by JMac
7 replies
I was reading many of the posts concerning using articles to drive traffic to your site and many of them mention a resource box. I did a search on this forum and only see posts that mention to use a resource box but nothing describing what it is. I even went to ezine to check out some articles in the hopes I would see a resource box in an article but no luck. Can anyone point me to an example of a resource box?
#box #resource
  • Profile picture of the author currencyschool
    It is also known as the author bio box. I write for Mooker and they have a bio box below the content box and you just past your bio in. what I like about Mooker is that you can use HTML so that you can just paste in your line of text including two links back to you, which is nice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tripti_LPM
    Resource box is the information at the bottom of an article that usually contain the author's name, a brief author bio, and some info of the site you want to promote and also the link to it. If you have done a good job on writing the article then your readers can click on the link to get more information on the subject matter that you wrote about.

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  • Profile picture of the author Graham Maddison
    You can read my free sign up reqd or affiliate links

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  • Profile picture of the author Gilbert714
    Thanks for the link Graham. I am new to the site and need all the help I can get. I also need to get to 15 posts so I can private message the member I just bought something from. I guess thats what I get for not checking out the forum first.
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    • Profile picture of the author Graham Maddison
      Originally Posted by Gilbert714 View Post

      Thanks for the link Graham. I am new to the site and need all the help I can get. I also need to get to 15 posts so I can private message the member I just bought something from. I guess thats what I get for not checking out the forum first.
      Glad to be of help.

      You will find an awesome amount of great info in this forum so make sure you drop in frequently.

      Wishing you success.

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      • Profile picture of the author JMac
        Thank you all so much for the help.

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  • Profile picture of the author venomous2000
    The resource box is the last paragraph you will see in an article.

    Many people fret about the resource box but to be honest it can be so basic to drive people to your site. Let me explain more:

    People who go to your article are looking for specific information right? So by putting something like
    "<<Name Here>> is the host of <<Site Here>> and has been blah blah blah..."
    Yes that will get some clicks but to be honest people don't care.

    I find that the best resource box is something like this
    "Discover more information and product on <<niche or topic>> here"
    It is short, simple and leads them to more inforamtion which is what they may still want.

    Hope this helps
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