How big should your list Funnel be?

13 replies
I'm putting together a massive funnel of free info, videos, articles etc for a list and I'm trying to decide how big to make this funnel.. 3 months, 12 months?

Lets say someone (targeted) opts in to your list, and you give a way tons of value for 6 months.

After 6 months, what percent can you expect to still be active?

Or better yet, how much will the action ratio decrease?

I know its a very broad question. Some of you will say its impossible to answer. But just give it a shot!
#expectancy #life #subscriber
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Good question, I think I've read this before but do not remember the answer.

    I also think part of the reason why was everyone started getting into a debate about how you treat your list, and how it so varied that there is no real way to predict this.

    Although I'm still curious myself.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
    Yes a very broad question lol, how long is a piece of string ?

    Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

    After 6 months, what percent can you expect to still be active?
    I know its a very broad question. Some of you will say its impossible to answer. But just give it a shot!
    what % to still be active in 6 months? i recon 64.7% lol.

    I have some of my value, going out to my list for upto 10-12 months, with valuable content as well as promos throughout the email series.

    Aslong as your email series is not boring and doesn't put them to sleep, and you have a 'twist' on your emails.
    But many factors are involved such as:
    -your emails style
    -where your traffic came from
    -what you provide as far as value
    -how targeted the traffic to your list is
    -whether they are a freebie or list of buyers
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    • Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

      Yes a very broad question lol, how long is a piece of string ?

      what % to still be active in 6 months? i recon 64.7% lol.

      I have some of my value, going out to my list for upto 10-12 months, with valuable content as well as promos throughout the email series.

      Aslong as your email series is not boring and doesn't put them to sleep, and you have a 'twist' on your emails.
      But many factors are involved such as:
      -your emails style
      -where your traffic came from
      -what you provide as far as value
      -how targeted the traffic to your list is
      -whether they are a freebie or list of buyers
      Thanks Matt.

      Just wanted to make sure that if I build my funnel with 12 months worth of content I wouldn't be wasting my time.

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      • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
        Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

        Thanks Matt.

        Just wanted to make sure that if I build my funnel with 12 months worth of content I wouldn't be wasting my time.
        The only issue would be, if you train them to be 'expecting' free content all the time.

        or you 'bore' them to death with a 12 month series.

        Some ways would be to mix up your email content, provide variety for your content:

        -Put in some humour in your emails,
        -provide videos,
        -blog posts,
        -'secret surprise bonuses' (which they wont be expecting...they like this)
        .. mix it up.

        There is nothing to stop you from keeping your series to 3-4 months wouldn't do any harm, but the series of emails in your sequence is key.
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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

      how long is a piece of string ?
      I'm surprised you don't know the answer to that. Everybody knows how long a piece of string is. If you don't, then Google it.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Yes, I understand your point very clearly. Thanks for the advice. But at some point doesnt the action ratio go down?

    If I can find that point, I will know when to stop building

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

      Yes, I understand your point very clearly. Thanks for the advice. But at some point doesnt the action ratio go down?

      If I can find that point, I will know when to stop building
      Depends on the structure of your sales funnel.

      Well when people buy one product, the get added to a 'new' list, where i promote them a higher priced item. (using awebers automation rule - which can unsubscribe them from one list, and when they join another one)

      So the different lists are for different priced products

      -a freebie seeker list,
      -a $27 product list,
      -a $47 product list,
      -$97 product list etc.

      When they move from 1 list to the higher level one (after purchase) then they will receive a different series of emails.(which will be promoting the next product up)

      But until the people on the first initial list (freebie seekers for example)- they keep getting promoted too, untill they decide to purchase the $27 product.. (even if it takes some of them 8 months)

      then they move to list 2 - $27 product list, where they will slowly be promoted the $47 product.
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      • Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

        Depends on the structure of your sales funnel.

        Well when people buy one product, the get added to a 'new' list, where i promote them a higher priced item. (using awebers automation rule - which can unsubscribe them from one list, and when they join another one)

        So the different lists are for different priced products

        -a freebie seeker list,
        -a $27 product list,
        -a $47 product list,
        -$97 product list etc.

        When they move from 1 list to the higher level one (after purchase) then they will receive a different series of emails.(which will be promoting the next product up)

        But until the people on the first initial list (freebie seekers for example)- they keep getting promoted too, untill they decide to purchase the $27 product.. (even if it takes some of them 8 months)

        then they move to list 2 - $27 product list, where they will slowly be promoted the $47 product.
        Wow, so drill them to death until the buy product #1 then move them to next funnel, increase price, rinse repeat?

        So is this method pretty standard? Correct me if Im wrong, is this the butterfly method?

        Seems like you've found a tested formula that works for you none the less. Thanks for sharing.

        I was going to do something a little different. Please give me your feedback on this...

        -List 1... email lots of valuable content for 30 days and try and get them to buy 27.00 product.

        Next 30 days... New valuable content circled around a new product.

        I was going to have 10-12 separate 27.00 products for the one list over the course of 12 months.

        If at any time they purchased, I would just have OT offers/upsells.

        Is this a bad method???

        Should I dump this, or just refine it?

        Also I havn't thought about incorporating much higher end products.

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    it really depends on the niche your in

    if your in a niche where you will always be updating stuff then its not a good idea to make too many follow ups

    how ever if your in a niche where the content you provide today will still be solid and accurate in 12 months time then you can expand your funnels and follow up sequences much bigger

    it really depends on what niche your in

    also with regards to who will be active it really does depend on about a kazillion factors

    i often go through my lists every few weeks and delete anyone that has not opened an email from me in a while

    this means that there not interested in what i have to say so i delete them and move on

    doing this keeps a nice active list of subscribers that like to listen to what i have to say

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  • Itching for Matts response lol

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    what matt describes is what i do in my business

    your goal should be to send your customers deeper into your funnel

    the further your customers go the more they are worth

    one thing you do have to think about is your price points

    of course your price points should be getting higher each time but you have lots of choices with by how much

    a good process would be something like $11, $27, $47, $97, $197, $497, $997

    so in this type of funnel yur ultimate goal is to have a boat load of $997 customers

    also if you do things this way you can put all your customers through your own "education style of products" so when they get to end parts of your funnel you know that they would of all read all of your products and you wold know by now exactly what they have been taught

    this will make things easier to create more products for them

    i love building sales funnels, not only is it the most important part of your business but i find it really good fun too :-)

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