Your building your list wrong...

by Coby
49 replies
Hey Warriors,

I came to a realization lately about list building and it has opened my eyes...

I guess I really knew this all along I just hadn't been taking much action on it until recently...

Now, this isn't really a "new" concept but it's worth reminding everyone...

Buyers!! Build your list with Buyers!!

Yes, buyers are so much more responsive and valuable to a list owner than anything else... Find your buyers and treat them like gold!

How do I find buyers?
  • Offer 100% commission (WSO pro is great for this!)
  • JV with others to put your product or squeeze page on their Download page in exchange for the same (this is the download page of a PAID product, not a freebie)
  • Dimesales! (again WSO pro - PaySpree is an option also)
I have been focusing on these 3 lately and WOW what a difference!

My list is still growing at about the same rate, but it's worth SO MUCH MORE! It's great too because I can now focus on providing more valuable content to them rather than trying to make more sales because I know THEY WILL BUY when I need them too...

Now how do you find the buyers on your list already? SEGMENT THEM!!

Find the buyers, get them on a separate buyers list and PROTECT THEM!

How can I find the buyers?
  • Always offer a paid offer after opt-in for a freebie
  • Offer low priced products (even a $1) to get them on the buyers list
  • Keep educating them so you can convert them into buyers later
What not to do:
  • Bombard the list with adwaps
  • Blast promo after promo
  • Be too lazy to segment the buyers
Yes you should market the "freebie" list more aggressively but do remember they are still a "prospect"! Just because they haven't bought yet doesn't mean they don't still have value...

Hope this helps someone What is working for you?
#building #buyers #buyers list #list #wrong
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815375].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by misterkailo View Post

      I think JV #2 that you listed there is the best one.
      I agree! This is also surprisingly probably the easiest one to accomplish...

      However, make sure the product you are promoting on your own download page is a quality product! Don't take any old product just to get a JV. You will be glad you did this in the long run. Protect your reputation otherwise any list is worthless!
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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    I agree to that. Your name is more important than worrying about a few quick bucks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophia Berlynn
    Thanks Coby. I am a 100% newbie on internet marketing business. Your guide have just summrized everything, and make it more systematic for me right now =)
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  • Profile picture of the author 60MinuteAffiliate
    that's very insightful thanks for sharing that.

    last month i put a list strategy in place where i provide a daily video for about 7 days which doesn't sell them a single them, every day they get educated and on the very last day i present them with the offer and i gotta say i've been getting insane conversions.

    my sales went up 300 percent easy with this tactic last month.



    Want To Learn How To Make 7K A Month In Minutes A Day?

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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by 60MinuteAffiliate View Post

      that's very insightful thanks for sharing that.

      last month i put a list strategy in place where i provide a daily video for about 7 days which doesn't sell them a single them, every day they get educated and on the very last day i present them with the offer and i gotta say i've been getting insane conversions.

      my sales went up 300 percent easy with this tactic last month.


      I also utilize this same concept with one of my lists and I agree it can be very powerful! In some niches that technique alone can pretty much write your ticket to getting people eating out of your hand!

      Maybe you should try a little twist to what your doing by offering them a product after opt-in for a small price then you move the buyers to a separate list and then they still get the week of videos (which you know converts) and then you would simply pitch a higher priced product (also more valuable) to the group that have already raised their and and said "ohhh I wanna buy"....

      Think of it this way....

      Lets say you get 100 opt-ins a week (just using an easy number) and after
      that week your getting half of them to take the product your promoting. That is awesome! 50% conversion. Now pretend its a $10 product, you just made $500 for the week, again awesome...

      Now lets look at the next scenario where you segment the buyers immediately...

      Same number of opt-ins for the week- 100. Pretend 25 percent take the special $7 offer at opt-in and get moved to the buyers list...

      You send the normal week of videos and get your same conversion (50%) but now you pitch a $20 dollar product to the "buyers" list and the same $10 product to the non -buyers list...

      So 50% conversion of the buyers list - 12 sales @ $20 - $240
      For the non buyers - 50% of 75 - 33 sales @ 10 - $330

      So you would make $50 more for the end of the week pitch and your probably thinking thts a lot of work for just $50 extra...

      But we didn't add in the 25 sales of the special offer. 25 x 7 - $175

      So grand total for the week would be $725 - $225 more for just a tad bit more work - thats almost a %50 improvement....

