Hosted Affiliate Software Recommendations?

4 replies

We currently use iDev Affiliate to manage about 3,000 affiliates and over $100K/month in commission. At this size I've found that iDev Aff begins to break down. Even the basic graphs on the admin page time out and fail to load.

I am an analytical person and iDev Aff is unable to provide me with the reporting I would find necessary for a network of this size. I can't quickly see who the top performers are or who is on the rise, and I can't compare them. I have no way of seeing which banners do well and which ones don't. Finally, with over 200+ banners put together over the past few years the banner page is horrendously disorganized.

So I ask you:
- Are these typical complaints of iDev Aff?
- Once invested in an affiliate program as much as we are at this point, is it even possible to convert away without destroying all the work of our affiliates?
- What software would you recommend? I've looked at DirectTrack but I prefer hosted technologies.
#affiliate #hosted #recommendations #software
  • Profile picture of the author DanielDeus
    I have used iDev and I have used bespoke self-built solutions.

    Have you considered a bespoke solution?

    Handling that much affiliate throughput, there will probably be a business case justification for the cost of developing your own perfect solution

    A good programmer will be able to create you whatever you want. They should also be able to create any forwarding system necessary to make your old affiliate urls forward to your new system and work correctly, to avoid annoying an upsetting your affiliate base

    Depending on their skill they should be able to either create something from scratch or adapt an open source software. I have only ever had experience of building it from scratch
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    • Profile picture of the author FlorianArvixe
      Originally Posted by DanielDeus View Post

      I have used iDev and I have used bespoke self-built solutions.

      Have you considered a bespoke solution?

      Handling that much affiliate throughput, there will probably be a business case justification for the cost of developing your own perfect solution

      A good programmer will be able to create you whatever you want. They should also be able to create any forwarding system necessary to make your old affiliate urls forward to your new system and work correctly, to avoid annoying an upsetting your affiliate base

      Depending on their skill they should be able to either create something from scratch or adapt an open source software. I have only ever had experience of building it from scratch
      Reinventing the wheel in such a crowded market doesn't seem the best way to go about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielDeus
    Sure. It just depends what you want. It's not about reinventing anything. Just getting exactly what you want. I got the impression from your original post that you wanted something specific. If an alternative off the shelf affiliate software will do, you can still get a programmer to bridge the old affiliate URLs to the new system
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  • Profile picture of the author bertboy60
    I use Jam from Jrox:

    Start, Promote and Manage Your Own Successful Affiliate Marketing Program

    I won't bother writing your own. Not worth the hassle there are loads of issues in tracking sales correctly.
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