I am compiling my first ebook and need the following....

2 replies
Yep, I'm compiling my first e-book and need the following:

1. A Disclaimer sheet (It's in the weight loss category)
2. PDF creator that prevents copy and pasting (preferably free tool)
3. Copyright symbol

That's it for now. May need more as time goes.

I think all should partake as many may also be compiling their first e-books or more decide to do so.

All info that can be given should be submitted.

Thanks in advance
#compiling #ebook
  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by grandstar View Post

    Yep, I'm compiling my first e-book and need the following:

    1. A Disclaimer sheet (It's in the weight loss category)
    2. PDF creator that prevents copy and pasting (preferably free tool)
    3. Copyright symbol

    That's it for now. May need more as time goes.

    I think all should partake as many may also be compiling their first e-books or more decide to do so.

    All info that can be given should be submitted.

    Thanks in advance
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4583098].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author happyday
    @ grandstar,Legitincomes is actually sending you over to the big G!lol .right,you get tons of resources there.
    However,I'd be willing to offer help to you,as far as I can go.
    You can pm me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4583191].message }}

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