CASE STUDY: Starting a Theme Selling Business From ZERO
I am right now more interested in creating and selling digital products (in this case HTML and WordPress themes) than doing client work.
I will make public my process, my goals, and everything else that I feel will have an impact in the number of sales I receive.
Theme #1
I'm working right now on an all-purpose theme, which has a name that I won't share with you just yet. When I'm done designing, I will first submit the PSD to ThemeForest and, if it's accepted, I will move onto creating the HTML version of it, and then the WordPress one.
Goals with this theme:
• Earn $500 from it (sum of the sales for the PSD, HTML, and WP versions). Which is indeed very low but right now I'll settle for it.
• Make a mailing list of 100 people interested in website themes.
• Learn how to make a high quality and easily customizable HTML and WP theme, regardless of how much time it takes me to reach this level.
• Apply some creative marketing tactics in order to boost sales, which I will share with you in this thread.
• Get used to the Take No Days Off approach, which means that social life and any other distractor / time-waster are off, and the entire day is spent exclusively working on my business. Also, the day ends when I crash, and the TNDO period ends when I reach my goal.
Follow me in this journey!
I'm not writing this thread for myself. I mean, I kind of do, since hopefully some of you will get interested in my themes, but that's not the idea.
I'm writing this for anyone trying to start a product-selling business from absolute scratch. So if you want to know what I'm going through, follow me:
• Subscribe to this thread
•(you'll get freebies too)
• PM me your e-mail address to add you to my mailing list (more deals and freebies, and I'll make a weekly raffle for a free license to one of my themes)
Hopefully you'll find this stuff useful. If you have any questions, ask away.
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