Clickbank or $7 script?

4 replies
I'm launching my first product of my own sometime in February in the dating/relationship/self-help niche. I can't decide whether to publish on Clickbank or just use PayPal and the $7 script to pay affiliates.

I'm expecting affiliates to drive most of the traffic so I have two questions:

1. Which would affiliates rather a publisher use?

2. If I don't publish on CB what is the best way to get affiliates?

Thanks for helping a newbie.
#$7 script #affiliates #clickbank #newbie #script
  • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
    I highly suggest CB. Affiliates are gold
    Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
    American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
    Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements

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    • Profile picture of the author tonyd13
      Originally Posted by MouseandMice View Post

      I highly suggest CB. Affiliates are gold
      Thanks Mouse - So once you publish to CB then what?

      How do you get the affiliates to take notice? Or do they just see the new offer and check out your affiliate page?
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      • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
        When you are part of the clickbank marketplace, affiliate's will automatically see your product!

        Think about it, how many people do you know on this forum that go on clickbank to find affiliate products to promote?

        Just take the code, paste it. The end

        Let the affiliates come to you

        And made an affiliate page too!
        Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
        American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
        Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements

        ***Click Here to Join My 86k+ Followers on Twitter***
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  • Profile picture of the author LisaM
    As an affiliate marketer I spend time each week looking for new products to promote via clickbank. To me the $7 Dollar scripts are niche and I could get my money right away, but I love the stats I get with CB as far as gravity, popularity, and other information that tells me how well the product is doing.

    Also with CB you have an army of affiliates there. The key is to get them to notice your product.
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