Tips to write articles faster

44 replies
Hello guys,

I take some time to write an article and I've read of some warriors who say they write 10 articles in a day. Would you guys share some tips to write artiles faster?
#articles #faster #tips #write
  • Profile picture of the author jakejoh10
    I certainly don't write ten articles a day. But, I do write one a day typically, and while I'm still learning, here are a few pieces of advice:

    - Don't worry about writing articles fast. I know this kind of goes against your question, but I would rather take a few hours and write an awesome 2,000 word article, than write four low quality articles in that same time.

    - Eliminate all distractions. The main problem with working on the computer is that there are millions of distractions just one click away. Something that I've been doing lately is gathering all of the information and research that I need for a post, and then disconnecting the internet. Yes, I even close the Warrior Forum tab! (shame on me)

    - Don't try to be perfect. The goal is to put out great content, but if you are worried out being 100% perfect, you will never get anything done. Do the best you can, and learn from your mistakes so that you can be better next article.

    You can find more tips here (not affiliated with this site, these are tips to become a better online writer in general). There are some great tips that you can implement right away.

    Hope this helps.

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    JJStrength for tips on getting fit and staying healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    If you want a good article, you shouldn't focus on speed.

    I suspect that the reason so many people seem to imagine that there's something good about writing articles "in the least amount of time" is that they have a really quantitative approach to content writing, and they think that producing them more quickly means you can produce more of them, and that that "must be a good thing". It isn't. Article marketing isn't about how many articles you have: it's about who reads them. The interest in writing them more quickly arises mostly because people don't realise that what matters with content isn't actually "how much of it you have" but "by how much highly targeted traffic it's read".
    That, inevitably, depends on quality, not on quantity.

    I write 3 articles per month for each of my niches. I have them published as widely as possible in front of highly targeted traffic in the relevant niche (not something I can achieve if they've been written quickly, because nobody much wants to publish those, and they won't bring me much targeted traffic from places where I can just submit them on my own). That's been more than enough content, for years, for me to build my business steadily and very successfully.

    When I first started, I used to try to write several articles per day. They weren't very good articles, and as a result I hardly earned anything from them for a few months. Now I wouldn't dream of trying to write more than one per day.

    I suspect that people wanting to write ten articles per day are using the word "article" very differently from me: they're typically thinking of something like "a chunk of keyword-optimized text to which a backlink or two can be attached". That isn't really an article; it doesn't serve many beneficial purposes for its author; it doesn't usually produce income at all.

    It helps me to make efforts to write articles more slowly, not more quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivan84m
    Thanks, Jake and Alexa. If I may ask, where do you publish them alexa? I only do so in article directories or web 2.0 sites but they only serve to provide backlinks.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by ivan84m View Post

      If I may ask, where do you publish them alexa?
      In relevant ezines, relevant magazines, relevant pages/supplements of newspapers (when I can - that's not so easy, though!), and on relevant niche sites and relevant blogs.

      Originally Posted by ivan84m View Post

      I only do so in article directories or web 2.0 sites but they only serve to provide backlinks.
      Article directory backlinks are worthless. Google has made quite sure of that. Even as long ago as 2010, before all Google's 2011 series of "Panda updates" devalued the SEO potential of article directory backlinks so much, standard, established SEO-textbook writers were explaining in some detail why one would typically need many tens of thousands of those "backlinks" to confer the same linkjuice to your site's off-page SEO weighting as that arising from one backlink on a quality, relevant site. Nowadays, of course, the value of those backlinks has declined still further, as so many members attest to so regularly.

      It's easily enough verifiable for yourself, too.

      This isn't what article directories are for. These backlinks have no real value. They're all non-context-relevant (and PR-0) backlinks. As the saying goes "100,000 of those backlinks and $3.50 will buy you a cappuccino at Starbuck's".

      (And these days it will also get your site heavily penalized by Google's Penguin update, of course ).

