My hosting acct is slow - how do I prove it?

7 replies
I believe my hosting acct at Lunarpages is very slow, how can I prove it other that the subjective watching site load. What tools are available to trouble shoot this?

Support says site is loading in 4 seconds but I don't think that is whole story. I think maybe site is hit in 4 seconds but it takes considerably longer to load everything. I have installed a simplete test site (a template) with small graphics and there is no reason this shouldn't load in the blink of an eye. In IE it is brutally slow which I don't understand. FTP is slower than anything I've experienced previously as well.

Here is test site on Lunarpages marcus server

Thanks for any help as far as troubleshooting hosting and site loading speed!
#acct #hosting #prove #slow
  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
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    • Profile picture of the author tangosdad
      I think that 4 seconds is the initial hit to the website or something. I came across Pingdom Tools this morning and found that the load time is actually 12.39 seconds for a 286.2 k page. Slower than 88% of pages they tested of which I bet most are WAY bigger than this page.

      My Test Results

      I'm going to send this to LunarPages and see what they say about it.
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      • Profile picture of the author PeterKnight
        Abnormally slow on the initial request. Your static assets load fast though. I would run it by tech support again. Also could try porting the site to a different server to check the difference.
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        • Profile picture of the author BackLinkiT
          There are loads of tools available. Just search 'check web server speed'.
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  • Profile picture of the author vMartin
    Have a look at the Google Page Speed Insights:

    You will get a overall speed score and the details that come a long with it to help you make your website load faster.

    If that doesn't work I recommend:

    A: Either looking for a different host... (Lunarpages has a good reputation however)

    B: Switch servers within your hosting company (Upgrade, server with a better setup etc)

    CLICK HERE AND FIND OUT Get up to $120 per sale
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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    It's slow.

    I took a static asset of your site, your slideshow placeholder, and measured it's load speed at showed a first byte time of 3.345s, and a load time of 5.306s

    I copied that same image to a server that I use and I tested it on using the same settings. showed a first byte time of 0.275s, and a load time of 1.908s

    There's lots of other tests that can be done from other locations. For instance, with host-tracker, you can measure speeds from about 30 locations in different parts of the world.

    Measuring that same image served from your hosting, host-tracker reports the following:

    Average response time: 4.26 s
    KB/sec: 57.70
    (full test results)

    When I tested that image download from another server, I got the following results:

    Average response time: 1.18 s
    KB/sec: 209.35

    Basically, your hosting is slow, or at least slower than others.

    edit: I realize the file tested is pretty large and does not represent most assets. However, I tested other files such as the style sheet, and everything is pretty slow across the board.

    I'd spend some time researching other hosting providers at webhostingtalk and read some real reviews. Also, you'll probably get a lot better performance and value in hosting if you stay away from the "big box" hosts.


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    • Profile picture of the author tangosdad
      Thanks very much for the feedback. I went back to Lunarpage support and they have escalated my ticket. We'll see what happens from here. In the meantime I'm going to start shopping around for another host as a plan B.

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