Pen Name vs Real Name (being judged as a "scammer")
But I want to play in a non-business market and train athletes simultaneaously.
Here's the problem..
I'm terrified of being exposed as a marketer and called a scammer.
We've seen it a few times.. some people find out that "Pen Name" is a marketer and not a genuine guru. They create a thread and call him a "scammer".
I am the face of the business in the niche I'm talking about, because I truly am passionate and know my stuff here. So I know I'm not a scammer. But when they find posts where I teach how to upsell customers, I guess their scam radars will turn on.
Here are some options I came up with...
Option 1)
Marketing brand: Firstname Surname
Niche brand: Firstname Middlename
Option 2)
Marketing brand: Firstname Surname
Niche brand: Pen Name - Firstame Middle/surname-variation (like Matt Deangelo instead of Matt Davids)
Option 3)
My real name in both niches. Like Mike Joyner in Simpleology and in marketing, be honest about it and hopefully earn trust and respect.
I'd be open for more suggestions and happy to hear your thoughts about this.
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