      This thread might help you quite a bit, Ivan:

      Originally Posted by chi-whiz View Post

      I won't be surprised if you don't get many responses to this.
      I'll be very surprised (though that happens often enough). Threads asking this question usually get as far as a second page, though the later posters have very rarely read the earlier responses and typically base what they say on the mistaken assumption that "writing faster" is a good idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        I've seen some of those claims, and I've seen some of the "write an article really quick" manuals. I probably still have a few on my backup drive. Two things stick out, usually...

        > The authors tend to play fast and loose with the word "article", often defining filler blurbs of only 100-200 words as an article.

        > Many of them also have a very loose definition of "write", as well. Copy/pasting an article and changing a few keywords, even "rewriting" sentence by sentence is not writing an article.

        I just got back from donating blood, and my BP was already a little high, so I won't even touch sp-in-ni-ng. (I believe there are software vendors who look for this word so they can plug their wares.)
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  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaS
    I won't be surprised if you don't get many responses to this.

    BUT, I'll give you an idea or two:

    Just do it. Pick a topic with a very narrow focus, do a very quick outline (beginning, middle, end), get started and get it done. Do any editing, spell-checking and such later.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I am a professional writer. I write well over 12,000 words a day now. Here's how I made progress.

    Work on your typing speed

    You can't write a lot if you can't type fast enough. Keep typing the same paragraph repeatedly. Once you've achieved your target speed for that paragraph, find another paragraph. Pick paragraphs that contain all the letters of the alphabet and many different punctuation marks. Challenge yourself by increasing the complexity of the paragraphs you're using.

    Read a lot

    Since I love what I do, I work 12 hours a day. I make sure I invest in myself by continuously upgrading my skills. If you want to be a better writer, you have to READ. A lot. Read and other writing blogs. Read background materials on the most common topics your clients order from you. Read the works of great journalists, novelists, and essayists. Pay attention to their writing style and how they organize their thoughts. Doing this allows you to keep increasing the QUALITY of your work. Speed alone is not enough. Your work's quality must also keep pace with your speed. REMEMBER: If you are not moving forward, you are dying. It's that simple.

    Do things out of love

    You have to find PASSION in what you do. This is what will give you the ENERGY to write continuously-even when you don't have any orders or don't feel like writing articles/blog posts for the day. You have to dig deep inside and rediscover what it is about WRITING you love. I have reached a point where WRITING is like BREATHING to me. I can't go a day without writing.

    Write continuously

    Even if you don't have posts or articles that need to be written, you need to write continuously. This keeps your skills fresh. Also, you have to CHALLENGE yourself. If you were able to write 2000 words a day last week, step your game up and do 2200 words a day this week. Keep pushing yourself. This is a measure of your character: do you take the path of least resistance or do you believe in achieving the best you're capable of? Again, challenge yourself.

    Best Wishes For 2013!

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      I agree that pumping out quantity isn't the goal you should have. However, there are things you can do so that you can create excellent articles faster than before.

      First, research well. Don't research just one article, unless it's the only thing you ever plan on doing in that niche (very unlikely). Take an entire day to do nothing but read about your niche and take notes. The more you actually know about the niche, the easier and faster it becomes to write about it.

      If you do the first step, you should have copious amounts of facts, statistics and concepts noted. You should also have a decent understanding of the niche.

      NOTE: Save all the sites you actually found to be useful in a folder in your bookmarks or just save the links in your research notes. Sooner or later, you may need to go back to those resources for more information as your knowledge deepens.

      I recommend creating as many titles as you can as the next step. Read over your notes and make titles as you go. Try to come at each title in different ways.

