Some People Are Just "Lucky"

29 replies
I have spent thousands creating my own products, promoting Clickbank and other electronic products, use pay per click and seo to drive targeted traffic along with article marketing. I've never made more than $100 online from my years of effort. How come people can come on here and make good money and others don't and the ones that don't put in more hard work than the ones that do?

I've paid for the War Room and read all the PDF files put it to work, downloaded all the programs and still no sales or revenue. I'm beginning to think allot of people on here who claim to make a living on here are either lying or incredibly lucky.

Let me give you an example of my recent luck. I pay over $80 to promote my ad on Flippa. I'm selling a unique niche site and a professionally designed sales page that comes with the niche site. The site get's SEO traffic, I paid over $700 for the programming and the design of the sales page. Similar new startups on Clickbank for just a sales page and unique product with no traffic or sales sale for around $800 routinely, mine, my main site and sales page couldn't even fetch more than $200 in bids and it closed with no sale.

Does anyone believe in being unlucky? I mean I've tried everything on this site to make a living and nothing and I mean nothing has worked for me
#lucky #people
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

    First recommendation: Go to Amazon and order a copy of Richard Wiseman's book, "The Luck Factor." Read it.

    Second: Realize that action isn't enough. It does you no good to run faster if you're running in the wrong direction. You need to figure out why certain things work, and which parts you're not getting quite right. Once you grasp that, you'll see that it's not luck at all. Just understanding.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author JamieSEO
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post


      First recommendation: Go to Amazon and order a copy of Richard Wiseman's book, "The Luck Factor." Read it.

      Second: Realize that action isn't enough. It does you no good to run faster if you're running in the wrong direction. You need to figure out why certain things work, and which parts you're not getting quite right. Once you grasp that, you'll see that it's not luck at all. Just understanding.

      Excellent advice from Paul. Although it is possible for "luck" to help someone in the short term, it just does not happen long term.

      Much of success is based on trial and error. Try something out, keep what works and ditch what doesn't.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jermaine Tabor
    Is there any demand for the products you created?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
      I find niche products in the Self Help category and do research to find their is a demand. I get allot of people who click on my banners and use my sites but no one buys.

      Originally Posted by Jermaine Tabor View Post

      Is there any demand for the products you created?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jermaine Tabor
        Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

        I find niche products in the Self Help category and do research to find their is a demand. I get allot of people who click on my banners and use my sites but no one buys.
        If the demand is there then it sound like you have a copy problem.

        Do you have testimonials for your products? If not you can give
        some copies away in exchange for reviews/testimonials.
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  • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN
    Honestly I don't believe in being unlucky.
    Well, in your situation it sounds pretty unlucky, however, you should agree that it's not every time about the time work, sometimes it's time of good and bad work.
    I don't say that you made a bad work, what I just wanted to say is that not everyone knows how to be an internet marketer. Like me for example, a lawyer or dancer. No matter how badly I want it I would never achieve anything in those things.
    You just need to find your niche, where you are the best at. Maybe it's the same internet marketing, just you are good at particularly article writing or dealing with people (finding JV) or something else.
    Wish you best luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3832491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
      Go through Flippa there are allot of sites up there where people just throw up a blog, tons of spelling errors no design and all and they throw a couple affiliate links and they sell the blog with no traffic or revenue for $10,000 and they get a ton of bids, you can't tell me that's hard work

      I hire people on this forum that are supposed to be good internet marketers that do the marketing for me. They have excellent reviews and I do some of it myself.

      So i understand your point maybe it's me, but it's not me doing all the internet marketing but most of the work is outsourced to professionals. I've hired people from this site, from companies online that work for fortune 500 companies, i've done allot of work myself as well. I've never been sanboxed and my sites do get good traffic from my SEO and marketing work and you can't get more targeted traffic that I'm already getting

      Originally Posted by 2GRANN View Post

      Honestly I don't believe in being unlucky.
      Well, in your situation it sounds pretty unlucky, however, you should agree that it's not every time about the time work, sometimes it's time of good and bad work.
      I don't say that you made a bad work, what I just wanted to say is that not everyone knows how to be an internet marketer. Like me for example, a lawyer or dancer. No matter how badly I want it I would never achieve anything in those things.
      You just need to find your niche, where you are the best at. Maybe it's the same internet marketing, just you are good at particularly article writing or dealing with people (finding JV) or something else.
      Wish you best luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
        Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

        Go through Flippa there are allot of sites up there where people just throw up a blog, tons of spelling errors no design and all and they throw a couple affiliate links and they sell the blog with no traffic or revenue for $10,000 and they get a ton of bids, you can't tell me that's hard work

        I hire people on this forum that are supposed to be good internet marketers that do the marketing for me. They have excellent reviews and I do some of it myself.