      Food for thought
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  • Profile picture of the author webmaster1742
    yea, buyer list is great, but to have buyers list - u need regular list first...
    By the way you interested of ad swap?
    Clickbank premium Apex member ( CB top 100 affiliates )
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by webmaster1742 View Post

      yea, buyer list is great, but to have buyers list - u need regular list first...
      By the way you interested of ad swap?
      Clickbank premium Apex member ( CB top 100 affiliates )
      One way around this is to Find a product owner and offer them a really sweet product that they can give their customers for free. They place it on their download page and you get the opt-in.

      Another twist is to offer a report they can add in as a bonus to the actually product then include a link to a squeeze page inside.

      Now, yes, these aren't "your buyers" but they are proven buyers none the less and if you treat them right they will def return the favor
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  • Profile picture of the author markmethew
    i had been doing it from past few months and my business is working great with 100+ % every month
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  • Profile picture of the author BDubC
    Originally Posted by Coby View Post

    Hey Warriors,

    How can I find the buyers?
    • Always offer a paid offer after opt-in for a freebie
    • Offer low priced products (even a $1) to get them on the buyers list
    Hope this helps someone What is working for you?
    That's good stuff right there, I haven't really focused on trying to separate my list, cause I didn't have a way of doing it.
    Don't try to find a shortcut, when you don't even know where your going.

    Why do people get paid to take a survey? How do you get paid to give one? Which is more profitable? WATCH this fascinating video of reverse engineering then building a simple survey. You Won't Believe What We Discovered!>>
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by BDubC View Post

      That's good stuff right there, I haven't really focused on trying to separate my list, cause I didn't have a way of doing it.
      Find a PLR report and jazz it up... Offer it to your list for $1 or $5 or $7 or whatever.

      You can use paypal and send them to an opt-in after payment, this is the opt-in for the "buyers" list. Then you just redirect them to the download page or send it via the first AR message.

      Just make sure you have the AR set up to remove them from the prospect list after opt-in to the buyers list.

      Of course there are easier ways to do this, but it's simple nonetheless
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Great points at first when I started list building I went with the the full free method.
    What did it get me?
    A bunch of freebie seekers who don't want to buy a thing.

    Theres a reason why these major clickbank launches actually build their list of buyers and end up making more money recommending other products then they did from their own launch.
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

      Sure, but what does it cost you to also send your mailshot to everyone else and not just your buyers?

      Perhaps if you have a maximum number of leads and it costs more monthly then that could be a problem. Luckily I am grandfathered on Aweber and don't have this limitation to contend with.
      Huh? I'm not sure what your saying?

      Originally Posted by SeanSupplee View Post

      Great points at first when I started list building I went with the the full free method.
      What did it get me?
      A bunch of freebie seekers who don't want to buy a thing.

      Theres a reason why these major clickbank launches actually build their list of buyers and end up making more money recommending other products then they did from their own launch.
      We all start out that way! That's why there are marketers with 15-20k list that only get 500 clicks...

      Yep, many marketers are using WSO's and CB to build huge buyers list! Dr. Alex revealed that he got over 4k on his buyers list in ONE MONTH using WSOs recently. There are others doing this and more every month...

      Really powerful stuff! Plus if you have good products you can't lose using this model of list building

      Of course it's too my advantage if everyone else keeps the "churn and burn" approach that is so popular these days
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      • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
        Glad to hear that you've learned an important distinction
        on effective and profitable list building.

        The money is really in the behavior of your list.

        Do they buy or do they not buy?

        That's the important thing to focus on.

        Sure, you need to develop a strong relationship too but
        make sure you're building a list of people who will become
        buyers and not just freebie seekers.

        I'd choose a buyers list of 1,000 over a 10,000 freebie seeker
        list every day of the week.

        Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    Sure, but what does it cost you to also send your mailshot to everyone else and not just your buyers?

    Perhaps if you have a maximum number of leads and it costs more monthly then that could be a problem. Luckily I am grandfathered on Aweber and don't have this limitation to contend with.
    Though it may not cost any more in money terms to
    e-mail the whole list rather than just they buyers, it
    does cost something else...

    Every time you send an e-mail to someone - whether
    they're a buyer or a prospect - you are interrupting
    their inbox and asking them to pay... attention.

    If you interrupt them too many times with less relevant
    content or offers, they may choose to screen you out
    and ignore your future e-mails - or even unsubscribe.

    One of the biggest list building mistakes is treating your
    list the same and sending them all the same message.

    Instead - I recommend segmenting your lists whenever
    possible so you can send highly relevant messages to
    more targeted subscribers (whether they are buyers or

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    Now there's a post folks should print out and tape on the wall next to their computer.
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    • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
      Great post.

      The only thing I'd be careful with is offering low priced products to build a buyer list if you intend to sell more expensive products later on to the list.

