How many can't make money?

92 replies
HI warriors, as I see WF has tons of members that are looking to make money online, how many of you are struggling to make money online until now?
#make #money
  • Profile picture of the author Mac J
    I have been... but it's because I haven't stayed on top of my SEO. Backlinking is a lot of work to stay on top of and you have to be really disciplined. Not getting much traffic because of it
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  • Profile picture of the author Irvan Mhd
    Hello, you're right that there are many people here with the same purpose to make money online. But.. you should understand that there are so many methods to make money online.

    And sometimes an internet marketer runs not only one kind of online businesses, but many of them.

    So, If I right, there will be many answers soon....
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    • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
      Originally Posted by Irvan Mhd View Post

      Hello, you're right that there are many people here with the same purpose to make money online. But.. you should understand that there are so many methods to make money online.

      And sometimes an internet marketer runs not only one kind of online businesses, but many of them.

      So, If I right, there will be many answers soon....
      if you are referring to the original question the OP asked, then no there will not be many answers.

      your earnings are either a net positive or a net negative. it doesn't matter HOW MANY methods you use.

      if you made $10 from adsense but lost $100 buying WSO for clickbank and did not make a cent. then the simple answer is I DID NOT MAKE MONEY.

      i made a post the other day.... you might have made $10 from buying a WSO.. but if the WSO cost $80 then you cannot claim to have made money.. a lot of people say they have only to make themselves feel better.
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      • Profile picture of the author rileyb
        I have never found it difficult and all the free tools are there for you if you know where to look. There is so much free training. I think they fail in the keyword research.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    lots of reasons why people are not making money online, but tons of reason why people have to make money online .... we have to do the right thing, get the right decision to make money online

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author GaryBurke
    I have noticed that you get a lot of ones on WF asking how to make money but not many actually say they are.
    It is the same with WSO's you will see an offer and others asking for reviews.
    You will get lots of others saying Joe Bloggs is a great guy and his products rock. I did not hesitate in buying this. Etc Etc.
    You never see an honest review by someone saying "I bought this WSO and followed the instructions and have made x dollars in just 3 days just like he says I will"
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    • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
      i suspect 98% of people here don't make money.. if you make 100$/yr from IM don't tell me you're making money.. a begger can get more than that in a week or even a couple of days.

      i'm going to get flamed for this but the truth hurts.

      there are plenty of dis-illusioned people over here on this forum.. with their last 50$ savings in their bank they want to get into IM.. you should be going to work at McD or something not risk your last savings on something as high risk as IM..

      oh well...........................
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      • Profile picture of the author MattCatania
        Originally Posted by bobcarlsjr View Post

        as high risk as IM..
        Although I do agree with you, newbies who are running short on money shouldn't look to IM as a quick-fix solution to their financial problems.

        Eliminating risk comes down to one factor, experience.

        This rings true for all types of money making ventures, whether it be IM or Forex.

        I'm sure people who have been quite successful in IM could start from scratch, with the knowledge they know now, and amass a large amount of money.

        This is why millionaires who go broke can get back on their feet and accumulate an even greater amount of wealth in a short time.

        Experience is key - but experience can only be gained through the combination of knowledge and action - or should I say focused action.

        Take Care.

        Logic outweighs all.

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      • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
        Originally Posted by bobcarlsjr View Post

        i suspect 98% of people here don't make money.. if you make 100$/yr from IM don't tell me you're making money.. a begger can get more than that in a week or even a couple of days.

        i'm going to get flamed for this but the truth hurts.

        there are plenty of dis-illusioned people over here on this forum.. with their last 50$ savings in their bank they want to get into IM.. you should be going to work at McD or something not risk your last savings on something as high risk as IM..

        oh well...........................
        Dude, you're the delusional one.

        I made $770 today while you were typing this pathetic response.

        BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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        • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
          Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

          Dude, you're the delusional one.

          I made $770 today while you were typing this pathetic response.
          lol why so harsh bro? did i hit your soft spot? i was just stating the truth..

          if you are one of those that spent your last 50$ on IM and made 770 then more power to you. but ask any businessman, they will tell you it was a dumb move. you just got lucky. the risk-reward factor and ROI in IM is clearly not there.

          and us americans wonder why the chinese are overtaking us as the next super-power.. it's because of our very flawed mindset as a nation.

          so what if you made 770 today? i made more but you don't see me flaunting it? check your insecurities first, before commenting on other people's opinion.
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          • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
            ahh johnny boy, now i get it. you're in the process of launching your new WSO which is related to mentoring newbies thus you don't agree with my post because it's going to get in the way of you making money! hidden agenda i see! no wonder you took it soooo personally. lol.

