Best university degrees for IM?

49 replies
Having exited year 12 this year, I've got to pick university course preferences for next year.

My first preference is a Bachelor of Business Management and I can major in eBusiness which seems very relevant to IM. Is there any other degrees worth considering?
#degrees #university
  • Profile picture of the author Badass
    Business management sounds good or a marketing degree, media studies, can also be helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I think "Eng. Lit./Writing" is probably about the most useful you can get. Writing is probably the most valuable "single skill" you can have, to be an internet marketer, overall? There are few successful business models in IM that don't involve producing or outsourcing some sort of writing, at some point? The other valuable skills are perhaps also more easily acquired without needing "formal education" in them? And copywriting (though that isn't typically taught in degrees) is perhaps the best-paid skill of all.
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      • Profile picture of the author onSubie
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I think "Eng. Lit./Writing" is probably about the most useful you can get. Writing is probably the most valuable "single skill" you can have, to be an internet marketer, overall? There are few successful business models in IM that don't involve producing or outsourcing some sort of writing, at some point? The other valuable skills are perhaps also more easily acquired without needing "formal education" in them? And copywriting (though that isn't typically taught in degrees) is perhaps the best-paid skill of all.

        I was about to post what Alexa said. If your plan is to be self-employed in IM then I think a general arts degree would be best.

        A business degree prepares you for a job in business. Having that piece of paper is an important part of your resume.

        In a general arts degree you can choose some business courses that are of interest. But your writing, research and critical thinking will get much more development from a more general degree.

        If you want to go more hard-core business. You can do that as a post-graduate degree like an MBA. There are a lot of intense business degrees and programs that are aimed a supplementing an existing degree in another field.

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      • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
        Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

        Having exited year 12 this year, I've got to pick university course preferences for next year.

        My first preference is a Bachelor of Business Management and I can major in eBusiness which seems very relevant to IM. Is there any other degrees worth considering?
        First of all, why do you need to go to university? Make sure it's because higher education is something you're passionate about and want to do, and not something you feel like you're required to do. You can spend far less money and get a far better education without going to university.

        That being said, I'm one semester away from graduating with a university degree, but I've kept in mind the entire time that this isn't because I "need" to go. The entire degree has been because I wanted to do it, and that changes your perspective on it endlessly.

        Balancing online business with schoolwork is going to be harder than you think, and when you find yourself choosing between work that you're paying to do and work that you're being paid to do, if you're not doing it because you love it, it will stress you out and drain you.

        Now, if you're still determined to do a degree because you want to, great.

        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I think "Eng. Lit./Writing" is probably about the most useful you can get. Writing is probably the most valuable "single skill" you can have, to be an internet marketer, overall? There are few successful business models in IM that don't involve producing or outsourcing some sort of writing, at some point? The other valuable skills are perhaps also more easily acquired without needing "formal education" in them? And copywriting (though that isn't typically taught in degrees) is perhaps the best-paid skill of all.
        This post is the one you need to reread.

        I've found my English degree tremendously valuable, but only because I've put a lot of work into it in order to use the feedback I've received to improve my writing and critical thinking skills. My articles have improved, my editing has improved, my research has definitely improved, my focus has improved... you name it.

        All degrees are supposed to teach you this, but some schools really don't. In my school, whenever business students happen to be in one of my non-business classes, they're often clueless about how to make a good argument, write a great paper, or even research sources. YMMV depending on your school of choice.

        But make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. As many have pointed out, you don't need a degree, and I certainly feel like I could have made tremendous strides in my business during the four years I've had to downsize or limit it in order to succeed at schoolwork. I couldn't be dissuaded before this degree, but maybe you're more sensible than I was.
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      • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I think "Eng. Lit./Writing" is probably about the most useful you can get. Writing is probably the most valuable "single skill" you can have, to be an internet marketer, overall? There are few successful business models in IM that don't involve producing or outsourcing some sort of writing, at some point? The other valuable skills are perhaps also more easily acquired without needing "formal education" in them? And copywriting (though that isn't typically taught in degrees) is perhaps the best-paid skill of all.
        You wouldn't be slightly biased in saying that writing is the most important skill now, would you?

