Getting Paid from Amazon

3 replies

I write a blog and advertise on my astores from amazon. During the month of June, I showed earnings (for the first time) of just over $140.00.

I was not paid in July and just thought they were a month behind and would in August. Now it is September.

Is there some way I am supposed to tell them to pay me? What am I supposed to do to be paid?

I am sure it is me but I don't know what to do.


#amazon #paid
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Garcia
    Call the Amazon Associates help line and they can explain this to you more thoroughly than what I'm about to say.

    Apparently it's anywhere between 3 - 4 months before you actually see the money you've earned through Amazon Associates. It depends on which month you first passed the minimum check/deposit amount (which is usually $100), but basically it would be 3 - 4 months AFTER that first month you earned more than the minimum amount.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would contact them. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes 2 months to get your funds sent to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackieGold
    Amazon normally pays 60 days after the end of the month where you passed your minimum payment threshhold. Your payment for June should go out the end of August.
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