        So i understand your point maybe it's me, but it's not me doing all the internet marketing but most of the work is outsourced to professionals. I've hired people from this site, from companies online that work for fortune 500 companies, i've done allot of work myself as well. I've never been sanboxed and my sites do get good traffic from my SEO and marketing work and you can't get more targeted traffic that I'm already getting
        Take a look at those sites with no proven revenue that are selling for $200 to $300 a pop with ease, and I can tell you the one thing that separates them from most is the SALES COPY.

        Trust me - I've seen heaps of sites that didn't look all that great, but the COPY made those sites appear like you just embarked on a hidden treasure that "no one else had seen or discovered yet".

        Like some others have said, there are a ton of factors that could be preventing you from getting over that next hurdle. From what it sounds like (and this is based off of your posts above), you seem to be all over the place - PPC to articles to product creation to site flipping and so on. You need to find ONE method that appeals to you and stick with it and tweak the heck out of it until you start to see results. THEN you can venture out and take a stab at other money making methods.
        Want to speed up your writing and save time?
        This book will show you how:
        --> Write Fast: 21 Powerful Ways to Cut Your Writing Time in Half! <--
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanT
    Well, I know there have been plenty of times I've felt "unlucky" and like the whole world was my enemy. I spent some time living out of my Jeep because I was so incredibly "unlucky" so I get where you're coming from. However it's not really all about "Luck" per say.

    First off YES there are times when people get straight up lucky and more or less stumble upon something that brings in some money. But then again like Paul said, who's to say they weren't already running in the right direction and just finally hit the right mark?

    I know for a fact there is money to be made all over the internet doing a ton of different things.

    For example, I offer writing services to Warriors and friends, that has consistently brought in hundreds, sometimes a couple thousand dollars, but consistently hundreds.

    I have sold some products that again brought in several hundred.

    I just recently closed a deal to build a website for $15,500 dollars. Now not ALL of that is mine as me and some friends are the ones building it but still I will see a nice chunk of it.

    I personally know someone that banks 5 figures a month by building VERY simple WordPress sites and promoting clickbank or amazon offers. I do this too but I don't see the return he has.

    It's there, it REALLY is. If what you've been doing isn't working then maybe you need to take a step back, forget what you've been stuffing your head full of and start from the beginning with fresh ideas. (new to you not new to the world) No reason to reinvent the wheel, we've already got it down.

    I'll give you a quick little "hint" right now that I can promise you will see AT LEAST one big payday.

    Setup an ad on this or other forums offering backlinking services.
    Find a good (or a few good) Fiverrs to do the work.
    Sell your service for like $50 and spend $5 to get it done.
    As you provide them the links, offer an upsell
    Complete SEO package with like FaceBook fan page, extra back links, videos etc for $1000. I've done similar things and seen big paydays. In fact there are some Warriors right here that will swear to six figure income doing something just like that.

    It's all here man and I promise you're not "unlucky"
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmoud Selman
    Hi Dave,
    Keep trying mate and just don't give up. just think about one thing, this must work for you and give you profits. Sadly there is many people claiming that they are making huge amount of money while that's not true just to sell some useless ideas or just expired methods. Believe me I bought some ebooks and courses that points to some websites that don't exist any more.
    Keep doing that you have to do to generate more traffic and keep the hard work to achieve your goals. You will sooner or later.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

    How come people can come on here and make good money and others don't and the ones that don't put in more hard work than the ones that do?
    You will only get speculation and opinions on this one.

    As for mine, I would say it has more to do with how people use their
    knowledge, or how well they understand and execute what they
    have learned.

    I've paid for the War Room and read all the PDF files put it to work, downloaded all the programs and still no sales or revenue. I'm beginning to think allot of people on here who claim to make a living on here are either lying or incredibly lucky.
    Your comments "seem" to imply an assumption, and I very well could be
    totally wrong, that simply reading or using "programs" will work or make
    you money. There is so much that is missing here that no one can really
    offer anything definitive in the way of a helpful explanation.

