A note to WSO buyers and sellers
Posts in WSOs should generally be kept to the promotion of the product by the seller, questions from serious prospects, and reviews from paying customers and those who have been given review copies as offered in the WSO itself.
Debates about the technique being taught or the tool being sold are not part of that set of options. Personal attacks on the seller are also excluded. As are ongoing quibbles about sales copy points.
If you think any of the seller's tactics are outside the rules, report them to the moderators. Don't start a campaign in the thread. There may be occasional situations in which exceptions are appropriate, but it's a really bad idea to think you've got one unless you have significant experience here.
If you have a problem with delivery or installation, use the seller's support contact system. Posting support questions in the thread itself should be a last resort, only to be used when the out-of-band option fails. Note that ALL WSO sellers must have some method of contact that does not depend on the Warrior Forum.
The majority of support issues are individual in nature, but people reading that in a thread will assume they're problems with the product or service, not mistakes or odd technical hurdles that are limited in effect.
If you do not get a satisfactory resolution to a question, or if a refund is offered and your request is refused, go to whoever you used to process the payment. Report refused refunds to the mods if the seller refuses to honor a stated refund policy. If they fail to deliver the product, let us know, and also go to whoever was used to process your payment, but only after trying to resolve the situation with the seller.
If you start blasting the seller with nasty personal attacks, don't expect a lot of help from us. Sorry, but if you're abusive, we'll let you duke it out with Paypal or whoever.
Do not, under any circumstances, go on a rampage of multiple posts, especially if they involve personal attacks, and expect to get a satisfactory result. That is not necessary, it is not helpful, and most of the people who do it end up being wrong about their issues in the first place.
"I'm going to keep hounding you until you give me my money or I destroy you here" is not a threat you even want to think about making to a seller, much less actually state. That takes all credibility away from your position, and puts you in violation of the rules.
You absolutely are allowed to make factual comments about products for which you've paid in the threads advertising them. Positive or negative, as appropriate. Stick to the products, leave the seller out, and don't indulge in crazy talk.
You don't have to be flattering if you don't think the product measures up. You just have to be civil. And keep in mind that the rules for paid advertising threads are stricter than those for general conversation. On both sides of the coin.
Sellers have some issues, too. For example, do not even think about re-reporting the same comments repeatedly. Sending 8 or 12 reports of the same thing to the mods is not going to help. It may get you a few days off for harrassment.
Do not report critical comments from paying customers as "rude" or "trying to damage my WSO" unless they include personal attacks or outright lies about the product. If someone misunderstands some aspect of the product, put on your long pants and do what real businesspeople do: Explain it to them.
Do not even think about claiming someone is bad-mouthing your product and aren't a customer if they actually did pay for the product. I can't speak for the other mods, but I consider that type of attempt to manipulate the feedback in a thread to be a bannable offense.
Not everyone will like your product. Grow up and get over it. Or better yet, use that to further target the folks who will like and benefit from it.
If you post a WSO and get caught without some external contact system that works, even if it's just an email address, the WSO will be closed until you demonstrate that you've fixed that issue.
Do not reply to a comment and then report it. We may delete the original comment (or may not), but we have no reason to delete your response. It's your thread. If you don't want comments staying in it, don't put your stamp of approval on them. And don't even think about reporting posts that quote your quote of someone's negative comment.
If you get caught using an obviously doctored "proof of income" screenshot, don't whine to us when you get called on it. We're just going to jump on you harder.
If you get caught stealing someone else's ad copy, don't yell at the person who caught you. Not their fault. They're watching out for the other members.
Use your brains, folks. That's a business venue, not a high school locker room.
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Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
The Asset - My CIA Thriller Fiction Book For Your Kindle
Fictive Universe - Internet Marketing for Fiction Writers
Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!
Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
"May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"
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Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
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