            btw with massive amount of videos in your new WSO, the take-on rate might not be that good. read a few threads on here regarding people preferring text content to video. seomoz even did a full writeup about how having longer text pages increased their conversion by 50+% and made over a million dollars more. just a tip for you so you can continue making your 770 lol
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            • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
              Originally Posted by bobcarlsjr View Post

              lol why so harsh bro? did i hit your soft spot? i was just stating the truth..

              if you are one of those that spent your last 50$ on IM and made 770 then more power to you. but ask any businessman, they will tell you it was a dumb move. you just got lucky. the risk-reward factor and ROI in IM is clearly not there.

              and us americans wonder why the chinese are overtaking us as the next super-power.. it's because of our very flawed mindset as a nation.

              so what if you made 770 today? i made more but you don't see me flaunting it? check your insecurities first, before commenting on other people's opinion.
              I just got lucky did I? Dude, seriously...Im in disbelief at your ignorance here. 3 years worth of hard work and learning isnt luck.

              Originally Posted by bobcarlsjr View Post

              ahh johnny boy, now i get it. you're in the process of launching your new WSO which is related to mentoring newbies thus you don't agree with my post because it's going to get in the way of you making money! hidden agenda i see! no wonder you took it soooo personally. lol.

              btw with massive amount of videos in your new WSO, the take-on rate might not be that good. read a few threads on here regarding people preferring text content to video. seomoz even did a full writeup about how having longer text pages increased their conversion by 50+% and made over a million dollars more. just a tip for you so you can continue making your 770 lol
              Im not even going to bother explaining. Im not launching an WSO, but explaining what I am doing would be pointless, because its obvious you have no idea whats happening outside that of your own bedroom.

              I wont be back to reply in this thread, im out.

              BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5445831].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
                Originally Posted by ramone_johnny

                I just got lucky did I? Dude, seriously...Im in disbelief at your ignorance here. 3 years worth of hard work and learning isnt luck.
                firstly, you're not reading. if you would put in a little bit more effort reading maybe you'll understand where this whole thread is going. we're talking about last FIFTY DOLLARS in the bank. risking your own welfare and your family's welfare just to dabble in internet marketing. this clearly doesn't apply to you because in the other threads, you stated you were making 80k a yr before hopping onto IM. and in the first year, you loss 5 figures while dabbling in IM. is it NOT TRUE?? LOL. don't go back and edit your posts now.

                so my question is, HOW DOES THIS THREAD EVEN APPLY TO YOU? you are giving advise based on the fact you have the money to lose, and you spend more in your first year 99% of the people here, and you want them to follow your "plan" or your "WSO" ? lol you gotta be kidding me.

                who is the ignorant one here? if you gave me 1 million i'll also say its easy to start a business. but not 50 dollars. READ and understand the thread before you post your rubbish here.

                Originally Posted by ramone_johnny

                Im not even going to bother explaining. Im not launching an WSO, but explaining what I am doing would be pointless, because its obvious you have no idea whats happening outside that of your own bedroom.

                I wont be back to reply in this thread, im out.
                oh really???? let me refer you to your post posted on the very same day you replied to this post here:

                Originally Posted by ramone_johnny

                I have an SEO Video Training Course due for release early next month. Its a physical product, (binder + CD's) Cost will be $497 including free delivery. Should be close to 10 hours worth of videos, 240+ pages of instructions, that include workbooks, reference sheets, documents and checklists - the whole deal.

                I show you step by step, EVERYTHING you need to do to learn and implement SEO. (right down to go here, click here, do this - this is why etc)

                blah blah blah blah blah blah

                If you want to learn about SEO, it will be the best $497 you will ever spend.
                remember now?

                oh and about the no life outside my bedroom part..... i do in fact have one. i either go sailing on my italian yacht.. or my plane (a small prop one though). or either one of my italian supercars..

                so yes, johnny boy, i do know what i'm talking about and i DO KNOW how to make money. it's people like you scamming newbies that i cannot stand.

                if you think im talking out of my a** about my plane/yacht/supercars, PM me... i'll show ya proof
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    • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
      Originally Posted by GaryBurke View Post

      You will get lots of others saying Joe Bloggs is a great guy and his products rock. I did not hesitate in buying this. Etc Etc.
      You never see an honest review by someone saying "I bought this WSO and followed the instructions and have made x dollars in just 3 days just like he says I will"
      Perhaps you should read the reviews a little more carefully then because I for one bought a WSO from WillR and within 2 days of ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK as laid out in his product, landed my first mobile website client that was worth $150 to me.

      Most people are not making money because they are not focusing on one method, learning everything they can about that method, applying and testing, working late hours until they have it right.

      Want to make money?

