ebook on my website: technical aspect

6 replies
I'm a little embarrassed here. I now have an ebook, squeeze page, autoresponder. The last aspect I'm missing to make this work is the technical aspect of getting my ebook to the subscriber. If I'm not mistaken I need to upload the ebook to a page on my site, and then send a link to that page to the subscriber (as opposed to sending the book as an attachment in an email). Is that right? If so, how to upload an ebook to my site? I'm using Wordpress if that matters. Some of these technical things get me the first time around - Thanks!
#aspect #ebook #technical #website
  • Profile picture of the author hassan001
    To upload a book there are 2 ways... Either use FTP Program to create a new directory in root folder such as "www" folder or "public html" folder where you have uploaded the wordpress before...

    Now when u are done with directory open it and upload the book in zip format.....

    Like I have a domain name yoursite.com....

    I created a folder in root named 123.... Now its url will be yoursite.com/123

    I have uploaded the ebook to 123 folder and now I can access the book via this url "yoursite.com/123/ebook.zip"

    This is the same link structure you will have to follow... Just be careful with filenames and case sensitivity... I advise you to use "-" instead of spaces where necessary....

    All the best.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Mbullard
    Upload your ebook (.pdf) to your media library.
    Create a new page with a link to your ebook file. This is your thank you page. Provide written instructions on how to download the book. "Right click on file to save to your computer."
    Once somebody buys your book, send them to this thank you page.

    You can also provide the URL to this thank you page in your autoresponder message if you want to.

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    YouTube Marketing Mastery

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  • Profile picture of the author LegionNate
    Thanks Hassan, I'll give that a go.

    Do you have Buyer IM leads? We have sales floors with Great DPL. PM me.

    The Warrior Forum

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  • Profile picture of the author LegionNate
    Unrelated, but maybe someone can help. I have my ebook in a word document, need to get it to a PDF first... any ideas on how, where to do that?

    Do you have Buyer IM leads? We have sales floors with Great DPL. PM me.

    The Warrior Forum

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  • Profile picture of the author hassan001
    You are welcome LegionNate

    Well to do that in PDF you have to upload it here.....

    PDF Converter - Convert to PDF Online Free

    Wait till it gives you the link to pdf to download......

    If you have winrar then ok and if not then download it and install.... After that right click on the file and select "Add to Archive", now choose zip format, compression ratio to best and bingo....

    Your Zip Book is ready to upload

    All the best......
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