How Do I answer to This- How much conversion of leads to paying Customers can you Get?

3 replies
I just submitted an SEO proposal to a real estate company. I assured them of getting lots of targeted traffic and leads from our marketing campaign if deployed for them. I know for sure how to generate a lot of targeted leads, however, how do I measure conversion.

Conversion in the sense that, how many of the leads will eventually buy a plot of land or property, how can I measure that? What should be my response to this client. They told me, they are more interested in the bottom line.

How do you think I should respond to this client.
#answer #conversion #customers #leads #paying
  • Profile picture of the author MarketingChad
    One way is through an opt-in form. Have an opt-in form on the site and then run an email campaign announcing a special "list-only" open house or information session. See how many people show up, divide that by the amount of people on the list and that's your conversion rate.

    Just curious, how is their website set up? They should have listings on there and require opt-in or information submission in order to get more information. At least that's how most real estate sites work. You'll easily be able to tell how effective the lead generation is by how many people submit info.

    Just be sure to make clear to them that you are contracted to do SEO, not to do conversion/sales. You can easily show how their rankings are increasing for your targeted keywords. It's up to them to make the sales, you know nothing about real estate, only SEO. If people aren't buying it has nothing to do with the quality of your SEO as long as you're bringing in targeted leads.

    Hope that helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      You don't promise them any conversion. That's not your job; it's their job. If you are only doing the SEO, it's their problem to make their copy convert.
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    • Profile picture of the author carlrinde
      Originally Posted by MarketingChad View Post

      Just be sure to make clear to them that you are contracted to do SEO, not to do conversion/sales. You can easily show how their rankings are increasing for your targeted keywords. It's up to them to make the sales, you know nothing about real estate, only SEO. If people aren't buying it has nothing to do with the quality of your SEO as long as you're bringing in targeted leads.

      Hope that helps!
      Thanks, this is awesome, I was just thinking I won't get help here as my post was going off the front page with no response.
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