      7 Steps to making money in IM

      1) Pick a method
      2) Learn everything about it - most of that information is free on the forum
      3) Do the work
      4) Do the work
      5) Do the work
      6) Do the work
      7) Do the work

      Hmmm. I think there is a WSO in that

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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

        7 Steps to making money in IM

        1) Pick a method
        2) Learn everything about it - most of that information is free on the forum
        3) Do the work
        4) Do the work
        5) Do the work
        6) Do the work
        7) Do the work

        Hmmm. I think there is a WSO in that
        There is indeed, and I'll happily be the first to review it, when it comes out; but valid and correct and commendable though the entire business plan is, dare I mention that there might also be a little bit of duplicate content in it, as well, and you know how people like to complain about that? I'm just saying ...
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          ots of reasons why people are not making money online, but tons of reason why people have to make money online .... we have to do the right thing, get the right decision to make money online
          Except for keyword repetition - does that SAY anything?

          I don't think so.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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        • Profile picture of the author UpNorthGuy
          The amount of money I make doing affiliate marketing is directly proportional to the amount of time I spend doing all the tasks that need to be done to generate traffic.

          There are many people here that are looking for a solid way to make money. Not necessarily a push button system, but a system that is clearly defined with details. That my friends, is hard to find.

          For instance, it seems many who provide lots of advice here claim to be making a decent enough living doing affiliate marketing via a variety of methods, but how do you really know for sure?

          Specifically, let's say you want to promote your website doing article marketing/syndication. As a business model, you are immediately faced with a dilemma: Do I spin articles to create unique content and distribute across lots of article directories or do I write for syndication and distribute the same article to a certain audience? Depending upon the strategy you choose, the opportunity cost of your time is enormous.

          Some claim that article spinning is a complete waste of time, and vice versa. Some of the IM gurus who promote article spinning are perfectly willing to demonstrate their earnings and traffic results as evidence that spinning articles actually DOES work.

          On the other hand, those who say article spinning is a waste of time rarely, if ever provide earnings results, yet forcefully conclude that marketers who do spinning have been hoodwinked by greedy marketers from the dark underbelly of IM coaching.

          The reality is that most people don't have the time or resources waste on working a method that has been proven to be futile. There is plenty of proof that article spinning does in fact work. Where is the proof that syndication is more effective?

          Alexa, you claim article syndication is the only way to go in terms of website promotion. Why should anyone believe you?
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        • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          There is indeed, and I'll happily be the first to review it, when it comes out; but valid and correct and commendable though the entire business plan is, dare I mention that there might also be a little bit of duplicate content in it, as well, and you know how people like to complain about that? I'm just saying ...

          ROTF @ the duplicate content comment. I hear you girl
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      • Profile picture of the author jkennedy
        Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

        Want to make money?

        7 Steps to making money in IM

        1) Pick a method
        2) Learn everything about it - most of that information is free on the forum
        3) Do the work
        4) Do the work
        5) Do the work
        6) Do the work
        7) Do the work

        Hmmm. I think there is a WSO in that

        Diana really hit the nail on the head. There are two kinds of IMers. The wishful thinkers and the doers.

        Wishful thinkers know they are going to make big bucks because of all the WSO's they've read. But they start on one, it's too hard, so they stop and go to the next. These people make no money online.

        The doers are the people who make bank. IM is very profitable, all you have to do is work hard at it.

        All of us, almost every single one, gurus included, started out as a wishful thinker. At some point we realized that the key to success is simply to do it.

        Don't be discouraged if you aren't making money yet. Find something to do and do it. You don't have to be a guru. Just educate yourself on how to do something and execute it. You'll make money if you put in the work. It's that simple.
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    • Originally Posted by GaryBurke View Post

      I have noticed that you get a lot of ones on WF asking how to make money but not many actually say they are.
      It is the same with WSO's you will see an offer and others asking for reviews.
      You will get lots of others saying Joe Bloggs is a great guy and his products rock. I did not hesitate in buying this. Etc Etc.
      You never see an honest review by someone saying "I bought this WSO and followed the instructions and have made x dollars in just 3 days just like he says I will"

      well isnt that ringing some alarm bells in your head??

      if no one is leaving a review saying they made xx in 3 days then its probably because NO ONE MADE XX IN 3 DAYS

      99% of WSO's are a load of crap, and 99% of the claims that come with them are a load of crap
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      • Profile picture of the author GaryBurke
        Originally Posted by high_plains_drifter View Post

        well isnt that ringing some alarm bells in your head??

        if no one is leaving a review saying they made xx in 3 days then its probably because NO ONE MADE XX IN 3 DAYS

        99% of WSO's are a load of crap, and 99% of the claims that come with them are a load of crap

        I have already figured that out but given there are a very few that do work but the majority of reviews do not say they have made any money off the given WSO if you read most of them as I stated above all they do is give the seller a big rap to buy his product
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        • Profile picture of the author shuttercraft
          Originally Posted by GaryBurke View Post

          I have already figured that out but given there are a very few that do work but the majority of reviews do not say they have made any money off the given WSO if you read most of them as I stated above all they do is give the seller a big rap to buy his product
          I was going to sell my 51 page eBook here on WSO but all that junk that is listed made me stop in my tracks. They should have a quality control here.
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          • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
            Originally Posted by shuttercraft View Post

            I was going to sell my 51 page eBook here on WSO but all that junk that is listed made me stop in my tracks. They should have a quality control here.