      For example, if you niche is 'red widgets' you may have a fact such as 'red widgets are twice as large as blue widgets'. This one fact could be treated several different ways in a title and article direction:

      Widgets - Does Size Matter After All?
      Blue Widgets are Too Small
      Red Widgets are Too Big
      Comparing Red to Blue - Widgets Explained
      Why Red Widgets are Bigger Than Blue

      Facetious and silly as the example may be, hopefully you get the idea

      Use those notes to organize a bunch of article outlines. It's perfectly fine to use the same facts, statistics and concepts in more than one article. In fact, I'd venture to say that it's almost impossible not to. That's okay, as long as you don't use all the same information in each article as that wouldn't be very helpful, would it?

      Now, with my system you wouldn't be writing anything at all the first day, but you'd be learning an awful lot. When you start writing on the second day, chances are you'll write much easier and faster. And you'll continue to get faster as you go along, as long as you continue to learn more about the niche and absorb that knowledge.
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      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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    • Profile picture of the author dklong
      Thanks for your tips, i also sent you an pm to ask for more details

      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      I am a professional writer. I write well over 12,000 words a day now. Here's how I made progress.

      Work on your typing speed

      You can't write a lot if you can't type fast enough. Keep typing the same paragraph repeatedly. Once you've achieved your target speed for that paragraph, find another paragraph. Pick paragraphs that contain all the letters of the alphabet and many different punctuation marks. Challenge yourself by increasing the complexity of the paragraphs you're using.

      Read a lot

      Since I love what I do, I work 12 hours a day. I make sure I invest in myself by continuously upgrading my skills. If you want to be a better writer, you have to READ. A lot. Read and other writing blogs. Read background materials on the most common topics your clients order from you. Read the works of great journalists, novelists, and essayists. Pay attention to their writing style and how they organize their thoughts. Doing this allows you to keep increasing the QUALITY of your work. Speed alone is not enough. Your work's quality must also keep pace with your speed. REMEMBER: If you are not moving forward, you are dying. It's that simple.

      Do things out of love

      You have to find PASSION in what you do. This is what will give you the ENERGY to write continuously-even when you don't have any orders or don't feel like writing articles/blog posts for the day. You have to dig deep inside and rediscover what it is about WRITING you love. I have reached a point where WRITING is like BREATHING to me. I can't go a day without writing.

      Write continuously

      Even if you don't have posts or articles that need to be written, you need to write continuously. This keeps your skills fresh. Also, you have to CHALLENGE yourself. If you were able to write 2000 words a day last week, step your game up and do 2200 words a day this week. Keep pushing yourself. This is a measure of your character: do you take the path of least resistance or do you believe in achieving the best you're capable of? Again, challenge yourself.

      Best Wishes For 2013!

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      • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
        The thing that always prevented me from getting my articles written smoothly was having to think too much as I typed. I can type fairly quickly, but at one point, one paragraph sometimes took me up to 5-10 minutes to get typed.


        1. Make sure you know what you're writing about as much as possible.

        2. Before you write, re-freshen your mind by reading content (or even watching videos) in the niche you are about to write on. Videos are VERY powerful at getting me in the writing mode. I can watch a short 4 minute Elliot Hulse video on Youtube, get inspired, and then write a 1200 word article in the health niche like it was nothing!

        3. Have your title, topic, subheadings, etc. all typed and on the top of your word processor as you write your article.

        This has significantly improved my time with writing articles... BUT... at the same time, the quality has not been sacrificed. In fact, the quality of the content has actually gotten better.

        Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monkeh
    I remember a method. I think the program was call "Dragon Natural Speaking" something along those lines. What you did was read an article and speak it with your flow of words. You could have the program write you an article in a matter of minutes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Originally Posted by Monkeh View Post

      I remember a method. I think the program was call "Dragon Natural Speaking" something along those lines. What you did was read an article and speak it with your flow of words. You could have the program write you an article in a matter of minutes.
      Dragon Naturally Speaking can be helpful but what you're describing is simply rewording someone else's article. It's the same thing as simply taking someone's work and rewriting it, which, no matter what other people say, is copyright infringement.
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      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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    • Profile picture of the author khooster1
      This software is great. You just keep talking your contents as much as possible. You will only need a short time to proof-write the English.

