Need Your Help! $27 to Best Marketing Idea!
OMG, Yesterday I received a phone call that had me jumping for joy!
I won an amazing thing from the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.
It is a $1,200 value - presentation booth at this coming Thursday, Jan. 29th huge mega business networking conference - Las Vegas Preview 2009. is more info on it (you can't even buy a booth anymore as it is full)
Here's where I need Your Creative Collaboration of Thoughts!
"What would you suggest to use as a kick-butt lead generation, 'get some sales' with all this exposure and traffic to other local businesses?"
$27 to the best idea!
(and if you live in Vegas - I can also give you a $90 ticket to attend this conference too! - it is at )
I've thought about:
- getting a 2x6 banner to drape over front of booth with some ad copy on it like "Do You Want More Business"
- giving out postcards (differentiates my company from all the other 'biz cards'they get at this conference.
- having more banners in the background of the 8X8 booth with calls to action
- using a 'hook' like my radio show to get them interested/stoke their ego
- having a drawing for winnign a $5,000 value a 'Ultimate Sales Website that will drive customers to YOU 24/7....that will create more customers than you can handle"
- ? maybe giving away an audio cd? like something like '7 Tips to Soar Your Sales in this Economy" or???
- hmmm...there will be 3 of us their from my company (I've got some great partners!) to share the work!
What would YOU do?
So what does this booth mean?:
- 1,000 to 2,000 BUSINESSES will be going by my booth!
- Table size I get is 2x6 feet with 2 chairs
- I asked for electrical cord/access for computer set ups - online demos can be given then! (yes and have wireless sprint so can be online at the conference)
- It is from 7 am to 1:30 pm
- I'm following 'the Offline Gold/Diamonds in your own backyard" model - have had great success and now this can really SKYROCKET! (yup - bought those great WSO's)
- 4 hour workshops
- so selling - automated marketing systems, websites, SEO, online branding, internet marketing solutions, ecommerce solutions
- already have an awesome website (thanks to fellow warrior Chris Endres) at
Thanks a bunch! Maria Gudelis
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