            You've been here, what at most 14 days as a registered user of the forum? Or are you one of those users who are "I have been lurking for years, but decided to register now so that I can flame the WSO section"?

            Have you bought any of the products? Tested them? Applied them?

            The buyers ARE the quality control. If they don't like what they bought, they let everyone know on the sales thread without any doubt.

            The WSO section is a market place, just like any other place of business. If the customers are happy, they will comment (less often than those who are complaining).

            If you buy something from Walmart and you are not happy, then you take it back, get your money back and MOVE ON.

            If people spent half the time they did on complaining how IM sucks, how the WSO forum sucks etc and applied themselves to their business instead, they might *gasp* actually make some money!

            And no, I don't have a WSO for sale :p

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    • Profile picture of the author Bredfan
      I'm not making any money right now. Not directly from websites that is.

      I made some good pocket money between 2005 and 2007 - most months averaging like $300 and $1000. That was with direct linking ppc, then a few content sites.

      I stopped in 2007 because 1) it got harder :-) and 2) I was traveling to 2 cities a week for work (an SEO related job).

      Fast forward: Since 2009 I make my living with a local SEO/web marketing business (think corporate job replacement income).

      Now, I'm trying to revamp some old content sites, including a blog that I have continued to write, to start generating some website IM revenue (read: without needing clients!).

      So.... I'm not making money now.

      But I will!
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  • Profile picture of the author Awesomo
    Am not struggling to make $ online.

    My main source of making money online in order:
    1. local SEM businesses
    2. video creation
    3. website creation
    4. affiliate marketing

    I guess my IM businesses sort of inter-relate with each other hence I have 4 different methods.

    However, I do advise newbies to focus on one method, learn it and do it like what Diana suggested

    I usually know most of the stuff in the WSOs I purchased (given I buy only those WSOs that are helpful to my biz) but if I come across a new idea or an 'ah-ha' moment, I consider it a well-purchased item
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    yes warriors, I think we're really making real money in IM when we're making above $2k a month.. the less work, the better... but to make the business stable , it takes works to do.. But in my opinion, it's simple: traffic + offer (right monetization) = cash
    To the right man (right traffic)
    With the right way on presenting the offer
    the right product to promote (offer good value)

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author JuniorNB
    Focus + Take Action.

    You won't made money if you jump from 1 business model to another without giving yourself a fair chance to see any result.

    Perseverance is the key.

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  • Profile picture of the author dsouravs
    Form IM didnt made a cent till yet...
    Only doing some freelancing works...

    I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Most people fail because they think that make money online is easy.

      They just think "oh, well i can write some good content, click links, submit articles to directories, buy some magic software and wow the money will come pouring in!"

      You have to totally CHANGE that mentality.

      IM requires a lot of WORK and dedication. You need to put in a lot of effort to earn an income, just like any other business.

      Want to start make your first cent online?

      - Understand that make money online is not easy and it takes time and effort.

      - Understand that you will not make money online just sitting in front of your computer.

      - Don't make goals too big

      - STOP reading blogs and forums, pick up ONE method and start taking action

      - STOP being a "chronic biz opportunity seeker" and FOCUS on what WORKS.

      - Remain focused

      - Don't do too much at once

      - Put advice into practice

      - Study some key marketing basics

      - Pick up the right niche

      - Develop a business plan

      - Stay in contact with your list frequently

      - Learn about affiliate marketing

      - Create your own products

      - Sell services

      Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

      Form IM didnt made a cent till yet...
      Only doing some freelancing works...
      Hi, i have an idea for you.

      I see that you are a graphic designer, why don't you start selling your services through fiverr?

      You can provide some design services there. You can sell simple banners, minisite headers for just $5. This is a start and see how it goes...
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      • Profile picture of the author paul_1
        Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

        Most people fail because they think that make money online is easy.

        They just think "oh, well i can write some good content, click links, submit articles to directories, buy some magic software and wow the money will come pouring in!"

        You have to totally CHANGE that mentality.

        IM requires a lot of WORK and dedication. You need to put in a lot of effort to earn an income, just like any other business.

        Want to start make your first cent online?

        - Understand that make money online is not easy and it takes time and effort.

