Internet Marketing Countdown Timer

9 replies
I've heard many of the top IM producers talk about organizing your time into 50 minute segments to stay focused and get more done in a shorter time. So, I thought I'd share this little free tool that helps keep me on time and "uber" productive!

It's a countdown timer that will ring for 1 second when the countdown reaches 00:00. It has also helped me not miss the last few minutes of some great domain auctions.

Countdown Timer

I hope this helps you as much as it has me and others that I've given this link to.


P.S. For all the Warrior mothers reading this... Happy Mother's Day!
#countdown #internet #marketing #timer
  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    Timers are a very useful tool to keep you on track! I keep a small one handy on my desk at all times.

    ~ Rhonda White
    Sell Information Products - Five FREE Products ~ Quality PLR Content on SALE ==>> Plus, FREE GRAPHICS & IMAGES! ~ Receive a Free Trip to Heaven! (Money can't buy it!)

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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      I originally was going to get an egg timer, but found that this online timer actually works better for me, takes up no space and I can travel with it without the TSA treating me like a bomber when they see it.

      Another tip is to turn off your auto email checker and let calls go to voicemail if you're in your 50 minute session.

      ~ George
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  • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN
    well, there are bunch of timers online but I like yours also, very simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    Great little tool! Thanks for the share
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSorcerer
    Well if you don't mind purchasing software, I use The Action Machine to help keep me on track. And this is because I have a number of things I need to get done thorough a 16-18 hour day so keeping on track is very important.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I have a launch coming up in a few weeks. THis is timely a good post. Thanks george.
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      I have a launch coming up in a few weeks. THis is timely a good post. Thanks george.
      Your all very welcome! Just paying it forward...

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  • Profile picture of the author wallytr1
    Just bookmark the page. No explanation needed. Better yet...if you use FireFox and create Browser workpages with multiple tabs, identified by project name, that you can pull up on a daily basis, make this timer link page of the project tabs under bookmark all tabs and you've got a complete project time-tracking system at your fingertips! Thanks for the good tip!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3848733].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      Originally Posted by wallytr1 View Post

      Just bookmark the page. No explanation needed. Better yet...if you use FireFox and create Browser workpages with multiple tabs, identified by project name, that you can pull up on a daily basis, make this timer link page of the project tabs under bookmark all tabs and you've got a complete project time-tracking system at your fingertips! Thanks for the good tip!
      That's funny that you say that Tim. I have Firefox set to save all my tabs I used the previousday before closing so that when I start up in the morning, the tab automatically comes up along with about 10 others that I use daily.

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