How to tell if a site is worth promoting?
I have several sites and could use some experienced advice. I am hoping that you can point me in the right direction.
I have one site that I built a couple of years ago for guitar lessons, using Ed Dale's 30 Day Challenge. I made the first page of G@@gle, but received very few visitors. After the big G revised the results of their keyword tool, the keyword went dropped from 30,000 searches a month to 800. I tried several affiliate programs, including Legacy Learning and Jamorama. Never a single sale. I switched it to Adsense about a year ago. Last month this site made $2.71.
I have another site where the numbers dropped from 500,000 exact searches a month to 2,600. G revised their results and dropped the searches to 2,600, then my traffic numbers made perfect sense. This site started out as an Amazon site until Amazon fired all of the Coloradans. I then switched it over to Adsense as well.
Last example is an acne related site. I used an info domain and within 2 months I was receiving over 2,000 unique visitors a month, according to G Analytics. I was very excited until I wasn't seeing any Adsense clicks, $$$.
Combined, all of these sites are not even making enough to pay the reg fees for the domains. Two of these three sites were on the front page of Google and still not making any money, (< $100 in 1.5 years).
I understand that my traffic may not be targeted enough. "Get Rid of Acne" seems like a fairly well targeted keyphrase.
Would you build any more links (Articles, backlinks) to these sites?
How do you know when a site is worth putting more effort into?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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