E-Junkie Coupon/Discount Help

3 replies
Hi Everyone,

I have been desperately trying to test a coupon code on a PLR site that I'm working to get off the ground. Each time I create a code and try to test it during checkout, one of two things happens. Either I'm not given an option of entering a code at all or I'm given the option, but I get a message indicating that the code that I've entered is invalid. I have checked, double-checked and triple-checked that I've entered the correct code. I've even started from scratch in creating a new code before attempting the process all over again. Each time I get the same results, however. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and I would so appreciate some help.

Here are the exact steps I'm following:

1. Logging into Seller Admin

2. Clicking Add/Edit E-junkie Cart Discounts / Gift Coupons

3. Completing the form (Applying it to all cart items, naming the discount, creating a code, expiration date and time, etc.)

4. Clicking Submit

I then go to my site, place the item in a shopping cart and enter the checkout process. Again, I'm either not given the option of entering a coupon code (if I use a credit card) or I'm given the option (if I checkout w/my PayPal acct.), BUT I get a message indicating that the code is invalid.

Have checked the expiration date (and given myself plenty of time to use it, as well as taken into account that it runs on Mountain Standard Time), use count, etc. As previously mentioned, I've even deleted the code and created a brand new one, but that doesn't change my results.

Last week a customer tried the process out and notified me that she was given space to enter the code I'd given her for testing it out, but that it was hard to find since it was at the bottom of the page. I'm using Chrome and don't see it at all half of the time. When I do see it, it comes up in the middle of my screen. If it is coming up at the bottom of the screen in some browsers, is there a way that I can make it more noticeable?

Any help on my primary problem is deeply appreciated. I've contacted E-junkie, but understand that it may take 24 hours to receive a reply and I'd really like to solve the problem a lot sooner, so I'm hoping someone here can enlighten me.

#coupon #coupon or discount #discount #ejunkie #ejunkie coupon #ejunkie discount
  • Profile picture of the author highrank

    Please provide a link to your website as it would make this easier.

    One thing to double check:

    1. Make sure the button code from e-junkie is correct (there is a little tick box above the code that lets you accept coupons)

    If I get a peek at your website I can tell you if there is anything you can do to make it more noticable.

    ---> Flappy Bird <---

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    • Profile picture of the author LaLaLives
      Originally Posted by highrank View Post


      Please provide a link to your website as it would make this easier.

      One thing to double check:

      1. Make sure the button code from e-junkie is correct (there is a little tick box above the code that lets you accept coupons)

      If I get a peek at your website I can tell you if there is anything you can do to make it more noticable.
      Thank you so much for attempting to help me. I hadn't noticed the tick box before, so that may be it. Of course, my Internet connection failed as I was giving it a test (am posting this msg from my phone). As soon as I'm able to get back online, I'll let you know the result. By the way, the site is PLROneStop.com (link in sig).

      Again, thank you!
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      • Profile picture of the author LaLaLives
        Problem solved!

        In case anyone else has this issue, here's E-junkie's helpful reply:

        "It looks like you are using PayPal Shopping Cart buttons, which do not support our discount features. We strongly recommend that you scrap those buttons and use our recommended E-junkie Add to Cart/View Cart buttons. They support all of our discount features and work much more smoothly, in addition to being fully compatible with your PayPal account."

        Duhhhh! Hours wasted yesterday on such a small fix. Such is life.

        Thanks so much to highrank for chiming in with support, also. I'm definitely learning a lot throughout this process.

        Since Time Warner has also paid a visit to my home to fix my bad Internet connection, I'm back in the saddle again and off to write more content. Yesterday was a frustrating challenge, but today it looks like things are coming together rather nicely.

        (Why, as soon as I hit Submit Reply, did my Internet blink...again?! This is not happening to me. SMH)
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