PayPal as only payment option, would it put you off making a purchase?

25 replies
I am building a store to sell digital downloads and want to use PayPal to process credit/debit cards or take payments from PayPal balances.

My question is would PayPal put you off, even though you can pay via credit card without having a paypal account?
#making #option #payment #paypal #purchase #put
  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    that's a good point... and one i tested alot in the past with my own
    products as well as with clients.

    my results?

    clickbank as payment processor outsold and outconverted paypal.

    probably the biggest reason, with clickbank, you can use paypal.

    i personally know many marketers who swear by, and use, paypal only.

    so if it's a choice of paypal or nothing, then go with paypal.

    but if you plan on using affiliates for sales, go with clickbank.

    if you plan on doing huge volume, i'd go with a merchant account or

    when you use paypal, you DO have to jump through a few more hoops than you would... because initially you do come to a page where it asks you to sign in, etc...

    but again, paypal is almost as well known as google... and the name recognition helps.

    so, again... the only true way to tell is to test out paypal and then use another and see if your conversion rate goes down.

    i know in the past, it used to hamper my results, but these days... many marketers are using it as their only choice.
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    • Profile picture of the author frambles
      Thanks shawnlebrun. I can use a merchant account with my Bank and probably will eventually but PayPal do offer users to pay without any logging in, but they don't seem to offer this in a very obvious way.

      I have seen a lot of posts on various forums about how some people boycott PayPal but I guess a couple of options is best!
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenWatanabe
    Shawn makes some very good points, especially when it comes to larger volume.

    Personally, I deal with paypal every day and have no inklings about it what so ever -- Especially since they usually take the buyers side when it comes to disputes.
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  • Profile picture of the author hernalian
    I use PayPal as my only payment option. Most people are very familiar with it and understand how it works. Another reason I like PayPal is that I use Quickbooks and I can create invoices in Quickbooks and send an email from there that gives them a PayPal button to click to pay along with the invoice right in the body of the email. It's a PayPal plugin that has been very useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    I am in the same boat as you frambles but I will probably test both click bank and Paypal direct.

    I have seen marketers use a product page with a button that links strait to Paypal but am not sure if there has got to be any legal stuff connected to the page with the paypal button on it. The last one I looked at didn't have anything on it except a sales vid and a paypal button.

    I'll have a go at both Paypal and Clickbank maybe and see how it goes?

    cheers Carl
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  • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
    No it would not turn me off. We have PayPal as our "middleman" for our online biz and people arent freaked out about using it. Only one guy has ever said he'd send a cheque rather than use PayPal.

    ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    No paypal won't put you off. Just make sure your products are worthy because you dont want alot of refunds, angrt customers, and disputes that you have to deal with.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    When asking my customers at my PLR shop this same question I was actually surprised by how many wanted another option! The main reason is that if you have been banned by PayPal for any reason you cannot use any credit card you may have used with your PayPal account to purchase through PayPal.

    I added Google Checkout/Wallet to my shop and a lot of people are using it.
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    • Profile picture of the author frambles
      Originally Posted by AmandaT View Post

      When asking my customers at my PLR shop this same question I was actually surprised by how many wanted another option! The main reason is that if you have been banned by PayPal for any reason you cannot use any credit card you may have used with your PayPal account to purchase through PayPal.

      I added Google Checkout/Wallet to my shop and a lot of people are using it.
      Really good point! Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Lazenby
    Doesn't put me off at all. What I will say, is that I have a product which uses Paypal Standard and another that uses Website Payments Pro, with a standard credit card form. PP Standard is converting at around 48% and the credit card form converts at around 29%...that's from Add To Cart button CTR.

    Not Only That, It's Perfectly Legal & Whitehat!
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  • Profile picture of the author TDogger
    I have an online store and only use PayPal. I really got tired of Wells Fargo adding charges to my account every month that they could not explain. A bank wil nickle and dime you to death.

    There are no monthly fees with PayPal, and the transaction fees are very reasonable.

    I assume that I lose a few sales each month from people who do not like PayPal, but I sell hard goods. I don't think you will see the same problems with downloadable products.
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    • Profile picture of the author PR Wizard
      As a buyer I love paypal and am happy to use it whenever a seller offers it. As a seller they aren't my favorite but yeah I have no problem using it when buying digital downloads like you sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    PayPal is one of the easiest way to process payments. It's quite popular too. Never had any major concerns with them that haven't been resolved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
    Originally Posted by frambles View Post

    I am building a store to sell digital downloads and want to use PayPal to process credit/debit cards or take payments from PayPal balances.

