Wanting to create a list

21 replies
Hey, I am wirking hard to create a list but stuff aint shifting. I have read all the ebooks I can put my hands on but I have always hit a snag on every trial.
Any Ideas?
#create #list #wanting
  • Profile picture of the author locke815
    What list do you mean?
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  • Profile picture of the author forester1985
    yeah, I am still confuse about the list
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  • Profile picture of the author banx63
    Hi, you need traffic to your site or squeeze page. Then you need to convert well. A good squeeze page is essential - optimize press for WordPress is great, traffic is a little more difficult, but there are many free ways, such as guest posting or blog commenting...... I write about this sort of stuff at my blog quite frequently.

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  • Profile picture of the author joefizz
    Hi Sean

    Have you ever thought of trying a mentor? It's a very good way to eradicate the problems you may are facing.

    Just a thought...


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    • Profile picture of the author PCH
      The slow but sure methods of forum marketing, blog posting, guest blogging - are all free and will get a start on your list. But you will need a great squeeze page that converts well if your efforts aren't to be wasted.

      Good luck !
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  • Profile picture of the author getmethere
    You need a squeeze page - a good one and something to give away....

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  • Profile picture of the author abbesnwk
    Try spending some money on a good product/ebook to give your visitors for free. This will generate some extra valued opt-ins.

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  • Profile picture of the author realreview
    Start off with a squeeze page, I use Optimizepress as you can do a whole lot of other things with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amanda Craven
    Do you have a squeeze page up? Are you offering a report/video/ebook/whatever as a freebie to entice people to sign up? How are you driving traffic to that squeeze page? Think about utilising social media, YouTube, syndicated content and forum marketing as some proven methods and don't forget you can offer a sign-up via your Facebook fan page, for example.

    Are you sure you have identified what your chosen niche wants and how they want it delivered? Maybe dig a little deeper, hang around relevant forums (if it's IM, for example, then trawl through plenty of posts here to find out what problems/issues people are facing) and offer a partial solution in the form of your giveaway. Then offer the full solution in the form of your product/affiliate offers in follow-up emails.

    Just some thoughts to get you going...
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Can you share the page you are trying to get leads from? Is it a squeeze page or an article-style page with an opt-in box on the side of the page?
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  • Profile picture of the author andybeveridge
    If you pm me I will try and help. I can spare an hour to give you some direction. Lots of good advice on this thread already though.

    Become a Digi Warrior and join us in the successful Dig Warrior IM Academy
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  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles

    I just found this video (no affiliate link) that covers some great elements for building a list. Hope that helps!

    Talk soon.
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianhenry
    Take a look at cloud blueprint. Cant remember the URL but google is your friend Its a free course with some good info on building a list and marketing to them.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    The best advice is just to take action, and if you get stuck with something pay someone to help you.

    It's also good if you join the lists of people in the same niche as you want to build a list in. Study how they create the list building process and reverse engineer it to work for you.

    Once you know that you're funnel is working spend time learning how to generate traffic, and don't be afraid to use paid sources if you know the list building part if making sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    if your new to IM and your trying to build a list then one of the best things to do is create your own personal blog

    create your blog and create value in that area

    once people see that you know your stuff and you start to build a following on your blog you will easily be able to start building a list from there

    create some value first and then build a list

    im not saying that if you just have a squeeze page you won`t be able to build a list but having a personal blog does wonders for your credibility and people can see that your areal person which provides value in the market place

    the list that you build from your blog are more responsive too because they get to know you more first before opting in to your list

    this is one of the platforms which i have used and it has worked great for me along with many other marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex The Lion
    A great squeeze page and a free incentive is a solid foundation, then it's all about building traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author rmoore
      I agree with Paul.

      Build a blog and see what posts that people respond to. Build your traffic to 300+ per day...then divert some of that traffic with a popup, opt-in under your post, etc. to a free course in exchange for their email address.

      I built a large list using that exact method. It won't happen overnight, but works well if you offer great content on your blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author smallbiz
    A mentor is a great idea. As someone in the thread has offered to help you out, I'd be taking that offer if I were you. It helps to have the benefit of someone to nudge you who's been down that road already.
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  • Profile picture of the author plongmire
    hey i hear you...it sucks building a list...

    The fastest lists I have ever built were when I gave away nothing...but it is trial and error and knowing what converts and what doesnt...
    1. Have a reason for someone to get on your list...great content, give something away...
    2. If this is what you want...make sure everything you do points to that sign up
    3. Make sure your page leads people to your sign up...example

    What I will say is if you go the free route of building a list, then it will be slow. Because it takes traffic and whole lot of it. You can expect anywhere between a 1-15% sign up rate.

    One last thing to keep in mind...you may need to do some pre-selling on your signup...for instance if I like what someone is saying on a specific topic and click on a link that gives more information...I usually sign up or buy from them...

    The best lists to build are from those who buy something from you...I would rather have a list of a 100 from people who bought one of my products than a 1000 from people I gave something away too...
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
    Personally, I find the blogging route to be to be an incredibly sloooooow way to get going.
    When you consider all the writing and then all the seo you have to do, it can be a massive investment in your time.
    I suppose it all depends on how patient you are and how much time you want to invest.

    My thoughts are to pick up all the list building training you can.
    Then, distill them down to a workable straight forward plan that you can stick to.
    Build or buy a "lead Magnet".. (your giveaway)
    Build a squeeze page.
    Consider running some solo ads if you really want to kickstart things. You can have 200-300 on your list in a matter of days this way.

    Put your giveaway in your signature here on wf.

    I hope this helps.
    Good luck to you in your list building.
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  • You could always offer a free report...

    something along the lines of " makes vague posts and get paid!"

    or something like that.
    Great content can turn your website into a GOLDMINE.

    So why are you are paying for lame copy that just lays there?
    Get noticed with content that gets ATTENTION.
    PM me to get content that gets you NOTICED.
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