Quick Wishlist member question (for WF)
For those that USE Wishlist member, perhaps you could answer a quick question for me:
My question is mainly for those who have used it for a WSO, WITH an OTO.
I've gone through the tutorials, and have it mostly set up... where I'm stuck (perhaps just fuzzy), is on having the levels work with WarriorPlus or JVZoo - as in...
Step 1 - a person buys the WSO (or whatever offer).
Step 2 - *normally* after it reports back to warrior plus or JVZoo, and the person clicks to access their membership.
** STUCK SPOT ** : Do I have it take them to another page with the OTO offer (so that it integrates for the commission side for affiliates)... And then THAT reports back to wishlist member that they now bought a higher level, so that when they create their account they get access to both levels?
Or do I have to take them to wishlist member directly? (Which kind of defeats the purpose of the affiliate part though I would think?)
Just making sure if I'm right or if I'm going the wrong way.
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Gordon Martin
Gordon Martin