How do you guys sell amazon products? newbie question..

by 24 replies
Hey Warriors,

I have alot of unused domains and I would like to use them to sell amazon products but I really have no clue how to start, I mean I don't know how many products should I sell and how should my site look like.. its a stupid question but I am really confused..what content should I put on the site?

Is it a review site or random site related to the product? what I should or shouldn't do.. I know if I list the products just like that then google will see my site as an affiliate site filled with links and probably won't rank good.. I need an advice on how to start.. and I have never used amazon program so the associate program is the affiliate program?

Thanks in advance
#main internet marketing discussion forum #amazon #guys #newbie #products #question #sell
  • I use autoblog because I don't have time too make manual reviews.
    • [2] replies

    • Hey Sirtiman,

      the autoblogs do not have unique content right? so Google will know my site is all automated and won't rank..

    • time to get on my moral high horse...

      what you are doing is wrong. you scrape content, automate the process and plug affiliate links all over your sites.

      do you honestly thing this is a viable model? i hope the day doesn't come when you search for something in Google and all you find is low-grade, money-grabbing web pages which offer zero value to you.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • Definitely go through those posts that tebor79 so kindly pointed out. You will get a good idea from those threads on how to promote amazon products. Myself I do it through review sites. I target specific niches and review all the products around that niche. Try your best to write quality reviews that will benefit your visitors.
    • +1 for these links. They will be your best bet for most question. The warrior Forum in General is your best place to gather information. Not just about Amazon, obviously, but about anything. Your #1 Source!
  • Don't listen to anyone who tells you to use autoblogs. I tried the autoblog approach in the past, and it doesn't work. As time goes on it will get harder and harder to get your website found on the search engine if it doesn't offer some form of unique value.

    I would also caution you against making small sites, or one-page sites that contain just a single review. I believe that recent Google updates give preference to larger authority sites over small mini-sites, and I don't see any reason for this to change in the future.

    I would not advise you to use all of your unused domains. Pick one that has a generic name. If your domain name is, then you will be restricted to promoting only one product on the entire site - the sony bravia lc20 hdtv. If on the other hand you pick, or even something unrelated like, you can make your site as large and diverse as you like.

    I'd say pick a niche or sub-niche that will allow you to have at least 50 pages on the site, reviewing 50 different amazon products. How broad you want to go is up to you. A site on 'Garden Tools' is more broad than a site on 'Lawnmowers' or 'Garden Sheds'

    Don't just list products on your site. What I (and many others) have found with Amazon is that the best way to get the sale is to provide people with detailed and useful reviews that helps them to make the decision on whether to buy the product or not.

    Have one page dedicated to each product. Each page will be a detailed review of 800 to 2000 words in length, with pictures and helpful information.


    When you DO insert affiliate links, don't bother with ANY of Amazon's tools/widgets. Simple in-context text-links work best. What I do is tell my customers at the end of the article that the best place to purchase is from Amazon (if that is the case), where they get free and reliable delivery, good service etc.

    Yes, Amazon Associates IS their affiliate program. DO NOT use, their associate program sucks - stick to

    Hope that helps and good luck!
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • I had to quote this whole thing, because this is the advice you need to listen to in my opinion

      The only thing I would say is that you don't need a site with 50 product reviews, although the more the merrier for sure. Start with 5-10 product reviews and 5-10 supporting articles in the niche. Use expensive products that also have good reviews in the Amazon listing.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Thank you for the tips and links guys! really helpful
  • Really helpful indeed. Thanks a lot guys..
  • The most important thing is to write good quality unique reviews for the product.
  • Its very easy to get started

    As mentioned above, those threads are great reading for Amazon.
    Selling Amazon Products is not rocket science, basically you research a product that is selling well and then put together a review of that product taking into account your reader.

    Write high Quality in depth reviews pointing out all the positives and negatives, provide as much information and value as possible, and put yourself in the readers shoes and give them what they want.

    If you spend sufficient time on writing a really great review and give your visitor what they are looking for you will start to make sales.

    Kickin it on Amazon

    Gaz Cooper
    Amz Training Academy
  • I make lots of money with amazon affil sites.

    Well-written, unique reviews get amazing conversions - most of my sites convert at 5-10% of clicks to amazon convert to a sale.

    Avoid doing spammy autoblogs promoting amazon products. Not only are the ineffective at actually ranking in the SERPs now but they don't convert as well as proper reviews.
  • Yea I decided to write my own reviews or get someone to write them.. I need around 600 articles, I know I should start with 2-5 which I will do but I want to write on daily basis..which will take time.. but asking someone to write 600 unique reviews will cost me alot of money.. I will try to see the prices lol no autoblogs! I wanted to buy another domain but I should get a premium domain that I have been waiting for 45 days ( waiting enom to unlock it) we will see..thanks again
    • [1] reply
    • To add in another thought..

      Try writing your own reviews until you see what works and what doesn't. It's time consuming, but the amount you learn from it will be far more valuable in terms creating a stronger income farther down the road.

      Once you know what you need out of your content, it makes it so much easier to find outsourcers that will do the job you need instead of handing you something that won't convert.
  • I do not do amazon affliliate stuff, but I do publish read NON plr stuff on kindle, and that is doing well for us!!! Very well indeed.

    But we also link to the ebooks and amazon product and just in testing phaze right now in one of our niche sites on the AR series. Seems to bring in good traffic and hopefully sales.
  • Thanks again guys! btw do I need to have an established site to register for amazon associate? or I can just apply and they accept me then I can create my own site after? I am trying to read the FAQ but I cannot find that answer
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    • You need to have a site up and running to be accepted to the program. I used a personal blog to get accepted and then built my product sites after.
  • Hi Zaco,

    First you will have to join the Amazon affiliate program. Then you can get your own affiliate links to what ever products you wish to sell on your websites. It's a very easy process.
  • get some good quality content on their about the products, pay for or write product reviews, insert links of related sites that also sell the product, YouTube videos featuring the product, etc.
  • I have small niche blogs with opt-ins to collect emails and have subscribers list.

    I sell them all the products that I can think of
  • various approaches can work. Just inserting affiliate links to relevant Amazon products in articles can work (I've had a few sales that way), or relevant links on a side-bar of an autoblog for example. You'll get a lot more conversion from writing decent reviews, but that takes a lot more time (or money, if you outsource it) obviously, so it is up to you to experiment with one or both approaches and see what makes the most profit for the time or money spent.

    As others are saying, there are already some good Amazon threads here, so do some research, and have a go!

  • Thank you guys! Yea I will outsource the reviews as I don't have time and I am not the best writer to be honest lol those links inspired me! I hope I can achieve my goal

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  • 29

    Hey Warriors, I have alot of unused domains and I would like to use them to sell amazon products but I really have no clue how to start, I mean I don't know how many products should I sell and how should my site look like.. its a stupid question but I am really confused..what content should I put on the site?