Ok, so all this offline stuff was right... (See Update)
You were all right.
Now, I'm a copywriter, I've written for a lot of offline clients before. But very few locally - I figured why bother trying to educate them on why they need a copywriter if they don't know? I live in a small town, I didn't figure many people would know (or care, for that matter.)
Well, they didn't. But I still love local clients.
I've dabbled in web design before... I'm doing a website right now for a local guy who wanted a forum designed for him and his 4x4 buddies.
He's so excited... And so am I. I love the fact that I could sit down and go over notes with him (even though it WAS scary at first). The project is easy... He's loving everything I do, because the skills I have aren't "everywhere" like they are in the IM world. And...
There was no price resistance. None at all. He asked what it would cost, almost as an afterthought. Since it was 1 page plus a phpBB, I said $250. He said "Ok, do you want that all up front?"
My jaw dropped. I have never run into that little price resistance before, but these people truly value these skills.
And do you know what I did to get this client? I posted a "biz notice" (basically a classified) on a local email list offering to build websites. That's it.
I love this project, I love how my skills are valuable to this client, I'm enjoying working on it, and I'm finally getting paid what I'm worth.
If you've been sitting on the fence, thinking "this is hard, this is scary, I'm a wuss I don't want to make money" I gotta say...
It's not hard, it is scary, and you will make money. So do it!!!! Take whatever you're good at, whether its graphic design or web design or SEO or article writing or what have you, and take it local. Now. Go!!
- Cherilyn
kill the mortgage. ....i'm the guy they tried to hide.
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