Wordpress Multisite Question..

3 replies
(Sorry, i don't know if its good to post here)
Hello -
My main website (admin site) is: dwipo.com
And people can make sites like: example.dwipo.com

I want to be able to have buddy press and a theme installed on dwipo.com but i dont want other users to be able to install buddy press and the theme that dwipo.com uses on their websites .. example.dwipo.com

How do i do this?
#multisite #question #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    You will do better to go to the wordpress multisite forums to get an answer like this. As a matter of fact, i would be surprised if it isnt already answered over there.
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  • Profile picture of the author RootShell-vb

    You can do it using Wordpress Mu (Multisites), you must edit wp-config.php and add the following line to it :
    define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
    in your Wordpress Dashboard you will find Network Setup under Tools menu, click it and following the instructions.

    You must create a Wildcard DNS entry in order to use the sub-domain.domain.com structure, you can easily add it from cPanel. follow this tutorial: How to set up Wildcard Subdomains / DNS - Web Hosting Hub

    WPMU Documentation: WPMU « WordPress Codex

    You can set later public and private themes, the same thing for plugins, everything is explained in WPMU documentation
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    • Profile picture of the author NMP
      They can't use BP on their blogs unless you make it Network Available.
      And you can also make sure they can't upload their own plugins either.
      (I think that is default)
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