    Maybe some are lying. I do not believe in luck, but that's another topic.

    Does anyone believe in being unlucky?
    No, not at all. I would caution you about looking for comments, opinions
    and beliefs that will only serve to confirm your experiences or "possible"
    beliefs that you are unlucky.

    I mean I've tried everything on this site to make a living and nothing and I mean nothing has worked for me
    So far...

    If you want to pm me an example, such as the flippa sales page you bought
    or something you tried to sell, I'll be happy to take a look at it and offer
    more insights.

    There really are quite a lot of possible reasons for your various experiences,
    and some of them may have nothing to do with the mechanics of IM.

    Some will discard what I am about to say as "blah blah," to quote something
    written along similar lines not too long ago. Of course that is fine, too.

    But I will tell you if you cultivate the thought that you are unlucky, cannot
    succeed; essentially negative thought patterns, then that will tend to define
    your experiences. So forget the notion of being unlucky - if you want.

    Two people can read the same directions and implement them. One does well
    and the other does not. Lots of reasons why that happens.

    I highly recommend you post some of your work and ask for feedback. You just
    need to find out where the glitches are in what you are doing. That is all it is.
    You need feedback so you can correct those things, and keep doing that and
    giving it another shot.

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      Ken said: "But I will tell you if you cultivate the thought that you are unlucky, cannot succeed; essentially negative thought patterns, then that will tend to define your experiences. So forget the notion of being unlucky - if you want."

      Do not dismiss that. It is not some metaphysical process at work. It's your own brain trying to prove you right.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
      Here's a site I tried to sell on Flippa and ended yesterday

      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      You will only get speculation and opinions on this one.

      As for mine, I would say it has more to do with how people use their
      knowledge, or how well they understand and execute what they
      have learned.

      Your comments "seem" to imply an assumption, and I very well could be
      totally wrong, that simply reading or using "programs" will work or make
      you money. There is so much that is missing here that no one can really
      offer anything definitive in the way of a helpful explanation.

      Maybe some are lying. I do not believe in luck, but that's another topic.

      No, not at all. I would caution you about looking for comments, opinions
      and beliefs that will only serve to confirm your experiences or "possible"
      beliefs that you are unlucky.

      So far...

      If you want to pm me an example, such as the flippa sales page you bought
      or something you tried to sell, I'll be happy to take a look at it and offer
      more insights.

      There really are quite a lot of possible reasons for your various experiences,
      and some of them may have nothing to do with the mechanics of IM.

      Some will discard what I am about to say as "blah blah," to quote something
      written along similar lines not too long ago. Of course that is fine, too.

      But I will tell you if you cultivate the thought that you are unlucky, cannot
      succeed; essentially negative thought patterns, then that will tend to define
      your experiences. So forget the notion of being unlucky - if you want.

      Two people can read the same directions and implement them. One does well
      and the other does not. Lots of reasons why that happens.

      I highly recommend you post some of your work and ask for feedback. You just
      need to find out where the glitches are in what you are doing. That is all it is.
      You need feedback so you can correct those things, and keep doing that and
      giving it another shot.

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      • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
        Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

        Here's a site I tried to sell on Flippa and ended yesterday
        Hey Dave,

        Don't take what I am about to say as me being rude or anything. I am just being honest...

        Maybe you need to work smarter rather than harder. If this is the site you said you spent about $700 to create plus $80 on flippa promotion, then you are doing it all wrong. I am pretty sure I can develop something more attractive and effective than that with the use free tools in less than 10 hours.

        Did you do research on Flippa to see what people are buying?

        Your site's monetization method is selling a $1.99 per sale product with a bunch of assumptions and theories. Based on how you describe your site on your flippa sale pitch, truthfully, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for it. Sorry. It would take me about 25 sales to break even. And when that low traffic, that could take MONTHS!

        I sold a site on Flippa not too long ago.. In total, it cost me only $10 (I bought a domain on Blogger with free hosting). I got a free template, did some free advertising to get some traffic and adsense revenue. I sold it for $750:

        When it comes to Flippa, the amount of background work and money you put into creating a site doesn't mean squat. It's all about the end results that are being displayed.
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

        Here's a site I tried to sell on Flippa and ended yesterday...