    My question is would PayPal put you off, even though you can pay via credit card without having a paypal account?
    Personally, no it would not...not in the least. Might it some? Perhaps. I think, as you can tell from the answers provided above, that this is a personal preference and in large part is simply based on what niche you're involved in. PayPal is though becoming more and more "mainstream" and therefore less and less necessary to have multiple options.

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  • Profile picture of the author JeniferStarr
    I wouldn't be put off by paypal as the only option. In fact, I'm always happy when I can use it. I think it's been around long enough that most people are pretty comfortable.
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  • Profile picture of the author frambles
    Thanks for posts! Looks good for PayPal and maybe Google Checkout as a second option!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    PayPal does not put me off at all as a BUYER, in fact I prefer to buy things from there, rather than transfer the money to a bank account and use a credit or debit card.

    As a SELLER I am much more wary of PayPal, after hearing all the horror stories, and having had some minor problems with them which were not justified at all.

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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    i made this post the other day on the copywriting forum because,
    well, i'm a copywriter ;-)

    but i also thought it was relevant here and could help some
    folks out.

    if you offer products and/or services in person, or you sell services
    over the phone and don't want to use paypal, considering

    I still offer paypal as a payment alternative because almost everyone and their dog uses paypal.

    But recently, I've been accepting mostly credit cards with Square,
    which I LOVE

    If you go to, you can sign up for a free account and
    they will actually send you a free card reader. but you don't even need
    that if you have an iphone, ipad, or itouch...

    you can download the square app and actually take credit cards that way, without needing a merchant account or needing to have the client put in the info.

    it's awesome... paypal has a similar feature where you can take payments over the phone... but square has smaller fees.

    and the real cool thing about using square is, they deposit funds into your bank account the next day. with paypal, they hold funds for days, if not weeks.

    i once had a client pay me $10,000 for a project, and i used paypal's $19.95 a month program where you can take credit cards over the phone.

    well, they proceeded to hold that $10,000 for weeks because of the amount. so now i use paypal as little as possible and use square a lot more.

    i used square again this weekend, it's amazingly easy. you just get the credit card info, enter it into your iphone, ipad, or itouch... and presto... money is in your bank account a day later. love it.

    i've been using square more and more to accept credit cards.when the fees are in the $5,000 and $10,000 range, you tend to get a lot of American Express, or at least I do.

    so square is a great way to receive credit card payments and they go right into your bank account the next day.
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  • Profile picture of the author xtraxx
    I use PayPal as my only payment option. It's quite popular too.
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  • Hi Frambles, 4 years ago, when I started with internet marketing, the first thing I created was just an Ebook Store with paypal payments. There were around 2,000 ebooks to buy.
    Well, after one month I've closed everything.

    Because all purchases got refunded by Paypal to the buyers because they said their credit card was stolen and things like this. So, after I got my account up and down for the first month, I shut the door of that Ebook store forever, using the domain name to open a blog.

    I don't say everything will be bad by your side, this is just my single experience.
    But if I have to choose now, I will choose Clickbank where things are more easy and well made, and especially after you ask a tot refunds your credit card is banned.

    So my advice is to use Clickbank, Payspree, PayDotCom, JVZoo or any of this portals who use the same method by Clickbank.
    Paypal could be used for everything, not for small ebook sales.

    See you soon,
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  • Profile picture of the author Jillian W
    It doesn't put me off. I used to be skeptical about it when I first made my purchase online since that site only allowed paypal. payments so I had to sign up for an account. Then I realize how easy it was and how simple the transactions were. So far I haven't much problems using it. Plus, most online mechants uses paypal anyway and if that's the only way to buy/pay, then you don't have much choice unless you go somewhere else..
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  • Profile picture of the author ZahraBrown
    No because I know you don't have to get a Paypal account. In the past, I would've gone elsewhere because I thought you needed a Paypal account to buy. It's just not worth it. If you make it clear that you don't need an account then it should be fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      Personally it wouldn't turn me away if you only had a PayPal option. So many people use PayPal. I know they have their problems but doesn't everyone? I see many websites that offer only PayPal as a payment option.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author casablancas
    PayPal is great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Originally Posted by frambles View Post

    I am building a store to sell digital downloads and want to use PayPal to process credit/debit cards or take payments from PayPal balances.

    My question is would PayPal put you off, even though you can pay via credit card without having a paypal account?
    Using paypal, does not meant that those who purchase have to have a paypal account.

    If they have a C.C. they can still purchase from you, without even having a PayPal account, they give that option on the main purchase page, you just have to look for it.
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