A question to Amazon Affiliates...
I have examined many Amazon review sites so far. Most of their homepages are alike.
Their homepages include the first paragraphs of each product reviews with product images nearby.
Under each paragraph there are usually two icons like "read review" and "visit website"
When you click on "read review" you can read the whole review.
When you click on "visit website" you go to Amazon
Is this the best way?
Should I design my homepage in the same way?
On the other hand I have another idea. I want to put a high quality, about 1000 words article on my homepage.For instance, If my niche is "LCD TVs", I can locate an article such as "how to choose a good LCD TV".
Then I will make a "product reviews category" on the sidebar where I review various products related to my niche.
What do you think?
Which way should I go?
Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)
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