California Amazon Affiliate Question

by Tmill
13 replies
I recently started using Amazon as my main affiliate program. Started up a group of 10 sites at once and made multiple 300+ word articles for all of them. Most of the sites were doing good and my first month with barely any traffic I had $100 in commissions.

As some of you know, Amazon has closed the affiliate program for all of California because of a new law. I have been looking for alternatives to use, but nothing seems to compare to what amazon had to offer in their affiliate program.

I figure it is pointless to keep working on these sites unless I can get my amazon affiliate account activated again.

Has anyone found a way to get their account activated again? I was suggested to use a virtual mailbox or get a PO box in another state.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.
#affiliate #amazon #california #question
  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    There were a stream on threads on this subject when Amazon first enacted this change. In view of the huge legal implications you could incur if you take unqualified advice and find out too late, you've made a bad judgment call, I seriously suggest you consult a lawyer. It could be the best money you ever spend...
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    • Originally Posted by AnniePot View Post

      There were a stream on threads on this subject when Amazon first enacted this change. In view of the huge legal implications you could incur if you take unqualified advice and find out too late, you've made a bad judgment call, I seriously suggest you consult a lawyer. It could be the best money you ever spend...
      Why would the OP need a lawyer?

      A CPA perhaps, but a lawyer? Who's going to sue him? Who's going to take him to court?

      Honestly, people, this California-Amazon scare-mongering is starting to get a little out of hand...

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4587795].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Tmill
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        Why would the OP need a lawyer?

        A CPA perhaps, but a lawyer? Who's going to sue him? Who's going to take him to court?

        Honestly, people, this California-Amazon scare-mongering is starting to get a little out of hand...

        I agree. Dont know why I would need a lawyer?

        This entire amazon affiliate program thing is going to far. Amazon should just add sales tax to their items, instead of screwing over all their affiliates. Which is really going to hurt them more in the end?
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        • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
          If you cant find an alternative or solution (which I would be surprised if you could not) then you could always sell your sites to other Amazon Affiliates located in states not affected or put them up on flippa if they are making money already.

          Kickin it on Amzon

          Gaz Cooper

          Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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        • Profile picture of the author Rashell
          Originally Posted by Tmill View Post

          I agree. Dont know why I would need a lawyer?

          This entire amazon affiliate program thing is going to far. Amazon should just add sales tax to their items, instead of screwing over all their affiliates. Which is really going to hurt them more in the end?
          Wow, seriously? Amazon isn't screwing over all their affiliates. So they dropped California. California affiliates didn't make Amazon, California affiliates won't break Amazon.

          Your problem is with your political leaders not Amazon. They screwed you. They thought it through and said who cares about the possible income tax we want the sales tax. They knew what Amazon had done in other states. But still made a decision that showed they don't give a flip about your possible income.

          So now they've got nothing and unfortunately so do you (unless you choose to do something about it).

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      • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        Why would the OP need a lawyer?
        Because a lawyer knows (or should know) the laws. Throughout my many years working on the internet, I have occasionally needed advice, and I have found that CPAs (even those from the big two) don't necessary know the intricacies of the law, whereas a lawyer does.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    The other thing you can do is take the products that you KNOW sell. The one's that have made you $100 in sales and contact some of the main sites by phone and ask for an affiliate program.

    Most companies have an affiliate program if you ask them.

    Amazon is the best as it is the most established but you can still make good money with other "in-house" affiliate programs as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    I have actually set up an affiliate program for one of my sites which made me the most money when I was with amazon, but still no sales

    I have given up on affiliating real products and I am focusing more on software affiliates.

    It would be nice to have my amazon affiliate account back though with those websites still running and just sitting there... I was seeing great progress with it too, but of course anything good that happens is bound to go wrong
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4587794].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Originally Posted by Tmill View Post

      I have actually set up an affiliate program for one of my sites which made me the most money when I was with amazon, but still no sales

      I have given up on affiliating real products and I am focusing more on software affiliates.

      It would be nice to have my amazon affiliate account back though with those websites still running and just sitting there... I was seeing great progress with it too, but of course anything good that happens is bound to go wrong
      Just a few suggestions:

      Have you tried selling the benefits of your new affiliate program for the product if there are any of course?

      Such as a lower price.

      Faster shipping.

      Anything you can think of to get them ordering from you page.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    I know there are many alternatives, but I prefer using amazon and my sites are already set up with hundreds of amazon links.

    Anyone know if there is hope in the future for the affiliate program to be activated again?
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    • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
      Originally Posted by Tmill View Post

      I know there are many alternatives, but I prefer using amazon and my sites are already set up with hundreds of amazon links.

      Anyone know if there is hope in the future for the affiliate program to be activated again?
      There is an Smart Amazon Affiliate Myob who is a member here and saw what was coming so opened a Nevada (I think it was ) LLC and now works under that guise.

      But of course before you did that you would need to take advise to legally advise of any tax implications you may or may not face in your state.

      But that seems you best option rather than wait for laws to be reversed which could take an eternity if at all.

      kickin it on Amazon

      Gaz Cooper

      Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Originally Posted by Tmill View Post

    ....Has anyone found a way to get their account activated again? I was suggested to use a virtual mailbox or get a PO box in another state.
    Don't even think about trying that ploy. The California tax boys are onto to this very common scheme, and will be on you like a wild bear. Amazon affiliates who tried this and a few other ill-advised "alternatives" will be finding themselves in a heap of trouble.

    Affiliates who had been paying attention to what was going on have either physically moved to non-nexus states or incorporated within California usually as an LLC. Don't do this at home. You need to consult competent legal counsel (not a CPA). The WF is a marketing forum, not a legal advisory.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4588982].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tmill
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      Don't even think about trying that ploy. The California tax boys are onto to this very common scheme, and will be on you like a wild bear. Amazon affiliates who tried this and a few other ill-advised "alternatives" will be finding themselves in a heap of trouble.

      Affiliates who had been paying attention to what was going on have either physically moved to non-nexus states or incorporated within California usually as an LLC. Don't do this at home. You need to consult competent legal counsel (not a CPA). The WF is a marketing forum, not a legal advisory.

      Blehhh. I just want to be an amazon affiliate again! I prefer it over any other site that sells real products. People trust amazon and are comfortable with it.

      Recently amazon offered a bargain with california to make 7,000 jobs in california for them to not take taxes tell 2015. This seems like a great bargain to me. I hope they go through with something so I can get my sites going again
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