Not a native English speaker,This free tool Completes your words while typing and more!

by avi m
12 replies

If you are not not a native English speaker,This free tool
can help you write content!

You can use this free tool called eType.

Completes your words, while typing

Translates to your native language

Prevents spelling mistakes

eType we complete you

Great and free tool !!

I'm sure this will be helpful to a lot of warriors,

#completes #english #free #native #speaker #tool #typing #words
  • Profile picture of the author MakeMoneyKid
    So it's like an Auto Complete tool? That's great! I would love to dowload this freebie
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  • Profile picture of the author avi m
    It Completes your words, while typing for example in English
    and prevent spelling mistakes ,you chose to complete the words from
    their suggestions!
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  • Profile picture of the author conanedo
    wow thanks man, my english are not good enough

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Good tool, but make sure you double check what it completes for you...

    Damn You Auto Correct! - Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories
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  • Profile picture of the author Mitja Drame
    It's a nice share, but I would rather learn English, because you never know what the tool will suggest - if it's right or not. Another solution would be to outsource the thing you need (article probably).
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  • Profile picture of the author Gorgasm
    Looks prmesing! Anything that helps us get our thoughs into writing is more than welcome
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright

    That's what I like about posting with my Droid. I use an app called smart keyboard which basically does the same thing. I'm going to download your suggestion and see how it works for me.

    I may be a native English speaker, however, I don't spell like one and I use and need all the help I can get.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author nadal619
    thanks for sharing
    that is really helpful , unfortunately I have a mac so I cannot use it .

    Learn How to make $194.24/Day By Selling on eBay , Click here

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  • Profile picture of the author avi m
    just want to mention that this tool also useful in posting and chatting!
    More Than 250 Call-To-Action Animations and Video Stingers and
    Ads Genius video course Awarded Produt of The Day June 27th 2016 on JVzoo

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  • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
    Great share, I will check this for sure.

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