        - Understand that you will not make money online just sitting in front of your computer.

        - Don't make goals too big

        - STOP reading blogs and forums, pick up ONE method and start taking action

        - STOP being a "chronic biz opportunity seeker" and FOCUS on what WORKS.

        - Remain focused

        - Don't do too much at once

        - Put advice into practice

        - Study some key marketing basics

        - Pick up the right niche

        - Develop a business plan

        - Stay in contact with your list frequently

        - Learn about affiliate marketing

        - Create your own products

        - Sell services

        VERY WELL SAID!!! I couldn't agree more!
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  • Profile picture of the author Roan
    There are a bunch of people who do not make money online yet for many reasons. If you want to make money online you will need a lot of motivation, a lot of patience and a lot of persistence. You will also need the right knowledge how to do things. The knowledge can be found on this forum. The rest is up to you.

    Are You Looking For a High Quality Shopify + FB ads Course? PM me. - Only available for ONE person. Be Quick.

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  • Profile picture of the author G56Ace
    Definitely dedication. Many people give up too quickly or just don't put enough effort or time.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

    HI warriors, as I see WF has tons of members that are looking to make money online, how many of you are struggling to make money online until now?
    Your question was: How many can't make money?

    The true answer to that question is, in my opinion: very few.

    Now, the question: How many people aren't making money?
    That's going to be a lot higher...not because they can't, but
    because they haven't yet
    . And this could be due to a variety
    of reasons. They could give up too early moving from program
    to program, or they could be a beginner just getting started
    (in which you wouldn't expect them to be making much money
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
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  • Profile picture of the author Stunata
    Face it, some people will not make it in anything they do.
    This is the reason there is so much failure in IM.
    If you lack motivation, education and want a quick buck, look somewhere else for work. Or, get motivated and educated. You can get both of those for free.

    I have been in the sales and marketing business for almost 28 years. Started out in print advertising newspapers/magazines. I still own a real estate magazine. One of those publications with all the houses that you find at the grocery store. Just because I was in the graphics business Realtors would always ask me "can you do a website for me?" That is how I got started online.

    One day the print newspapers will be gone. It is a tough market right now. I can see tablets playing a big role in this. Also, the cost of the printing is crazy.

    Remember readers are leaders. And, you need to think big. Start small, go big.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    More people on here are struggling than you realize dude. They email me quite a bit about about copywriting services and they don't have much to invest...some of them who have those "how I made $25.678.89 in five minutes" signatures. Take the claims on here with an entire salt mine and just keep working at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Guererro
    It seems that it's always a struggle to make money. Even when you're making money, making sure that you wake up each and every morning with the passion of creating something new for people and reaping the benefits for both the consumer and yourself.

    Using the struggle for making money as motivation for learning is always a good thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
    All of them who are

    1. Buying more than selling...:-)......Just forget about buying anything from your hard drive. Grab a piece of **** and focus on selling. Do anything and everything for selling.

    2. Told by somebody to build a list. So they build a list with solo ads and start spamming them till death. Well the only one who dies here is the spammer.

    3. Those who spend their last penny in the name of SEO and then f****ed by PANDA.....FARMER phobia ....lols... but they don't know presell.

    Guys, start selling, build a list and build your brand. Even if you are not selling today, you'll start selling soon. When you will, nobody can stop you.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I think people are overdoing in reading and learning courses...

    And "can't make money" means it's difficult for them to make money.

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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    • Profile picture of the author virtualprincipal
      I have said this before and I will say it again...

      Many more people would be making money online if IM wasn't completely overrun by people who will do and say anything to coerce newbies out of their money.

      It is very easy to spout, "focus on one thing and you will be successful". But as the months drag on and you are not successful, emotions such as desperation get you in their clutches and you grab the next shiny $97 dollar object guaranteed by the gurus to make you rich. Great copy-writing and guru reputation can do that to you.

      WSO's have become nothing but a scratch my back phenomenon when it comes to reviews and list recommendations which has always been the case with new product launches. "My good friend Johny Appleseed just came out with a software that makes nuclear bombs! I have been using it (not) and have already tripled my conversions!!! (not)"

      But I can honestly say that nothing gives me a rush like making money online and I suspect others have the same feeling. It is such a great opportunity and doesn't rely on education, social standing, ethnicity or any other factors. Man, it is fun when it works!

      So my final word is: Clean up IM and watch the success rate rise exponentially...
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  • Profile picture of the author goldenbold
    Struggling to make money ? Traffic problem is always number one...
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  • Profile picture of the author totalhomeguy
    This is like anything else. The 80/20 rule applies. Everybody wants to make money but only about 20% of the people are willing to put in the time and effort it will really take. The other 80% (as with all businesses and jobs) will try but not try hard enough and chalk it up to impossible or too hard.