        Hey Dave,

        Thanks for the url. Checked it out.

        That's basically very short sales copy and nothing else. As far as
        sales copy is concerned, it's severely lacking in very many ways. I
        am a copywriter and freelance writer.

        It's not worth 10% of what you wanted for it, in my opinion.

        I do know a lot about the subject matter of that site, though. What I
        would do is, first, make sure there's a healthy demand for those products
        in that market. Do your market research. Do you know how to do that?

        Next, turn it into a content blog with well written articles. Do proper site
        structure with seo in mind; make sure your categories reflect the kw's
        you want to target. Optimize each page using the seo plugin of your choice.

        Create a solid optin freebie for list building. Put it on the top of the right
        hand column.

        There are a lot of topics you can write about in that niche. So that's not
        a problem.

        Get a plugn or app so you can have a sales page for the products. Outsource
        the copywriting. You can find decent copywriters here who won't cost too
        much. Yes, that is a trade-off in a way unless you want to pay much more
        for better copywriters.

        Or, you can (maybe) find affiliate products to offer and skip what you are
        currently trying to sell. You could look into putting adsense on it - tastefully
        done. Maybe monetize with Amazon products if available, and I'm sure they
        have some for you.

        Take some time and get traffic to it. Try to get some kind of revenue going
        on it.

        Go through the sites for sale section in this forum. You'll find sites that are
        a lot better being sold for much less. Granted, a lot of them are PLR sites, but
        they look much nicer.

        Hope that helps.

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        • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
          How can I design this any better I'm very pleased with the design totalrelaxationkit

          I have all the info I can possibly provide on everything they are getting. I'm basically giving away everything 1 ebook is worth the price but I'm giving away hundreds of dollars in products.

          I've tried adsense I've been using adsense on my sites since adsense came out and in all over a decade I've made not enough money to make a withdrawal in well over 10 years over a plethora of sites that get very good traffic.

          I can't use adsense anymore because they only display public service ads because they never got the card they sent me to verify my identity and i tried getting another one and I haven't been able to get it. Their support is crap and I can't get my darn account verified.

          I've used adbrite and I made on average 25 cents a month

          I signed up for CPAlead because all the other networks turned me down. CPAlead froze my account and wont answer my support email so I deleted there ads from my site. That was my only chance to make money was to give away my products for free if they fill out a survey. But CPAlead is crap in my opinion and froze me account. I've sold file downloads for $1.99 a few of those in the course of two years since I had the site.

          Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

          Hey Dave,

          Thanks for the url. Checked it out.

          That's basically very short sales copy and nothing else. As far as
          sales copy is concerned, it's severely lacking in very many ways. I
          am a copywriter and freelance writer.

          It's not worth 10% of what you wanted for it, in my opinion.

          I do know a lot about the subject matter of that site, though. What I
          would do is, first, make sure there's a healthy demand for those products
          in that market. Do your market research. Do you know how to do that?

          Next, turn it into a content blog with well written articles. Do proper site
          structure with seo in mind; make sure your categories reflect the kw's
          you want to target. Optimize each page using the seo plugin of your choice.

          Create a solid optin freebie for list building. Put it on the top of the right
          hand column.

          There are a lot of topics you can write about in that niche. So that's not
          a problem.

          Get a plugn or app so you can have a sales page for the products. Outsource
          the copywriting. You can find decent copywriters here who won't cost too
          much. Yes, that is a trade-off in a way unless you want to pay much more
          for better copywriters.

          Or, you can (maybe) find affiliate products to offer and skip what you are
          currently trying to sell. You could look into putting adsense on it - tastefully
          done. Maybe monetize with Amazon products if available, and I'm sure they
          have some for you.

          Take some time and get traffic to it. Try to get some kind of revenue going
          on it.

          Go through the sites for sale section in this forum. You'll find sites that are
          a lot better being sold for much less. Granted, a lot of them are PLR sites, but
          they look much nicer.

          Hope that helps.

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          • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
            Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

            How can I design this any better I'm very pleased with the design totalrelaxationkit.

            While the graphics are nice, there isn't near enough copy to stress the benefits to the potential buyer. You need persuasive copy to engage your visitor and help draw them in. If you can put together a nice sales page with some slamming copy that basically tells the visitor "Hey - you NEED to buy this right now". Provide them with copy that makes them want to do nothing more than hit that "Order Now" button.