      Originally Posted by Monkeh View Post

      I remember a method. I think the program was call "Dragon Natural Speaking" something along those lines. What you did was read an article and speak it with your flow of words. You could have the program write you an article in a matter of minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivan84m
    thanks warriors, great advice

    my best wishes for 2013

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Faster articles don't necessarily mean more money. There are some businesses who have over 250,000 articles for their website. They get great traffic, and if i listed who 1 of these companies were - you would know who they are right away.

    Focus on quality first. 10 articles per day isn't worth much if it doesn't get a viewer to click on your link in your resource box and take the action that you want them to take on your landing page.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    I wrote 5 articles the other day in 25 minutes.

    1. Talk into a microphone (keep each recording at around 5 minutes)
    2. Send recordings off to be transcribed.
    3. Pay $5 per transcription
    4. Tada!

    This method works well. Its fast and very effective. I only use this method however on external sites, not my own sites. What's good about this is that the articles read NATURALLY.

    Hope this helps.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
    Whenever you see a typo (that ugly red underline) don't stop to fix it because it will only distract you and break your flow. Leave all that crap til the end.

    And as someone else said... read a lot.
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    • Profile picture of the author George Wright
      Originally Posted by Diablo2 View Post

      Whenever you see a typo (that ugly red underline) don't stop to fix it because it will only distract you and break your flow. Leave all that crap til the end.

      And as someone else said... read a lot.

      In fact turn off your spell check and type away. Come back later, after the article is finished and spell check.

      George Wright
      "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    - Before starting put yourself on the position of a reader.
    - Point out some topics to write on.
    - Re-read your articles several time just after the completion.
    - Polish it up by changing words and expressions.
    - Always try to make your meaning clear.
    - Make it easier to read

    Why not take a look at wikihow -
    How to Write Articles: 11 steps - wikiHow
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  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    I would use a speaking program to write articles faster. There are a few online that are pretty cool. Check into them. You speak and the computer writes.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholas08
    Let me share my tip. I have my own template in MS word format. This template with contain general sentence that I can use for most of the article and just changing the object/subject in the sentence.

    I recommend to have the similar template created. This will speed up your writing time.

    Happy New Year 2013.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholas08
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7544878].message }}
    • If you sign up over at, they send out emails with tips for writing and also samples for templates. I've found them helpful.

      I sure agree with the idea of getting the first draft out quickly after you do your research. Don't overthink the first version.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Biphetamine drip open full bore. Yeah, baby! You can rewrite the encyclopedia in a single sitting.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    Don't worry, folks. There a millions upon millions of people who can't wait to read something off the top of your head that you've hurriedly spoken into a microphone.

    To quote Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD, "Sarcasm, right?"

    BTW, love the Lazarus Long quote in your sig... (not sarcasm )
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

    There are some businesses who have over 250,000 articles for their website. They get great traffic, and if i listed who 1 of these companies were - you would know who they are right away.
    I did not know that some companies have this much articles on their website. It is their own? I doubt it.

    I am guessing that it is

    I know some people, who are a 1 man band, who have 20,000 articles that they written on their own blog and get a ton of visitors per day.

    For me, the most I have written in 1 day was 5 articles. Usually it take me about 10-20 minutes to write one and then another 5-10 to check spelling and grammar.

    You also need to make sure that you write articles that give value because once you write a crappy one, no one is going to think that you are an authority writer.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    Don't worry, folks. There a millions upon millions of people who can't wait to read something off the top of your head that you've hurriedly spoken into a microphone.

