1 year into IM... 5 things I learned!
Exactly one year I decided to start making money online with marketing, blogging and other things. I know that this is normal on WF, but still I think it is never boring to read success stories and step-by-step tuts.
This is why I am here today... I will share you 5 things that I learned throughout these 12 months. Hope they will help you all a little bit.
1. Never give up!
Motivation is key to success. Don't loose hope. Sometimes things go wrong. This is normal. Like there is a Google Panda update and you drop few places or a website breaks a partnership with you or you get banned from AdSense. I had some very good and very bad momments as well.
Don't worry if things are not that perfect as in your dreams, everything will get better soon.
2. Focus Focus Focus!
I don't like people who make hundreds or thousands of micro-niche websites and they put big and annoying ad blocks on them and that is it... Then they just get a check from Google saying you earned $xxxx last month.
I think this strategy is unsustainable. OK it might work for a few years or so, but not for decades.
I focused on two websites in this year. One is a blog and one is a pioneer startup.
So my message: Focus on a website at a time!
3. Set your goals!
Goals are very important. They give you an answer to "where are you heading?". If you don't set your goals in the beginning you will have a lot harder job.
I didn't set my goals right away

So come on and do it! Set solid, achievable and BIG goals.
Like: "I would like to earn $200/month in a year." (This is one the most simple goals, setting financial goals)
4. Think BIG!
Be a maximalist! Don't be negative when thinking about the future...
And always be prepared for the largest outcome.
5. Read Warriorforum!

Hope these modest tips will help you become the next big hit on the internet.
Any questions or comments welcome.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
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