        I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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      • Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I think "Eng. Lit./Writing" is probably about the most useful you can get. Writing is probably the most valuable "single skill" you can have, to be an internet marketer, overall? There are few successful business models in IM that don't involve producing or outsourcing some sort of writing, at some point? The other valuable skills are perhaps also more easily acquired without needing "formal education" in them? And copywriting (though that isn't typically taught in degrees) is perhaps the best-paid skill of all.
        This is very true. The ability to create awesome and badass content for your audience is a very precious skill that will bring you profits for years to come with a lot less work.
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    • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
      Originally Posted by Badass View Post

      Business management sounds good or a marketing degree, media studies, can also be helpful.
      Should I major in eBusiness or Marketing? Here's the course I'm planning on doing. Course list for the Bachelor of Business Management - Courses and Programs - The University of Queensland, Australia

      Go to group 2 and look under the eBusiness heading. It looks very relevant.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    eBusiness sounds like a great idea although they might not have a lot of information on actual marketing strategies... I'm not really sure though. Marketing is great though because you will learn fundamentals that can never be replaced, these fundamentals work in online and offline...

    Really it's up to you and what you want to study!
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  • Profile picture of the author ampeloi13
    Take into thought the advancing and ever changing strategies and technology with online marketing or IM. There are many various levels of IM. You could learn about Branding & Reputation Management. Use your computer and internet and periodically meet with the offline companies. Is a good blend and many doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, etc have a need to protect their reputation. Just a thought for you. Try and talk to graduated students and get their input. Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ampeloi13
    "Should I major in eBusiness or Marketing? Here's the course I'm planning on doing. Course list for the Bachelor of Business Management - Courses and Programs - The University of Queensland, Australia

    Go to group 2 and look under the eBusiness heading. It looks very relevant"
    I just looked and think it is the typical University framework with Advertising, Business Econ, eBusiness, HR, International Business, Marketing, Physical Activity, Real estate development, Sustainability. Much area of development is required and they probably do this to help you focus on on with future education. Your in Australia. The global markets with advancing technology are becoming much more interrelated. I like the idea on International Business and IM. Interesting .
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The best education you can get is self education.

    Just like Alexa said, it would be a good idea to learn some writing skills. Still, you don't need to go to University for that. You learn as you go along. There are many great courses on the market online that teach you those skills.
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    • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      The best education you can get is self education.
      "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
      ― Jim Rohn

      I totally agree. Don't ignore 'stuff' you can learn on your own. Technology today gives you an opportunity no other generation before us had.

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  • Profile picture of the author mgreener
    Also sales, the importance of learning sales cannot be stressed enough!
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  • Profile picture of the author jadodo
    you dont need to go to university again, learn the rudiment of IM
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    Obviously I'm going to be learning everything as far as IM goes on my own. I just thought that if I'm going to university, I might as well be studying something in-line with IM to supplement what I'm already learning myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author drr
    You should just join the IMVideoUniversity

    Seriously, my two cents is that degrees are becoming less and less relevant in this somewhat dangerous new epoch we're entering. In many countries, my UK included, a lot of graduates are coming out only to end up with jobs that are not remotely related to their studies.

    That's not to say a degree is not a good thing - it's just that if your end gameplan is to be an internet marketer, or online entrepreneur - arguably you're better off investing the 50k or so of student debt you'll be stuck with on setting up your own real business and getting real experience instead.
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    • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
      Originally Posted by drr View Post

      You should just join the IMVideoUniversity

      Seriously, my two cents is that degrees are becoming less and less relevant in this somewhat dangerous new epoch we're entering. In many countries, my UK included, a lot of graduates are coming out only to end up with jobs that are not remotely related to their studies.

