DLGuard & Wordpress Integration

11 replies
Hello warriors -

Does anyone have any experience with using a WordPress site and selling products via DLGuard?

DLGuard gets an overwhelming response for positive reviews, and all my sites are WordPress...

But I have yet to see any documentation / examples / tutorials on how (or if) they can be integrated.

Specifically I've got a list of about 25 digital products that I want to sell securely through WordPress... possible?

I see that there is a membership integration plugin, so I suspect that this is possible, I just haven't found a concrete answer.

Thanks guys -

#dlguard #integration #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Francis Chan
    There are a few other options, including:

    Become a Seller with eShop for WordPress Plugin | Wordpress Plugins

    WordPress eStore Plugin - Complete solution to sell digital products from your wordpress blog securely

    estore is a cheap plugin that automatically send the buyer an encrypted download link. Easy to manage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    I'm using Wordpress and DLGuard on my Wordpress Salesletter. I just wrote the copy, uploaded an ecover and "buy now" button and linked DLGuard's "buy now" code to the "Buy now" image.


    Or are you trying to do something different?

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    • Profile picture of the author kettlewell
      I've not actually purchased DLGuard, and was making inquiries to make sure that it's the right product for me....

      I don't know much about how DLGuard integrates, but I know WP fairly well....

      If you're getting to work through a button code, then I'm sure I can figure something out....

      I guess I'll just buy it and see what I can do to integrate it


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      • Profile picture of the author espradley
        I have actually done several integratiosn of DLGuard with Wordpress.

        I am a moderator of the DLGuard forum as well.

        Contact me and I will show you some examples that I have done and I am relatively cheap!


        Now I have a plugin...visit http://www.dlgadvance.com

        Eddie Spradley

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  • Profile picture of the author darrinmcl
    I use the two together without trouble at all. Not only that but Sam Stephens and his team provide unbelievable customer support. You can't go wrong.

    I bought my original copy of DLGuard about 4 years ago and have upgraded a few times since then. When I finally wanted to install it on my second domain I couldn't find my original receipt number. I contacted Sam and he not only personally retrieved it, he had it back to me in about an hour. Priceless.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Matt,

    I'm Sam Stephens, the guy behind DLGuard - yes, DLGuard works well with Wordpress, a LOT of DLGuard members use this combination.

    It can be set up as a membership site, or if you just want to sell products from your blog, then it's as easy as pasting a text link (or HTML if you prefer) on your WP post.

    DLGuard will take care of the rest.

    Does that make sense?

    Let me know if you'd like me to clarify anything!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.

    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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    • Profile picture of the author optimuswarrior
      Hi Sam,

      I am interested in using DLguard to protect my links and downloads with WP Wishlist on Wordpress.

      Why? WP Wishlist appears to have a lot more membership site features than DLguard and it is integrated in the wordpress dashboard.

      I am not clear about the full features of the DLguard membership site capabilities. Can you tell me how it compares to Wishlist? Will it be a good replacement or a companion only?

      Will they work together in fact?

      "I am here to serve you, you are here to serve me, together we win:

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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    DL Guard just gives you a link to paste into your site so how hard can integration be.

    Create a product in DLguard, Get Link go to wordpress and use any old payment graphic and link.

    MP3 Sound Stream Software Streaming Audio made Easy uses dlguard and wordpress.

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    • Profile picture of the author espradley
      Hello All,

      I have been doing wordpress installs with DLGuard for a long time. I just built a membership plugin for wordpress.


      This one allows you to protect individual pages with individual membership groups so its great if you are offing a silver, bronse, and gold style package.

      Check it out, it will make your life alot easier!

      Eddie Spradley

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    I use DLG and WordPress together all the time, in fact the theme in my sig has custom fields that were created for use with DLG and similar products.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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    • Profile picture of the author radellano
      Hi Guys,

      do you feel that it would be worth the cost for the system? by integrating DLGuard for wordpress?

      here is what i am planning to do and am looking for the best way to set it up:

      1. option to sell an ebook, with an instant download, nothing confusing.
      2. option to sell the same ebook at a cheaper rate, but allow for a subscription to membership site.
      - membership site will offer a login (per user) which can be created after the order is made automatically
      - site will allow for users to view new posts, some resources and potentially a simple discussion board

      please send me your thoughts and suggestions for how to approach it.
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