Website Is Finished! - Now what?
I have recently finished off my site: Chinese Recipe Book - The Ultimate Chinese Recipe Book
and started sending some traffic to it, mainly PPC and a little article marketing.
Now the results I have been seeing really aren't that great, of around 200 customers I have had 3 people join my list and no sales. Beginning to feel a little demoralised, should I be? Or should I be persistant and start split testing and trying to push more traffic to it?
This is the first time that I have made a website in dreamweaver and the first time that I have ever created my own prouduct. Although I have been marketing for a while, I have not seen great results, only a few hundred dollars in the last couple of years, but that was affiliate marketing and the margins weren't good.
I guess I just need a little guidance, would be really great if you guys could offer some? Let me know what you think and what you would do in my situation.
Thanks for your time guys!

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