      If I want to make loads of sales at $99, ideally I'd want my buyer list to be filled with people who've paid at least $20 for the front-end product in most cases.

      Not $1 or $5 or $10, it's too much of a jump to $99...
      'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3815848].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Coby
        Originally Posted by oneplusone View Post

        Great post.

        The only thing I'd be careful with is offering low priced products to build a buyer list if you intend to sell more expensive products later on to the list.

        If I want to make loads of sales at $99, ideally I'd want my buyer list to be filled with people who've paid at least $20 for the front-end product in most cases.

        Not $1 or $5 or $10, it's too much of a jump to $99...
        I agree, the small amounts are just to find the buyers... In my own list building I have funnels set... Ie start with a $1, move to a $7-17 the $27-47, etc...

        Haven't gotten passed the $47 mark yet I'm working towards $97 and I'll get there soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Originally Posted by Coby View Post

    Hey Warriors,

    I came to a realization lately about list building and it has opened my eyes...

    I guess I really knew this all along I just hadn't been taking much action on it until recently...

    Now, this isn't really a "new" concept but it's worth reminding everyone...

    Buyers!! Build your list with Buyers!!

    Yes, buyers are so much more responsive and valuable to a list owner than anything else... Find your buyers and treat them like gold!

    How do I find buyers?
    • Offer 100% commission (WSO pro is great for this!)
    • JV with others to put your product or squeeze page on their Download page in exchange for the same (this is the download page of a PAID product, not a freebie)
    • Dimesales! (again WSO pro - PaySpree is an option also)
    I have been focusing on these 3 lately and WOW what a difference!

    My list is still growing at about the same rate, but it's worth SO MUCH MORE! It's great too because I can now focus on providing more valuable content to them rather than trying to make more sales because I know THEY WILL BUY when I need them too...

    Now how do you find the buyers on your list already? SEGMENT THEM!!

    Find the buyers, get them on a separate buyers list and PROTECT THEM!

    How can I find the buyers?
    • Always offer a paid offer after opt-in for a freebie
    • Offer low priced products (even a $1) to get them on the buyers list
    • Keep educating them so you can convert them into buyers later
    What not to do:
    • Bombard the list with adwaps
    • Blast promo after promo
    • Be too lazy to segment the buyers
    Yes you should market the "freebie" list more aggressively but do remember they are still a "prospect"! Just because they haven't bought yet doesn't mean they don't still have value...

    Hope this helps someone What is working for you?
    This is one of the best posts I have read in teh last 2 weeks.

    Great stuff brother.
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  • Profile picture of the author spiders1980
    Thanks to share it ,will try to follow it
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  • Profile picture of the author jrpt

    Fantastic post. As a fairly new affiliate marketer its always helpful to get good food for thought. I do have a couple of questions to follow up:
    1. What can you offer for $1 or $2 that people will truly buy and consider useful? Most people can see right through a jazzed up PLR offer which should be free anyway. If I buy a $2 piece of junk thinking it was something more useful before purchasing, I would personally ignore further emails.
    2. You mentioned somehow automatically using aweber to delete one from the FREE list when they join the Buy list. For us aweber novices can u plz explain how this is done?
    3. Do you use double or single optin for your forms and if single, ever have a problem with delivery to Spam box?
    4. What type of autoresponder series do you use to get the large conversions? # of followups etc.

    Thanks for the help.


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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by jrpt View Post


      Fantastic post. As a fairly new affiliate marketer its always helpful to get good food for thought. I do have a couple of questions to follow up:
      1. What can you offer for $1 or $2 that people will truly buy and consider useful? Most people can see right through a jazzed up PLR offer which should be free anyway. If I buy a $2 piece of junk thinking it was something more useful before purchasing, I would personally ignore further emails.
      2. You mentioned somehow automatically using aweber to delete one from the FREE list when they join the Buy list. For us aweber novices can u plz explain how this is done?
      3. Do you use double or single optin for your forms and if single, ever have a problem with delivery to Spam box?
      4. What type of autoresponder series do you use to get the large conversions? # of followups etc.

      Thanks for the help.

      Hey JR,

      I will try to answer your questions as best as possible...

      1.) When I say "Jazz it up" I mean it! Make it a quality product! PLR can be a great 'skeleton' to work from. Especially when you first start and your kinda confused about how to go about things. You can also do a case study or offer them a service. I've even used products I already sell and marked them down to super low prices just to figure out who ACTUALLY wants and IS ABLE to buy...

      2.) I don't use Aweber anymore, I know use Imnica, but I will try my best to recall...