      That's not to say a degree is not a good thing - it's just that if your end gameplan is to be an internet marketer, or online entrepreneur - arguably you're better off investing the 50k or so of student debt you'll be stuck with on setting up your own real business and getting real experience instead.
      As I said, I'm going to university period. It's just a matter of what I study and how well it supplements my goals as an IMer.
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  • Profile picture of the author sniperdomi
    If I was you, I would graduate in marketing.
    I believe that's the most important thing if you want to start your own business online, because internet is just a tool ( like your shop)

    Also the theory is good, it would be much better for you to get some practice. So maybe make a website and try to implement what you will learn in terms copywritting and anything that you need to market your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Universities are generally rubbish for teaching of IT and web related stuff. How do I know? I work in one

    As far as programming goes, I'm self taught. The best way to learn online marketing is to hang out here and subscribe to Greedy's Greed Reports site - it's only $9.95 a month as well!
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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    • Profile picture of the author ElaineBedfordd
      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      Universities are generally rubbish for teaching of IT and web related stuff. How do I know? I work in one

      As far as programming goes, I'm self taught. The best way to learn online marketing is to hang out here and subscribe to Greedy's Greed Reports site - it's only $9.95 a month as well!

      Tend to disagree - I did information systems as part of my degree and you learn tons of good stuff. Just look at some of the great "coders" in IM - they are awesome programmers and create fantastic software, yet they know next to nothing about project management, proper software testing, and so on.... this is valid pretty much for every field.

      If I have to sum it up - having university or college degree will land you great job and you will earn more than people with no degrees (feel free to check out stats online). If you want to pursue running your own business, then having a degree isn't that relevant, it always comes down to brains and ba**s with the latter probably accounting for 90% of your chances for success
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Theoretically, a degree can help, but in reality IM is miles apart from what we know and are taught within the four corners of a classroom. Most of us here are self-taught. We all had our share of Google searches and YouTube video tutorials for starters. And oh, it's F-R-E-E!

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author ilee
    I'm an engineering undergrad and haven't done too badly so far. In honesty, you don't need a degree if IM is what you want to get into

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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    Because IM is such an emerging and evolving industry it is difficult for Univerisities to develop a comprehensive curriculum that is current. There is no better way to learn than experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author figgity
    I would go with something completely different like law. That way you have something to fall back on if this IM stuff doesn't work out. Gotta always be thinking ahead to your future wife and kids and all that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Takk
      Originally Posted by figgity View Post

      I would go with something completely different like law. That way you have something to fall back on if this IM stuff doesn't work out. Gotta always be thinking ahead to your future wife and kids and all that.
      This is an important statement.

      Go to college for something you are passionate about, want to learn more about, and can make a career out of. Bearing in mind, along side English skills, you also need content to write about. Having a deeper set of skills and experiences in a field you are passionate about is of near value to the actual writing skills required. Throw in higher education often has liberal arts requirements in general, and you get most of the English skills you need.

      Try to go to higher education for two things: Something that will always be valuable, and something that is difficult to learn outside of college (or hard to be taken seriously with self-taught knowledge - such a degree in engineering or similar).

      If you apply your free time in IM, and take an elective or two you are interested in, I think you will have all the specifics you need on that front.

      Beginning Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author WarrenPeterson
    Don't bother with a specific "IM" degree. Instead go for directly to a Marketing degree. The 'skill' is marketing, the medium is the Internet.

    I'd also echo the comments about about learning to write. If writing isn't your desire at all, then the other side of your education could be in audio or video production.

    A combination of solid marketing skills with a solid set of skills for content creation (writing, audio, video, etc...) is excellent.

    You can then apply those skills to the world of marketing, be it online or offline.
    Do you really want to build a real business?
    Then you need this: 21 Days To Business Success
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    I've studied extension English in high school and even previously run a grammar and punctuation blog in the past. My English is well above average and I can write very well.

    I'm thinking about maybe doing an advertising or marketing degree since that's what the majority of people who understood the purpose of this thread are suggesting.
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    • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
      Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

      I've studied extension English in high school and even previously run a grammar and punctuation blog in the past. My English is well above average and I can write very well.

      I'm thinking about maybe doing an advertising or marketing degree since that's what the majority of people who understood the purpose of this thread are suggesting.
      I'm sure that you can write well, but if nothing else, take a few technical writing classes. It'll push you as a writer, and make you better.

      Keep pushing yourself. Learn something new. Go and get a degree in something that you're passionate about, not just because it'll make you X number of dollars and/or you think it will apply to IM.

      Follow your passion. The money will be right behind it...

      I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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      • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
        Originally Posted by koreancowboy View Post

        I'm sure that you can write well, but if nothing else, take a few technical writing classes. It'll push you as a writer, and make you better.