    Stick in there and work twice as hard when you are thinking of giving up and you may be surprised with the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author katakogi
    now for one year i didn't make money online because i bought many courses and try many ways without concentration and till now i try to learn
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    • Profile picture of the author shuttercraft
      Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    yes, focus in one thing at a time will work to all people.. don't get too easily to attracted to new flashy things ...

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Praveen Kumar
    If you know 1 out of every 99 are struggling to make money online
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  • Profile picture of the author boyhermes
    I make 150 a month but I can not do more,
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  • Profile picture of the author koolman2000
    Most of the people can make some money, but just a small sum. If you can think of some "secrets", you can make big. Nobody who are really successful will tell you their secrets. Even the ebooks or training courses won't tell yo all. They are just reference. You have to think yourself for the further secrets.
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  • Profile picture of the author jt808
    There are so many opportunities to make money out there, it just comes down to choosing one that you like
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    people are usually feeling hard to take action, because maybe they're afraid of wasting their time making mistakes

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author canada94
    Find something you like doing, put in the action required and stick with it until you start making money... we never said it was
    Uh,yeah, before that GET A MENTOR!

    Hope this helps


    [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit,and let me help you

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  • Profile picture of the author Qcreek
    First things first, if your new to Internet marketing or new to mobile marketing you need to start filling your brain with the knowledge of "How the Internet Works and Where can I make money."

    Basically in a nutshell:
    1. People search for information
    2. Search Engines get people a list of what people want
    3. Advertisers, Companies and Internet Marketers sell to these people
    4. You find an information niche or create one
    5. You sell to them

    Sounds Easy Huh?

    This is usually what really happens, someone gets an email or sees an ad and clicks on it. There is a fancy intro with wild claims of business riches and then you BUY. Next you spend $47 - $5000 just trying to duplicate what they showed you. Where did your time and money go? Bye Bye!

    IM is not easy, you have to work at it. It took me almost 2 years before I got a sale from clickbank. WOW! I had no clue back then. If you are really trying everything in your power and cannot make money then change what you are doing.

    Test Fast and Small.

    But be smart about it. Go to google trends and see whats hot, or go to ebay pulse and see whats selling. If its a new item, create a video series for it.

    Lots of ideas, lots of ways to make it. But here is the one key....the one item that you can use that will always help to make you money.

    Here it is.....

    Mental Toughness

    You will fail at Internet Marketing, but you will learn as well, if you can stand up after getting knocked down, you learn about how tough you really are.

    Good Luck, Gabe

    p.s. If any one is interested in a "no hype" plan that I am coming out with on a mobile website builder, please optin in the signature area. I can only tell you that its not wordpress, mobisitepro, or mobi galore. You will be able to build the mobile site in 10 - 15 minutes for free (for 1month), if your client wants it charge 'em. If they don't buy, cancel it. No charge.
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  • Profile picture of the author asteria
    The whole backlinking part is the most difficult part for me, just too much work.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    The internet is definitely feast or famine. As Bob says, there are lots of disillusioned people using their last $50 to launch their dream.

    Most people in this forum will not reach their goals. That is for a variety of reasons.
    Some will be very close to success when they give up.

    But, the truth is...success is difficult to achieve. People tend to hold on to their money. They must trust you before they buy. It is difficult to attain that trust and authority.

    For those who succeed, for those who have found the formula and know how to earn...

    The internet is feast or famine. Those who succeed can truly feast at a very large table.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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  • Am really struggling with creating backlinks so as to secure myself a better position a top. May be I will make some money after this.
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  • Profile picture of the author cassiegetty
    I've been struggling to make money online for quite some time now but while reading so many posts here on WF, I get carried away and decided to keep going.
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  • Profile picture of the author meltingwaves

    I'm not struggling but I have advice for those that are. Stop researching and start doing! You're probably hopping from course to course and taking awesome notes but not taking action, and ACTION is what gets results!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richy Burns
    I never started seeing success until i stopped chasing all those wso's and products that play on your emotions and make you believe that you will be making good money in no time.

    When i started chasing products that taught me about specific aspects in my business then i started getting somewhere. But its really hard for complete newbies as this is what they are bombarded with continuously. But i feel perhaps this is an important lesson to learn and a test. If you can get through all the BS and finally understand that IM works like a brick and mortar business (in terms of needing a product or service, finding customers and a good sales funnel) but simply on the internet then things start to happen.

    For me it was reaching a level of maturity in myself that if im going to do this then i need to it properly and learn all there is to know about my business and stick with it long enough to give it a real chance


    Want 50% Open Rates and 30% Click Rates with All Your Emails?? Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    yes , getting mentor will be a great suggestion because it'll prevent you from making stupid that you don't need to do.