      With Aweber, you should be able to go into the list settings tab and there are rows, each one has a line that says something like "Unsubscribe to this list upon subscribing to "xxx""

      There are many variations, with Imnica is it pretty simple too. There is a "settings" tab and there are areas that do that same as above with aweber.

      Downside is with Imnica you can only subscribe or unsubscribe them to ONE other list whereas with Aweber you can set it up to remove/add from multiple lists... But this hasn't really made much of a difference for me.

      3.) 80% of the time I use single opt-in and I don't have any problems with spam complaints. I actually rarely get spam complaints. There are a few bounces, but nothing out of the ordinary. In fact when I was with Aweber I got bounces like crazy sometimes (they fixed that but I have heard from others that its happening again).

      If people are going to give you a fake email address you don't want them on your list anyway. 99% of the time I send the download to their email address. So wrong email, no freebie, lol.

      However, when building a buyers list THEY ALWAYS GIVE YOU THE RIGHT EMAIL (well, 99.9%) and more often than not it is their PAYPAL EMAIL address.

      I know that I always check my paypal email address... I've had it longer than I have been internet marketing, lol.

      4.) I don't really have 'set' sequence. Some lists get a few AR messages then thats it. I have 2 lists where I offer 6 or 7 day e-courses. One for affiliate marketing and one for list building. Some AR sequences go on for months and are mostly just information with a few promos lightly sprinkled in.

      However, I do lots of broadcasts to my lists. I will do a swap once or twice a week to the freebie lists and then fill the gaps with info and bonuses (which the buyers get too, BUT NO ADSWAPS TO BUYERS EVER!!). Then offer a promo for a good product ever so often, maybe once a week or so.

      I hope I have helped answer your questions.
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  • Yes, really a great post. It basically summarize a lot of knowledge for list building. I am actually at this right now and just moving out from the first experimental phase (just to get used with aweber)..
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Coby, there's no denying that a list of buyers is more valuable than a simple opt-in list. Ask any direct mail list broker; it isn't just an online phenomena.

      On the other hand, a simple opt-in list can be valuable as well. Most people just need to tweak a couple of things...

      > Any freebie you offer should be a bonus for taking action, not the reason for taking action. The list's content should be the reason for opting in.

      Too many people focus on selling the freebie to get the optin, then wonder why all they have are freebie hunters.

      Which leads to...

      > You need to set the proper expectations right from the start. Tell people upfront that you will be directing them to offers of things for sale, things that you believe will help them achieve what they wanted to achive by signing up. Then live up to those expectations.
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  • Profile picture of the author smackey1
    This is a great post. However, Where does one find the JV partners. I have e-mailed a few people and didn't even rater a response or a no thank you from them. I find it very frustrating that many marketers say they will do this or offer this technique when they sell products, but when you ask them, sometimes, you don't even get a response.

    And, in order to segment your buyers from looky-lous, one must need buyers, first.
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    • Profile picture of the author manctofu
      As an IM newbie this post, in fact this entire thread, has really opened my eyes about what a list really means.
      Thanks so much for the invaluable information.
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  • Profile picture of the author pmbrent
    You are absolutely right about this, I will take a 10 member "paid" list over a 1000 "free" list any day.
    Who Else Wants to Learn Everything About QR Codes AND How to Make From Them?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3817719].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I have found a quick way to screen out free loaders is by building lists from buyers of Clickbank products. This works extremely well as CB has so many niches (I steer clear of all IM products) to choose from. All my lists are buyers only, and I hit them up with progressively higher end products (for example Amazon) in the sales sequence.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Racine
    Hi Coby,

    I could not agree with you more. I have tried building lists in the past but always focused on the free optins. Once I started focusing on active buyers, boy have things changed!!

    I also agree in offering 100% commissions. I have taken up that tactic with my new product. I have not created a backend product yet, but once I do, I know I will make some money there.

    I would highly encourage everyone to follow this route, it will be way more profitable, more productive and provide more resposive subscribers!


    Follow me on my blog John Racine Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    Wise words Coby .Very Wise words . thanks for sharing . You are very right . You want a list of buyers not prospects .I like your strategies you know your stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen Sanford
    I can't even figure out how to build a list. Someone help.
    From the Heart,
    Ellen Sanford
    Home with Heart
    Buy or Sell Your Home

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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Great post, Coby. Definitely one of the better posts
    I've seen of late... quick, concise and helpful all at
    the same time.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
    Originally Posted by Coby View Post

    Your building your list wrong...

    The title should say:

    "You're building your list wrong..."
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Coby, there's no denying that a list of buyers is more valuable than a simple opt-in list. Ask any direct mail list broker; it isn't just an online phenomena.

      On the other hand, a simple opt-in list can be valuable as well. Most people just need to tweak a couple of things...

