Looking For A Course/Program

by kenzik
6 replies
Take 2. My first thread on this was an epic fail, so let's try again.

Hi everyone. I created an online business years ago that makes money online. I began that business long before I knew anything about IM and I worked through it from things I learned from own job, reading business books from B&N and Amazon, and plain old creativity.

Now that it is all grown up, I want to create new businesses, but first, I'd like to educate myself and experiment with a few programs and learn more about IM. I'm learning a ton daily just from the WarRoom and reading the forums and I'd like to supplement that with a program or two to study an play with.

To that end, there are more IM products (and WSO's) that I care to count, and so I'm trying to generate a fairly short list of products that people have personally been successful with. From that list, I can then research to the best of my ability to try to narrow down to 1 or 2 that I will purchase, learn, and experiment with.

I don't have a particular direction and I'm pretty open to various programs so long as they are 100% online.

What I'm specifically looking for is folks that are making at least $100/month with whatever program they purchased.

It is important that you are making money with it. Logical or not, I believe that will help me focus on programs that have more value. Yes, it means I may end up leaving some programs behind. That's OK.

If you are willing to help me out and provide your own short list, I would be grateful.

#course or program
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
    Well I hate to say it, but most people will not tell you what products they promote. For example my brother and I have been working months on a niche that hasn't been fully put on the internet. If I even gave a clue, fellow Warriors would zoom in and steal the kill so to speak. Many here have a ton of marketing resources that could just sink me.

    So it is a taboo to even ask. If you want to know what products to sale, then well you need to run to clickbank or JVZoo and find out what is selling. You have to do it the hard way. Find the right product and find the right marketing strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Lim
    There are tons of ways to make money online and I believe that you will be able to get access to different money making models when you go to the War Room.

    Sometime I feel that "Less Is More" as learning too much information might lead to information overload or even worse which is confusion.

    I personally feel that just choose one model which looks most appeal to you and just take action on it


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  • Profile picture of the author IGP
    I Suggest Niche Profit Class Room from Adam Short, Google Sniper 2.0 and Matt Carter has an excellent email course. But overall i would choose NPC from Adam Short as a starter and then move onto Google Sniper and Recap with Matt Carter.

    I just wrote more but the forum didnt let me post it, i just wasted 5 min. of my life and im not goign to write it again...sorry...just check out those courses
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean
    hi Kenzik,

    I commented in your previous thread, its not an epic fail by the way

    Anyways go for methods that you can make easy money with FIRST.

    Go for stuff people are already buying

    1) Amazon products ( you dont need to convince people who are already going to buy products)

    2) Hot buyer niche ( Make Money Online)

    for starters I highly recommend amazon niche sites. Because it is easy to make money with amazon... I always recommend that to every newbie that asks me this question

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    • Profile picture of the author kenzik
      Originally Posted by Ytmarketer View Post

      1) Amazon products ( you dont need to convince people who are already going to buy products)
      Thanks Brandon.

      OK, so let's zero in on that one. There are dozens of programs that show you how to make money with Amazon. Do you have any that you've been particularly successful with to recommend?
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      • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean
        Originally Posted by kenzik View Post

        Thanks Brandon.

        OK, so let's zero in on that one. There are dozens of programs that show you how to make money with Amazon. Do you have any that you've been particularly successful with to recommend?

        Hi kenzik,

        I;m sure there are tons of courses out there, the one I Went with was Jan Roos amazon course, It was offered as a 97$ amazon wso video course. I don't think its available now.

        I have many amazon niche sites, Some i just build and didnt even bothered to seo it! and they still bring in sales..

        I just renewed a domain for one of my amazon niche site that brought me about $70 commission for one year with zero SEO thats pretty awesome

        BUT I am making most of my money from youtube and I do have my own clickbank product now ( nothing super special or anything)

        but stick with amazon and list building for now.

        All the best to you!
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