    Hilarious sarcasm. I've tried Dragon Naturally Speaking as well as outsourced transcribers. I still get better results typing things out. The secret? Having a solid original outline and thinking in a certain sequence. Its easier to flesh out an article when you're typing at 90 WPM if you already have a solid idea of the main thesis, an engaging intro idea, supporting evidence, and counterarguments. With dictation, I was trying to stick to the outline while maintaining a 100 words per minute pace. It is doable after you get over the tendency to say 'uh' and 'ah' a lot. The problem is Dragon will only pick up parts of your speech if you try to speak really fast. So it has its upper limits. I just stick to typing. I continuously mentally edit myself while I type and I do another round of editing when the material is finished and ready for Copyscape processing. After the CS phase, I then feed my materials through a grammar checker for one final check. It's not very complicated. It's all about having a system and developing the right habits.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    Don't worry, folks. There a millions upon millions of people who can't wait to read something off the top of your head that you've hurriedly spoken into a microphone.

    I transcribe all of my videos and podcasts using this method and I'm building an audience faster than ever. I also take audio recordings and convert them into articles. In simple terms, I'm leveraging my time in an effort to ...

    a) produce more content
    b) provide content in a multitude of formats
    c) allow my content to be more portable
    d) allow my subscribers to consume content in a format they prefer

    Writing a lengthy detailed article takes me a whole day. I can do several podcasts, spoken articles and half a dozen videos in that time.

    Just because I produce a lot of content doesn't mean its rubbish.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      I transcribe all of my videos and podcasts using this method and I'm building an audience faster than ever. I also take audio recordings and convert them into articles. In simple terms, I'm leveraging my time in an effort to ...

      Just because I produce a lot of content doesn't mean its rubbish.
      John, I think Kens sarcasm was with respect to the idea that one can simply talk and talk using Dragon, then use the transcription as is without any editing or any serious preparation beforehand.

      (Of course I could be completely wrong)


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    • Profile picture of the author ferdmag
      • Read all you can about the topic; the depth might depend on the word count and message volume of the article you want to write. For instance, a less than 5 minutes research can give you a head-start on an 800-word article.
      • Make a draft. This will serve as a skeleton; guiding you on what to say, where to say it and how to move from paragraph to paragraph. When your daily writing projects are planned this way, you won't waste any more time stopping to think what to write or which sub-topic should come first or second.
      • Don't edit while you write. If you edit as you write, it may as well be the biggest time waster and can even get you dry of ideas. Don't mind your tenses, spellings, grammar, punctuations and what have you while writing, and focus on getting all the ideas/information out first. Then take a separate time to edit your works for the day. Perhaps after every 5 articles, after completing the works of a client, after lunch, after every 1000 words, etc... adopt something that works for you.
      • Choose your peak time for writing. We all have peak hours during the day. For instance, some people wake up filled with energy and thus might want to tackle the hardest of their tasks for the day, others gain more energy and motivation in the afternoon after the day's break, some work best in the evening, at night, etc. If you find it hard focusing your mind to writing, you may want to shift your writing tasks to those periods of the day when you feel you can move!
      Once something starts working out for you, challenge yourself more and try to push your limits. You can also arrange some sort of self-rewards to keep your spirit high and mind engaged.

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    Originally Posted by ivan84m View Post

    Hello guys,

    I take some time to write an article and I've read of some warriors who say they write 10 articles in a day. Would you guys share some tips to write artiles faster?
    Tips to write articles "faster"?

    I think the correct question should be, "how can I write better quality articles?"

    I understand where you're coming from if you're writing articles for $5 per article. Then obviously for the time invested and the money being paid for your service, you're going to want to crank through it as fast as possible to make your time worth it.

    However, if you have a decent grasp of the English language, then you should be charging far more than the average writer to set yourself apart from the crowd and so that you can actually take your time on an article and deliver the quality that not only will please your client but their readers.

    If you're looking to crank out some mediocre content, here are some quick tips:

    1 - Software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking works for some people. This will allow you to just talk into a microphone if you're not Superman on the keyboard.

    2 - You can re-write an existing article line by line so that it's unique.