            Anyway, that's where I see things are lacking here, unless you have some good pre-sell content that you're directing visitors to BEFORE they get to this page. Still, I would consider doing some serious tweaking and add in copy and test, test and test some more.

            I wouldn't give up man. You've invested enough time into this that you may be closer to "getting it right" than you think. Sometimes, all it takes is one small thing to turn everything around.
            Want to speed up your writing and save time?
            This book will show you how:
            --> Write Fast: 21 Powerful Ways to Cut Your Writing Time in Half! <--
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
    Dave, buddy, I've read your problems - you get traffic. That's great. But now you need to analyze where the breakdown is.

    Is the traffic targeted? You could be getting and targeting all the wrong traffic.

    Is your website written with good copy? Sales/presales copy has more to do with success than you might think. In fact, it all hinges on your copy. Your ability to sell.

    Finally, you say you've done research, but I find most people don't do NEAR enough research.

    You need to understand your markets:

    1. Demographics - age, sex, income, where they live, family life (married, kids?), what are their interests, what other sites do they frequent, what problems do they have?

    2. Buying emotions and frustrations - what is their biggest problem? How do they feel about that problem? Are they embarrassed? Stressed? Why?

    Then, answer these questions:

    3. How does my solution help them? What will they feel after they own my product? Why? What are the potential problems with my product? What is it's short comings? Why wouldn't they buy it? How can I overcome those objections?

    You need to spend time in their hang out spots. Niche forums, facebook groups, etc. Spend time in he community, learn, read, understand, interact.

    Remember, these are people with needs.

    After that, you MUST test. Try different copy, different layouts, different colors. Keep doing that again and again and again until you see success.

    Some people have good luck. Some have bad luck. Others make their luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    Some "experts" are anything BUT! Most are LIARS! So hiring them may guarantee FAILURE. Trying to find the good ones may be hard AND, if they were so good, WHY would they spend so much time to help YOU?

    As for the blog, etc.... You never know if they DO do that well, or are honest.

    The BEST, most honest, and most reliable way to make money, in MY book at least, is:

    1. Find, Get, or Make a worthwhile product. The better it is, and most exclusive to you, the better. The wider the appreciation, the better.

    2. Place HONEST ads and articles in areas your demographic is likely to be.

    3. Have a reliable site selling it at a good price.

    SIMPLE! But people manage to sometimes fail in ALL three areas!

    #1 If it is a GREAT vitamin, it may sell better than a GREAT book on VB.

    #2 If it were a book on VB, a simple lie at a grocery store could get you TONS of traffic, with NO sales. If it were the SAME book, sold truthfully, at a computer show, you may not get nearly as many hits, but EVERYONE might buy the book! Heck, 30% that see the ad might buy the book!

    #3? Digital River had a LOUSY system for symantec. I NEVER bought symantec again, and DR lost me as a customer for 3 years. Another place has stuff I could get TODAY, and MAYBE sometimes for less, but I order through them ALL THE TIME!

    OH, and they didn't have a lock on the market, so I bought a COMPETITORS product!

    Make sure your ad is HONEST though! People say TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC! BULL! If you are honest enough, your traffic will DROP, but the percentage of sales will go UP! BTW less worthless traffic means that the cost for many advertisers will DROP!

    You DON'T want traffic! You want BUYERS!

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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

    I've paid for the War Room and read all the PDF files put it to work, downloaded all the programs and still no sales or revenue. I'm beginning to think allot of people on here who claim to make a living on here are either lying or incredibly lucky.
    Probably that's the problem in my opinion. Like you say you've read ALL pdf and you put them to work.

    Internet marketing is tricky. There are so many posibilities, you can literally do anything you want and make money. However, due to this freedom, most affiliates are stunned. They end up doing nothing at all or doing everything at one time (which is also very bad).

    The key here is to be consistent.

    If you read a wso how to make articles or something, stick at it! Stick at it for a month or two months. Stick at it until you make money or you are 110% that this is not the way you can make money.

    Almost every internet marketing method works. You just need to stick at it and work for it.

    Don't read another PDF until you fully put one method to work.

