense isn't it?

    Why would anyone think that ignoring the relationship with your customers/readers is the best way to make money?

    I've never cared about the size of my list and in fact I've never really even tried to 'build a list' as I believe your focus should be on how you're trying to help people rather than how many of them you get that help to. If your product/service is good and you market it well - people will spread the word for you.

    'List building' is something people usually do when their focus is on money rather than people.

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Phil Halloran
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Surely this is just common sense isn't it?

      Why would anyone think that ignoring the relationship with your customers/readers is the best way to make money?

      I've never cared about the size of my list and in fact I've never really even tried to 'build a list' as I believe your focus should be on how you're trying to help people rather than how many of them you get that help to. If your product/service is good and you market it well - people will spread the word for you.

      'List building' is something people usually do when their focus is on money rather than people.
      Wise words. However common sense is something the majority of people lack it seems. It's not so 'common' anymore.

      It's not what you know, it's who you know.

      Stop thinking only about helping yourself achieve your goals, and start thinking helping others help you achieve your collective goals.

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      • Profile picture of the author oDigger
        Been in list refinement mode as of late. Thanks for the advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Thank you!

    I preach this all the time! I hate the "churn and burn" list building method that is so popular right now...

    I rant about this every chance I get!

    Yes adswapping EVERYDAY will make you have a big list fast... But YOU WILL BURN THAT LIST UP unless you are VERY CAREFUL!

    There are some marketers (very few) and can use this method very successfully, but for most people this method will simply not work...

    I fell into this when I first started in IM and Burned a Good List up, even though it double in size, it was LESS responsive that the original list...

    So I scrapped that and started over! Now I never swap more than twice a week, but normally once every two weeks...

    If you want your list to buy you have to make them listen to you! If they aren't listening then they aren't buying! If you bombard them with promos and ad swaps they will stop listening... If your lucky they will unsubscribe, but they will likely just keep ignoring you...

    Celente Speaks The Truth! Build a relationship with your list and watch the money pile up
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  • Profile picture of the author blueberries
    wow, that is so true. quality, value and relationship is King. wow that's all of money your friend made.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by blueberries View Post

      wow, that is so true. quality, value and relationship is King. wow that's all of money your friend made.
      yes, he is my friend and mentor and i still speak with him regularly.

      He is launching another product in June, and by the look of it, there are already people asking if they buy it now. LOL!

      He has showed me many tricks and secrets on how to nurture you list, but realistically it is offering 4/5 content and then 1/5 full on plugs, products or offers. That is what he does.

      Talks very low of the gurus blasting their list 2 times a day just with offers.

      It is quite funny, since doing this myself and incorporating these strategies into my business my profits have gone up. Yes, less promotions and more profits. I can thank the direct correlation of building long term subscribers that want good quality info and only pay me if I deliver the goods I guess. That is a fair deal I think!
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        yes, he is my friend and mentor and i still speak with him regularly.

        He is launching another product in June, and by the look of it, there are already people asking if they buy it now. LOL!

        He has showed me many tricks and secrets on how to nurture you list, but realistically it is offering 4/5 content and then 1/5 full on plugs, products or offers. That is what he does.

        Talks very low of the gurus blasting their list 2 times a day just with offers.

        It is quite funny, since doing this myself and incorporating these strategies into my business my profits have gone up. Yes, less promotions and more profits. I can thank the direct correlation of building long term subscribers that want good quality info and only pay me if I deliver the goods I guess. That is a fair deal I think!
        As time goes by, I think this approach will result in even greater profitability, simply because so many marketers don't want to take the time and effort to connect with their subscribers and deliver real value in their emails!

        By delivering value and truly benefiting your subscribers, instead of constantly bombarding them with promotions, you'll stick out like a sore thumb and they'll come to appreciate you for your different and refreshing approach. Too many marketers have resorted to the "burn and churn" approach, and you'll really get a chance to turn that list into an enormously profitable one just by helping them.

        By the way, your mentor really did well with that small 4,000 subscriber list of his - not many marketers would have been able to monetize that into a six figure sum over the course of a year!

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  • Profile picture of the author CPA Andrew
    Having a 7 figure income relation is major if you can get that the rest falls in place!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    To answer the question posed by the thread title: No. There plenty of BIG lists that convert like crap, and many very small lists that convert like gangbusters. Not only that, but its more about margin than it is about rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author mach12324
    yes i think you are right and the information you have provided is really helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Sorrell
      So, this mentor made around $25 per subscriber on a product launch in January? I just find that a little hard to believe.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Dominic
        Originally Posted by Chris Sorrell View Post

        So, this mentor made around $25 per subscriber on a product launch in January? I just find that a little hard to believe.
        Skeptics... :rolleyes:
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        • Profile picture of the author Chris Sorrell
          Originally Posted by Michael Dominic View Post