        Keep pushing yourself. Learn something new. Go and get a degree in something that you're passionate about, not just because it'll make you X number of dollars and/or you think it will apply to IM.

        Follow your passion. The money will be right behind it...
        And if my passion is internet marketing? :p
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        • Profile picture of the author greenyeti
          Dont do management. Its a waste of time. Trust me, I know.

          Get an engineering degree or something else. Minor in business if you want. Take some marketing classes, psychology might be good too. Alot of marketing is understanding psychology.

          Have fun
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        • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
          Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

          And if my passion is internet marketing? :p
          Is that the only thing that you're passionate about?

          I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author ijohnson
    I would also advise you to major in Marketing with a minor in Writing or Multi-Media.
    Make every day count!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    the 4Ps of marketing works everywhere.. you cannot run away from it.. nevertheless, I still regret at my poor ability to write... haiz~ BUT, the real education is when you do it.. the rest are all ideal theories at work~

    To Your Fun & Freedom
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  • Profile picture of the author IMDESTROYER
    Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

    Having exited year 12 this year, I've got to pick university course preferences for next year.

    My first preference is a Bachelor of Business Management and I can major in eBusiness which seems very relevant to IM. Is there any other degrees worth considering?
    Internet Marketing is called "Internet Marketing" so get a degree in media or marketing. If you don't want that then get a degree in computer science and just take solo courses in IM. Those are the 2 primary categories of education you need to succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I would think a degree in Computer Science and then learn what you need about IM online. You will use a lot of what you learn with your computer science degree. Most people (I think) successful in IM today do not have a degree of any kind in it. It's great that you are going to school and I completely stand by you on that.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

    Can you get an MBA?
    That's definitely an option if I choose the Business Management path.
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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    Is There Any Degree about Entrepreneurship?
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    • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
      Originally Posted by PolicyMaker View Post

      Is There Any Degree about Entrepreneurship?
      Unfortunately not. :/
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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    Well Degrees are Irrelevant...Skills are Important in IM World...Just find out What Successful Marketers Have Done and Model Their Skills Set...

    You'll not regret...
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    • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
      Originally Posted by PolicyMaker View Post

      Well Degrees are Irrelevant...Skills are Important in IM World...Just find out What Successful Marketers Have Done and Model Their Skills Set...

      You'll not regret...
      I'll say it again, I'm getting a degree regardless. What will be best to supplement my IM studies?
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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    The degree you get should be in line with what you want to do to make money online. If you want to create content, an English degree would help immensely. If you want to program apps, a computer programming degree would work best. If you want to do graphics, a graphics arts degree would open a lot of doors for you. Figure out what you want to do and go get a degree that teaches you how to do it.

    I recently graduated from college with a Bachelors Degree in IT with a Computer Software emphasis. I do a lot of web programming on the side and it really helped me by making it possible for me to do things with my sites I had no clue how to do before. I'm also now looking into other things like app creation that I wouldn't have dreamt of doing before.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
    -Franklin Jones

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  • Profile picture of the author serafina
    IMO , you don't need pick university degree, it's to much. you just need take course at and pick the subject you really want.

    Online World

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  • Profile picture of the author nrmillions
    I would either major in marketing and then minor in a computer field or major in something related to computers and minor in marketing. Dont major in eBusiness!
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    • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
      Originally Posted by nrmillions View Post

      Dont major in eBusiness!
      Why's that?
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      • Profile picture of the author greenyeti
        Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

        Why's that?
        Because if you do need a real job for a bit, no one will give any credit to it.

        What part of IM are you most interested in?
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        • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
          Originally Posted by greenyeti View Post

          Because if you do need a real job for a bit, no one will give any credit to it.

          What part of IM are you most interested in?
          Email marketing.
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          • Profile picture of the author chandan94
            I think you will be confused with various answers and descriptions from people here.
            I have also asked some business related questions here and was confused
            with the replies. All the people are very helpful and experienced.

            The only different is what is you and you need for your future plan.
            Just make a meditation of 10mins. then ask to your heart what you
            plan for your future then I am sure you will get your answer.

            IM is a vast industry and different person get success here coming from
            different angle. So, it depends on your inner skill and talent and accordingly
            you can choose your course.


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