    That's my advice

    P.S. It's really figuring out what works. It's not "luck", just you have to be smarter than 97% of other affiliates that are no making a living online. You must work, be consistent, and think "outside the box"
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisyates
    Originally Posted by Dave90210 View Post

    I have spent thousands creating my own products, promoting Clickbank and other electronic products, use pay per click and seo to drive targeted traffic along with article marketing. I've never made more than $100 online from my years of effort. How come people can come on here and make good money and others don't and the ones that don't put in more hard work than the ones that do?

    I've paid for the War Room and read all the PDF files put it to work, downloaded all the programs and still no sales or revenue. I'm beginning to think allot of people on here who claim to make a living on here are either lying or incredibly lucky.

    Let me give you an example of my recent luck. I pay over $80 to promote my ad on Flippa. I'm selling a unique niche site and a professionally designed sales page that comes with the niche site. The site get's SEO traffic, I paid over $700 for the programming and the design of the sales page. Similar new startups on Clickbank for just a sales page and unique product with no traffic or sales sale for around $800 routinely, mine, my main site and sales page couldn't even fetch more than $200 in bids and it closed with no sale.

    Does anyone believe in being unlucky? I mean I've tried everything on this site to make a living and nothing and I mean nothing has worked for me

    I completely understand how you feel. In my experience working with online marketers is that they try something and get distracted chasing the next opportunity before they've really had a chance to succeed with what they are already doing. I'm not sure if this applies to you, but I'd suggest doing some serious thinking to determine if this is causing you to be "unlucky".

    I suspect you have all the tools you need but you just need a little focus.

    For someone like you, I'd actually suggest going out and buying a site that is already making money. That way you skip all the hard work and are forced to focus on taking over something that is already working and making it better.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Yes to me it sounds like you are nto getting the traffic from where you should be.

    For me I was in your boat many years ago and thought all this was a scam.

    But here is what changed things around for me.

    1) Got a mentor, someone who is already successful and showed me the ropes.

    2) I did some massive deep investigations and dug around the place to find out where my prospect was hiding or hanging out.

    3) Leverage off huge traffic sites in your niche. Yes, this was a big breakthrough for me.

    An example was to pay for a small ad on a high traffic niche forum, that cost me about $30 a month. I never told the guy, as I said it was just a test but little did he know that $30 a month on the top right hand corner of teh forum made me $700. LOL. good return on interest? You be the judge? LOL

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Hatfield

    You need to sell something where people are buying.

    I looked up white noise in the search engine and within seconds found many sites giving them away for free.

    Try selling something like a bottle of acne solution or wrinkle cream. A real physical product that solves a problem and that people actually take out their credit cards and buy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave90210
      I'm not actually selling the white noise audio file. I'm using that player on my site as a tool for people seeking to relax to go and relax. What I'm selling is a relaxation kit with Binaural Beat files and ebooks on Self Help and relaxation

      Originally Posted by Terry Hatfield View Post


      You need to sell something where people are buying.

      I looked up white noise in the search engine and within seconds found many sites giving them away for free.

      Try selling something like a bottle of acne solution or wrinkle cream. A real physical product that solves a problem and that people actually take out their credit cards and buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I just clicked on your site, I do not see any testimonals. Something about the design lacks appeal IMHO. When I hear the word stress I associate Noise with it. Some how tone down or loose the word noise. People dont want headaches or noise.

    Your price was $199.95 not marked down to $19.95.. Sounds like the product was over price or there is no value in it. I would take up the advice of one or two of the other posters on this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    It doesn't matter how many times you fail.

    It doesn't matter how many times you almost get it right.

    No one is going to know or care about your failures and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because... all that matters in business is that you get it right once.

    Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.

    - Mark Cuban

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author cctvinstallers
    I had the same problem with my site Cctv installers quote. Home cctv installation prices. | home cctv installers which was getting lots of traffic but not converting. I made a few simple changes and the leads started rolling in.
    I started pushing for more commercial keyphrases that indicated searchers were looking to buy, and added a contact button and buy now button on each page. Hope that's some help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Q
    For those of you who were "unlucky" like him, you were not alone. I was one of you who were unlucky in the IM world. I bought a lot of WSO's here and taking a lot of action and hard work to implement these strategies, but none of them had given me a return on investment until now. Even if I am experimenting my own unique never worked.

    None at's a reality for me. Only 9 to 5 jobs are the real things for me to survive....

    I could have finally given up all of my efforts and learnings here in the IM world...but I still have a few energy left to turn things around. Nothing is perfect.
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