Piggy back secret For newbies

8 replies

the secret is keeping it local in your home town isolating it from all outside competitors.

For instance I live in Cincinnati so all I would do is type in Cincinnati in Google and the search engine would give me listings like Cincinnati enquirer, Cincinnati Craigslist ….blab bla you get the point so at this point everything is local.

Now here comes the secret don’t pick nothing just scroll down all the sites and keep looking around for something of interest if not on the first page do the same onto the next page and so on.

I found a couple of isolated niches to promote my affiliate links in which no outside competitors were competing with me one of these was – Cincinnati overstock-Cincinnati Craigslist-Cincinnati apartment finders- Cincinnati bridal consultants the list goes on- now I use compete and Google to see the visitor visits remember I’m just keeping it simple here for the newbies.

So Cincinnati overstock gets around 5,000 clicks per month according to compete even though I know it’s less -all I would do is piggy back of their keyword and make sites like Cincinnati overstock reviews-Cincinnati overstock coupons-Cincinnati Overstock discounts in one niche!

Add some of these words to my Meta tags: Cincinnati Overstock Furniture & Mattress coupons, bargains, freebies, gift ideas and other deals. .................................................. .........................And I would steal some of their traffic …….walla

No competition!!!
#back #newbies #pigg #piggy #secret
  • Profile picture of the author alexschmidt
    cbengine is really a great resource to do Piggy back if you are promoting clickbank products. it give you lot of valuable information which can be used for an effective marketing campaign. i did sign-up for the free account before but later upgraded to the payed version.

    Local SEO Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Nation
    Thanks for this what a clver idea
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  • Profile picture of the author ProScribe
    I had an offline business and getting that ranked for local search keywords was so easy.

    And it was learning about about SEO etc for that business that got me into the online world
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  • Profile picture of the author FokusNow
    This absolutely has potential. I have heard of people being successful with this and others not so much. Though that goes with all of IM, If one site is properly thought out and monetized, it obviously should perform better than the site that was just thrown together.
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    • Profile picture of the author webmazter
      Originally Posted by FokusNow View Post

      This absolutely has potential. I have heard of people being successful with this and others not so much. Though that goes with all of IM, If one site is properly thought out and monetized, it obviously should perform better than the site that was just thrown together.
      The statement is true but for a newbie this would be a great place to test the waters good reply FokusNow
      If you build it they will come! The LSI Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author DigitalBusker
    Thanks for sharing, great idea!
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Great advice.

      It's also a good idea to secure a domain based upon your niche and location too. i.e nichearea.com
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  • Profile picture of the author rileyb
    Ive been doing this too but not building entire sites, just articles. Good Tip!!
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