    3 - Thoroughly research several different sources on the topic you're about to write on before hand.

    I'm not sure what your situation is or what you're writing about, but 10 articles/daily is kind of bogus because writing true high quality content is going to require a significant amount of time.

    Skype: Coreygeer319

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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I have a "folder" of ideas, and when I come up with ideas I simply add them. I create lots of lists and eventually the lists can be developed into articles that are useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilG
    I am not much of a fan of Dragon (seems to take too long to setup properly and you still have to edit the results). However, I am a fan of talking into a mic. Better yet, there are apps that you can download to your smartphone that will record your ideas and thoughts. Pick up one of these and just start talking.

    A good idea for articles is to pretend that you are trying to describe something to a twelve year old (better yet, find one and start explaining something). A twelve year old will get bored FAST, so if you can keep their attention for five minutes, you know you are doing a good job of explaining the topic.

    Phil G

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  • Profile picture of the author drbrucehoag
    The technique that has worked the fastest for me (and I have more than 360 on Ezines) is to set aside a couple of hours one day to write titles and list the 3-5 points that I want to make. In that amount of time, I've been able to generate as many as two dozen draft articles.

    Then on another day, I'll pull out the outlines write directly from them.

    Hope that helps you.

    Cheers, Bruce

    Hire a Published Author With PhD to Write Your Articles >> Click Here

    Bruce Hoag, PhD

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  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    Originally Posted by ivan84m View Post

    Hello guys,

    I take some time to write an article and I've read of some warriors who say they write 10 articles in a day. Would you guys share some tips to write artiles faster?
    Mass produced articles intended for mass distribution are rarely the answer to high search engine ranking. It's best to focus on creating one good quality article daily than ten mediocre, low content/low quality articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author adetunji
    It's possible to churn out 10 articles a day but it's not advisable if you're newbie. Focus on quality first. At least, train yourself to write 4 quality web contents everyday and then move up your target as you accomplish your set-goal.''

    It works that way bro!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bjarne Viken
    Hi Ivan

    Here is a template for writing articles that I give out to article writers. Hope it helps:

    How to write outstanding SEO articles in 13 easy steps

    1. Open up the Article writer worksheet.

    2. Have a look at forums on the topic and write down common problems people are having and where you got the information. For instance, what do you do if the wine is too sweet?,

    3. Put the link and problem into a spreadsheet.

    4. Identifying the main keyword that might fit the article from the top 5-6 keywords from the attached list (Marked green) or a similar keyword from the list with the same monthly traffic.
    a. For instance: “Homemade wine”.

    5. Create a specific goal for the article using the keyword chosen and phrase it as a short headline. Suggestions for goals can includes, “How to”, “Common mistakes in”, “The secret to”, “Key steps in making”, “Tips to make”. Alternatively giving the keyword a specific setting “Make homemade wine in a flat”/ “Making homemade wine like in France”
    a. For instance: “How to taste and repair homemade wine”

    6. Create a short list over elements that need to be included to achieve that goal.

    7. Organize the list in a logical order.

    8. Write an introductory paragraph presenting the topic.
    a. For instance: "All large wine producers have an oenologist (wine maker) on staff that has the delicate job of tasting and adjusting all the wine that the label produces. For small vineyards this can be one person, for larger corporation this can be a huge team of people, all tasting and mixing the wine to find the perfect balance of sweet, acidic, tannic, and more. When making your own wine you are the oenologist. You get to taste your wine at all stages, making sure that everything is going according to plan, and if it isn’t you must take action. Below is a simple list of how to recognize a problem with your homemade wine, and if found, how to fix it:”*

    9. Write each element covered in point 4 as its own paragraph. Use bullet-points and numbers if the article covers steps, hints and tips.

    10. Write an exit paragraph summarising the content:
    a. "Whatever the problem is, you can always make sure to fix it the next time you try and make homemade wine. And no matter what other people may think, as long as you think it tastes good, that is all that matters."