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Ballax75
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    • Profile picture of the author MP80
      @ballax75 Heads up: If that is an affiliate link in your signature, the mods will have it disabled before you know it. They will then check all of your posts, and if it looks like you are spamming, you will be banned. Worst case scenario - all your posts will be removed, and your ip blocked.

      Just thought you should know.. You will get a lot further here by following the rules, and not actively promoting whatever is in your signature.
      Before you do ANYTHING else in your day - do at least ONE thing that brings money into your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Most never will as they are buyers and followers instead of sellers and leaders.

    Like in all life there's a food chain. Where are you in it?

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    For those who succeed, for those who have found the formula and know how to earn...
    Oh you mean the legit businesses and not the "guru" courses as that's now how I would say msot made their money on the Net.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author absoluteallen
    It's true.. making money online isn't like putting frosting on a cake.

    I came in here not too long ago asking what I could do with $600, being freshly unemployed.

    What did they tell me? Get a Job!

    Awesome advice! So I did. What I also did was "look at my talents".

    What are they? I've been a copywriter for companies that do work for fortune 500 companies several times. So I started my own service..

    Kind of funny how I never thought I had that talent although I did it for work before. I faced the mirror searching the forums.

    Check it out... you might find your niche, it's really crazy how you overlook YOU searching online money making opportunities.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Some reasons?

    1) No idea what they are doing?
    2) Following flawed systems
    3) Using outdated methods of promotion.
    4) Business System outdated
    5) Playing "let's try and game G/Facebook/Twitter/Ebay..etc"
    6) Spend all day doing $5 work (link building etc)
    7) Selling CRAP products/services
    8) all about marketing and not about the product
    9) Jumping from one get rich quick method to the next
    10) Buying WSO's
    11) Sadly beleiving the B*S and hype and geting scammed time and time again

    ++++ many more

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5435055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      Some reasons?

      1) No idea what they are doing?
      2) Following flawed systems
      3) Using outdated methods of promotion.
      4) Business System outdated
      5) Playing "let's try and game G/Facebook/Twitter/Ebay..etc"
      6) Spend all day doing $5 work (link building etc)
      7) Selling CRAP products/services
      8) all about marketing and not about the product
      9) Jumping from one get rich quick method to the next
      10) Buying WSO's
      11) Sadly beleiving the B*S and hype and geting scammed time and time again

      ++++ many more
      yup hit i on the head there.

      Lets be honest with ourselves. There are 12 million ways to make money online. But you have to find just ONE way, and stick to that.

      your will normally find the ONE way that works for you will not necessarily work for joe blow down the road.

      But its just about focus, taking action, and more focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author chemmyvick
    In my own opinion, I think the best way to make money online is to find a mentor with a proof that he or she is making and take by hand to show you physically.
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    • Profile picture of the author absoluteallen
      Originally Posted by chemmyvick View Post

      In my own opinion, I think the best way to make money online is to find a mentor with a proof that he or she is making and take by hand to show you physically.
      You know funny you say that. When I first came on here asking how to spend $600 I had a bunch of pm's with these so called mentors offering to coach me.

      My ? and I'm sure the OP's ? is.. where do you find a REAL mentor that isn't out to take you in some way anymore?
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  • Profile picture of the author Not So New
    People are looking for that magic pill and then when they find out there is work involved the quit ... If you put in the effort on a regular basis, you should see results.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yulia from DNP
    I think we all need to focus more on how to think as a costumer and less on how to sell someone something. It teaches you a lot. When you are constantly bothered with the idea of how to make money, you forget to think ike a client, and what he needs, how he thinks.

    Yulia borova
    Affiliate Manager | CPA Affiliates Network.
    $50 Signup Bonus – Faster approval for Warrior forum members


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  • Profile picture of the author Newbie Watch
    It can be difficult to make money online, but it is definitely possible! This is why its a must to stay dedicated and most importantly follow the right people..There's never a good out come when the blind is leading the blind.
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  • Profile picture of the author money fan
    I make money from ebay and websites like fiverr but not from review sites or blogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gengis
    I posted a thread for newbies that's straight to the point on making money with fiverr. I tell u exactly how in about 5-6 days i got 11 orders.. I just checked my fiverr and got an extra 3 orders so it's now 14 orders in 6 days.
    Not a ton of money($48 profit) but for those screaming they can't make money online here's a quick to the point easy way to make money your first week
    My Craigslist Arbitrage Method Of Making Money On Demand -->
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I've been trying to feast going on 6 years. Wish me luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author nimajneb
    I've got no gains and no losses. So its all good and I'm not stopping till I figure it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    I make between 4k to 6k a month, but it took me a few years to learn all of the skills needed to make that kind of money. For a solid 2 years I was saying "I can't make money online" before I really started to roll.
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  • Profile picture of the author chocobo
    I am using twitter to make money (i have 1 million followers)
    $300-$400 is okay.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Baker
    I will share this great article.
    It is about forex trading but I am very sure that it is very applicable about making money online.

