Jeff Bezos Reveals What Made Amazon The Giant It Is Today (Great Ideas For Systemizing Your Biz)

2 replies

Hope you all are having a great Saturday...

Just finished the article below and thought there was some great ideas for visualizing and imagining the internet business you want to build.

Many people don't talk about stuff like this and I got a few ideas for growing, expanding, and defending my business. Good stuff

6 Things Jeff Bezos Knew Back in 1997 That Made Amazon a Gorilla - Forbes


#amazon #bezos #biz #giant #great #ideas #jeff #made #reveals #systemizing #today
  • Profile picture of the author Jun Balona
    Indeed. It IS good stuff.

    Especially the part regarding market leadership.

    "The stronger our market leadership, the more powerful our economic model."

    Thank you Brad for sharing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
    Hey Brad,

    Good find... Common sense stuff but the difference is experiencing the common sense stuff so that it's a realization... which of course, you know already

    I have to admit, one of my biggest weakness in any of my business has always been customer support. I think that's the biggest challenge of any business....

    It's easy to create an awesome marketing message...
    It's easy to find partners/investors
    It's easy to create an awesome product...

    Because all of this stuff doesn't need constant maintenance. Customer service on the other hand... things fall through the cracks, your support people might be slacking, your communications might be all messed up, etc. etc.

    Initially it's easy... but when REAL volume starts coming in providing a consistent level of customer service takes a ton of thought, effort, analysis, and planning!

    Great find dude... we gotta catch up sometime.... been real busy with the biz!!!
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