    11. Make sure the keyword selected for the article under point 1 is in the first and last paragraph of the article and 5-6 times throughout the rest of the text.

    12. Read over the text and edit using the headline goal. Remove sentences that don’t achieve that goal. Give the paragraphs lots of space.

    13. Spellcheck. Using both the computer and your own eyes. *

    How To Taste and Repair Homemade Wine

    All large wine producers have an oenologist (wine maker) on staff that has the delicate job of tasting and adjusting all the wine that the label produces. For small vineyards this can be one person, for larger corporation this can be a huge team of people, all tasting and mixing the wine to find the perfect balance of sweet, acidic, tannic, and more.
    When making your own wine you are the oenologist. Below is a simple list of how to recognize a problem with your homemade wine, and if found, how to fix it.

    Firstly you must taste your wine, this can be done at any stage, but if the wine is not finished fermenting it will not be as strong. First, select the proper wine glass. For red wines this should be a broad and round glass, for white wines the glass will be narrower. Next fill the glass up to were the curve starts in the bowl of the glass. It is usually about a quarter of the way full.

    Now before you even think of tasting you must look and smell the wine first. Hold the glass against a white background and tilt it so that you can see through your homemade wine. If you cannot see through it, the glass is too full.

    Now recognize the color, for light whites the color should be light gold with maybe a touch of green tint. For full-bodied red wine the color should be deep maroon or almost purple.

    If there is a brown tinge around the edge that means that your wine has been exposed to too much oxygen and you need to make sure there are no air leaks in your system. This can also cause the wine to taste like sherry. If so make sure all your containers are stopped up. To fix this add one Campden tablet for each gallon.

    Now smell your wine. Stick your nose into the glass and breathe three times getting deeper each time. Now recognize the aromas of the boquet (how the wine smells). In white wines some common aromas are green apple, honey, or flowers. In red wine you can often smell plums, blackberries, or chocolate.

    If your wine has an unpleasant smell there could be a problem. If your wine smells sulfurous that means the yeast was added to a sulphited must too soon. Try adding one Campden tablet per gallon. If this doesn’t work you will have to throw away your homemade wine.

    If the wine smells mousey, like vinegar, or medicinal there is no remedy. You will have to throw the wine out. These are caused by the presence of bacteria in the must. Next time be sure to sanitize all equipment thoroughly. A medicinal smell may also be caused by lack of acid in the must, next time be sure to add more acid.

    Now you must taste your homemade wine. Take a small sip and roll it around your mouth making sure to get it on all the parts of your tongue. You can also try aerating it in your mouth by breathing in and kind of gurgling the wine. You may look a little silly while doing this but don’t worry no one is watching you.

    Take time to think about what flavors come through on your palate and enjoy your homemade wine. You may taste apple or berry, or other fruit flavors. You may also taste some spices, chocolate, or black pepper coming through. If you are having trouble enjoying your homemade wine this may mean there was an error.

    If the wine tastes too sweet this means that the wine has stopped fermenting. Usually this is because it has reached its maximum alcohol content. Try mixing in some dry wine until you reach your desired flavor and do not add as much sugar next time.

    If your wine is too acidic you can add a “wine acid reduction solution” or potassium carbonate solution. If the wine lacks “bouquet” and overall aroma on the nose and the palate there is not enough acid in the must. Add 1 teaspoon lactic acid per gallon and let ferment further.

    If your wine tastes flat or lacks body you can try a few things. Add tannin if it is too flat or try adding more concentrated grape juice. If the homemade wine is too bitter, add isinglass.

    Whatever the problem is, you can always make sure to fix it the next time you try and make homemade wine. And no matter what other people may think, as long as you think it tastes good, that is all that matters.

    Bjarne Viken
    Conversion Strategist

    Skype: bjarne.viken | | LinkedIn: | | Free consultation:

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