Zombie Profiting With The Walking Dead!
i am a big fan of the walking dead and zombies in general. Including the new brad pitt movie WORLD WAR Z. I saw some cool little CPAs here and there that are zombie related or you can promote one of those high gravity clickbank Apocalypse survival guide digi-books.
Check out google keywords and trends for the search numbers on these zombie/walking dead charater related keywords.
You got relatively high search volume and little competition.
Get yourself a trendy and catchy little domain name iamzombie.com or something or other (NO EMD)
go to fiverr get yourself a cool little logo. Then get that logo turned into your header and into a cool little video intro.
write each post with the keyword in the title, description, meta tag and one other time in a 500 to 600 word document, write naturally and freely.
dont forget to dress your post up with one or two images and to put variations of your keyword in the alts
Start posting on some zombie fan forum, yahoo answers (link after a solid two weeks of helping others) and start youtubing your thoughts and opinions about the episodes and zombies in general. Dont forget to use your little zombie intro vid in the beginning of each vid.
Create a Facebook page and slap that sucker on your website.
You are building brand recognition and pleasing the Google gods in a relatively unchallenged niche market. Structure your vids and posts around the show's episodes, and zombie lore.
That show is immensely popular so you will be able to piggy back it with your authority website till the end of time.
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