      > Any freebie you offer should be a bonus for taking action, not the reason for taking action. The list's content should be the reason for opting in.

      Too many people focus on selling the freebie to get the optin, then wonder why all they have are freebie hunters.

      Which leads to...

      > You need to set the proper expectations right from the start. Tell people upfront that you will be directing them to offers of things for sale, things that you believe will help them achieve what they wanted to achive by signing up. Then live up to those expectations.
      Your absolutely right! I forgot to mention this. I touched on it lightly but yes I do the same thing. These are the potential buyers, some just need to learn a little more or get to trust you a little more. That's all.

      I still treat my "freebie" list with respect. The only difference is they get adswaps as well, and I market to them a little more aggressively.

      Originally Posted by smackey1 View Post

      This is a great post. However, Where does one find the JV partners. I have e-mailed a few people and didn't even rater a response or a no thank you from them. I find it very frustrating that many marketers say they will do this or offer this technique when they sell products, but when you ask them, sometimes, you don't even get a response.

      And, in order to segment your buyers from looky-lous, one must need buyers, first.
      Don't worry, just keep contacting. Someone will say yes. Don't get frustrated if they don't reply, oftentimes they are so swamped with stuff. Don't give up, someone will say yes eventually.

      Originally Posted by jracine690 View Post

      Hi Coby,

      I could not agree with you more. I have tried building lists in the past but always focused on the free optins. Once I started focusing on active buyers, boy have things changed!!

      I also agree in offering 100% commissions. I have taken up that tactic with my new product. I have not created a backend product yet, but once I do, I know I will make some money there.

      I would highly encourage everyone to follow this route, it will be way more profitable, more productive and provide more resposive subscribers!

      Yes, this was the game changer for me too!

      Originally Posted by Ellen Sanford View Post

      I can't even figure out how to build a list. Someone help.
      Read all info above this...

      Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

      The title should say:

      "You're building your list wrong..."
      Sorry! I'm an Internet Marketer, not an English Major... However, as a marketer I do try to focus on subjects that get attention... So I guess it worked Thanks for adding value to the thread, I'm sure many people benefited from this :p
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
    I built a nice list of buyers by taking my product and giving it away for free to some marketers to add to their membership site. That really does work well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by mikeroosa View Post

      I built a nice list of buyers by taking my product and giving it away for free to some marketers to add to their membership site. That really does work well.
      Yes! That's a great idea! That's a creative spin on the Thank You Page Swap...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3822793].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RichardF
    Great idea mikeroosa, gonna have to write that one down

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3884212].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ShelbyC
    Great post, with lot's of great ideas, all very simple and actionable.

    I just picked up an interview series on list building from Michael Senhoff and Ben Settle and it ties right in with this.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrelosa
    Setting up the right squeeze page can increase your conversion rate of up to 40%, too. So try different formats of squeeze page until you get it right.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3884276].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I found tips like you posted in here sold for around $150 (If I wasn't wrong), it's simple but killer tips for email marketing.

    I like email marketing, simple and straight business. Have autoresponder, then we're on the business. =)

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3897471].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

      I found tips like you posted in here sold for around $150 (If I wasn't wrong), it's simple but killer tips for email marketing.

      I like email marketing, simple and straight business. Have autoresponder, then we're on the business. =)
      Thank You Very Much Sir I try to always provide value to this forum... even though sometimes people disagree with it .... (must mean I'm giving away the good stuff)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3898235].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSchoemann
    I agree with you. Buyers will be more likely to buy from you in future if they were satisfied with their initial or subsequent purchases.
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Originally Posted by Coby View Post

    Buyers!! Build your list with Buyers!!
    Absolutely correct!

    And why on earth are you publishing a WSO that teaches something else???

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3897662].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      Absolutely correct!

      And why on earth are you publishing a WSO that teaches something else???
      Not everyone has the ability or desire to create their own product, set up an affiliate program, set up a site, etc. In order to be able to build a list of buyers... Or the technical knowledge or financial means to invest in outsourcing the set up of a proper buyers funnel...

      Before you can teach advanced concepts don't your first need to teach the basics?

      I also published a WSO on traffic...
      I also published a WSO on domains...
      I also published a WSO on affiliate marketing...

      Not sure what your aim was with this post? This post was made several weeks before publishing the WSO you're referring to...

      Besides why would I make a WSO about building buyers list when I lay everything out here???

      I teach many things HP - perhaps this discussion should be via PM?

      Please try to provide value with each post!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3898194].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gregg
    Great content… I would like to add to it…. but you have covered all the bases so I will just say nice post and thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3898106].message }}

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