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  • Profile picture of the author lucidsuccess
    to make money you need to invest money.
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  • Profile picture of the author squall2050
    I made a few k per month before google panda kill my sites.. now I'm still recovering...
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  • Profile picture of the author empinars
    I know the feeling. I have started a lot of sites that haven't made any money. A couple of years ago I had the chance to do some affiliate sites for a friend who had domains with good traffic. Then the money started to roll in (mostly because of the free traffic). But otherwise you really have to put love into the sites you do. At least that's what I believe.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buum
    I was the one who didn't make money for a year or even more. Maybe it was a time I spent on IM, maybe it was mistakes I made but finally I'm earning and quit full time my job. My advice is: never give up and work hard!
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I think we have good and affordable one on one coaching offers in WSO section with some real social proof from some recognized warriors here... but if you don't have money to invest, I think you you should go with old bump marketing method, I think it's still working well even now.. but with harder competition in make money online niche,surely ....

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Mattie1
    1- choose a market, make sure theres CPA, clickbank amazon etc
    2- get a website try to have you domain name as keyword like golflessons. Com if it's about golf lessons
    3- set up you clickbank amazon and CPA on the site, a little writing with some keywords in explaining why you site is the best.
    4- add an opt in form from aweber
    5- get traffic and make money I your good at SEO do that as it's cheap, if not save some money or get some free PPC vouchers and bid on some keywords!

    That way you will make money the more you make the more keywords you can keep bidding on! Make sure it's targeted traffic so they are already in the mindset of wanting to buy!

    The making money bit is easy it's gettin targeted traffic is where you should concentrate!

    PM me for more info!
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    if backlinking is the most difficult thing for you to do, try to get free trials or free version of backlinking service,, it'll help you a lot, at least for 1 month of two, then try other free / trial version of softwares/ service ...

    Good idea, isn't it

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    Making "real" money is pretty relative...

    I don't think we're making enough money. I've had companies and been a part of companies that made considerably more than we're making right now and I'm not exactly happy with where our income is today...although I'd like that to change in the near future.

    Still...others look at the income we're currently making and are flabbergasted and really wish they were there. While our income is "great" for online businesses, it's pretty poor when you compare to real or traditional companies.

    Bleh...still working on it!
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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    i have made plenty of money online writing for people, but right now I would like something that feels a bit less like having a job. That would be great.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    one thing you can do when you can't make money is you can make money with writing articles ... you can go to (no affiliation) and sign up there,, you get paid...

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Bambu
    I might have been very lucky (wait I KNOW I was really lucky), but I started doing IM about 9 months ago and made some money my first month, albeit a small amount. I am currently making over one thousand times more money than I made my first month. Of course, all of this could change with one algorithm change. So I am constantly building new sites and exploring methods for diversifying my income streams.

    A friend of mine has been watching my income grow over the past several months and I recently got him interested enough to build his first site. I am acting as a mentor for him. Hopefully, he can leverage what I know and repeat the small success I have had faster. Ultimately, it will be great to have someone I can trust to bounce ideas off of and work together with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    I don't think it matters much whether you can make money online or not, but rather how much you make. You need to check your priorities if you aim to make pennies with bulk article writing.

    Fiverr is possibly one of the worst proponents of this mindset. If you earn a living from Fiverr then you are a rare breed. For everybody else it is like flicking a waterfall up a hill.

    People should stop focusing on pennies (even people who haven't made any money) and start focusing on how they can scale their efforts.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    yes, i'm sure lucky is definately needed to succeed in IM n other field of business

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Jbarros
    I've been struggling but I also started a few months ago so I guess that's natural.

    Been having an hard time ranking my websites and also generating traffic. I pretty much know that I've selected the right keywords, wrote unique content and SEO my webpages. Been doing backlinking every single day and it's quite depressing seeing how slow it is for my website to get better ranking.

    Besides I been trying to generate traffic from social bookmarking, article directories and been following everything that I've read until now but without much success.

    I wont quit until I've succeed. I know that the most important thing and possibly the hardest is to generate traffic to my website once I master this I will start doing money.

    Sure I guess it's important to take action, focus on a business strategy and test several things until you find what works. Although I consider you should also study and I always spend an hour per day for such. I actually consider free information more reliable then most IM Gurus.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    In your opinion warriors, why these warriors can't make money? What's their problem they can't solve?

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Sayn
    Build up a big fanpage and you will get huge free traffic from Facebook. It's easy with viral apps: Sayn Apps
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