          Skeptics... :rolleyes:
          It's just simple maths. If the product is around $50 then he would need to make over 2000 sales with a list of 4300. I doubt the open rate would be anywhere near 50%, let alone the conversion rate. Just an observation. Bear in mind that marketers who can achieve around $3-$4 per subscriber are pretty much at the top of the pile, so $25 per subscriber? Like I said, just a mathematical observation.
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          • Profile picture of the author celente
            Originally Posted by Chris Sorrell View Post

            It's just simple maths. If the product is around $50 then he would need to make over 2000 sales with a list of 4300. I doubt the open rate would be anywhere near 50%, let alone the conversion rate. Just an observation. Bear in mind that marketers who can achieve around $3-$4 per subscriber are pretty much at the top of the pile, so $25 per subscriber? Like I said, just a mathematical observation.
            No you have no idea of what you forgot about. He had a great niche, he helps them out daily, not plugs idiotic messages and sales plugs daily. He had a backend system, and then he also offered coaching.

            Do you not know about funnels? probably not?

            All these combined made him this money. But when you see what he does each day, he sure does deserve that money. People rave on about yada yada, per subscriber. 1 subscriber is worth hundreds of dollars to you if they stay and purchases from you. Not just 3 or 4 dollars.
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Dominic
            Originally Posted by Chris Sorrell View Post

            It's just simple maths. If the product is around $50 then he would need to make over 2000 sales with a list of 4300. I doubt the open rate would be anywhere near 50%, let alone the conversion rate. Just an observation. Bear in mind that marketers who can achieve around $3-$4 per subscriber are pretty much at the top of the pile, so $25 per subscriber? Like I said, just a mathematical observation.
            I'm not exactly sure what the product was, but what if it was being sold for around $200? Or $1,000? How about $5,000?
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      • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
        Originally Posted by Chris Sorrell View Post

        So, this mentor made around $25 per subscriber on a product launch in January? I just find that a little hard to believe.
        I don't - my offline consultancy was super busy in January with business owners wanting to kick start their marketing. So its very feasible for people to drop that Christmas gift money into learning and gaining new knowledge to help them with their goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    yes you can belive all you want. The thing is, I learnt from the best when I started online. My thought strategy was to learn from those that made big mistakes, so I would not make their same mistakes.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Clark
      To the OP,

      My thought process is a little different. The money is a benchmark for how well you are doing helping other people get what they want. If there is a secret, helping other people is the way to go.

      Having been around for a few years, the way things are taught and the way they work in the real world is not the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Racine

    I completely agree with your thoughts. Having a big list is not enough in my mind, you must have a responsive list. I'll take 1000 responsive people over 10000 unresponsive ones any day of the week!


    Follow me on my blog John Racine Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    It's not the SIZE of it, but how you USE it.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author uleesgold
    An experienced internet marketer once said to me:
    "opt in lists is money in the bank"
    "twitter and facebook marketing is money in the bank"

    email lists is something that I have yet to experience, however.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by uleesgold View Post

      An experienced internet marketer once said to me:
      "opt in lists is money in the bank"
      "twitter and facebook marketing is money in the bank"

      email lists is something that I have yet to experience, however.
      still do not believe people are not creating lists.

      If you are not doing this, you are leaving massive amounts of money on the table.

      I know because the 1st month I started creating a list it changed the whole way i did business and i got some really awesome results.
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  • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
    Awesome, I think I should really start focusing on building a list...I always thought that I was not ready to do it but I think that if I want to take my business to the next level I should act now...

    Also the launch your friend did, was it in the IM niche? Because I dont know but it seems that big launches can only be made in the IM I wrong?
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  • Profile picture of the author BenBrandes
    Definitely agree it's about the quality not quantity, I see it all the time, people with a huge list being utperformed by someone with a list 10 times smaller. It's about the leads being fresh and looking after them and building that relationship while giving good quality content and being honest.

    I see a lot of people constantly promoting launches, they're basically giving their quality leads away to the owner of the product they're promoting.

    You'll also find if someone launches a product, then does an affiliate promotion afterwards they will quite often win the affiliate content - why? Because they have the fresh list of leads. The more they promote the less responsive they list becomes so then they need to do a new launch.

    FusionHQ Affiliate Manager

    FusionHQ - Drag and Drop Marketing Platform For Non-Techies.
    Everything you need in one, easy to use location.

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  • Profile picture of the author omk
    I agree totally. Bottom line, it's about having a targeted, responsive list. A list that actually wants to read what you have to say and is eager to buy!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    That is it OMG.

    Over the last few years, my own lists are not only building but getting more targeted.

    The way you do this is choose you traffic wisely.

    I would rather get 100 subscribers that are warmed up and from highly targeted location from around the web, other than get 10,000 people on my list who are just fuddy duddies stumbling past and just decided that they should subscribe. There is a world of difference between the two.
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