Best course of action for part time success
Ok, I'm still in a full time 9-5 job (as a web project manager) and am struggling to make some money online part time.
My biggest problems at the moment are
1.) finding the right niche
2.) staying focused
Assuming I can get no. 1 sorted (which I think I can!), I'm really struggling with no.2.
Information overload and failure to construct and execute a definite plan of action with limited time are killing me at the moment.
I can spend an average of 2 hours per day on Internet Marketing tasks. How best should I utilise my time? Are there any good courses or books I should buy with specific task orientated steps to help me stay focused on clear tasks to achieve success?
I would define success at present as getting to a situation where I'm making $1,000 per month working part time online.
This would then give me the confidence to pursue Internet Marketing on a full time basis.
So, there you have it - what do you guys suggest I do?
Many thanks,
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