My Online Journey So Far.....
I have been posting on the forum for a while now but usually just replies to new starters to try and help where I can.
But I am pretty new to this myself to be honest!
My name is Andy Benson, I'm a single dad of 5 fantastic kids just trying to make a better life for me and my family.
My journey in marketing is not new however. I have been marketing offline for over 20 years now and have been blessed with awards for my campaigns and for some of my physical product launches in the entertainmant and multimedia industry which I am proud of.
I also took the plunge in 2005 and started my own company having been in the comfort of a well paid job previously.
Things went really well for the first 4 years. I made enough money to move to the beautiful north coast of Devon UK and bought my dream home! Things were looking pretty sweet!
But then in September of 2009 disaster struck. Woolworths, which as all you UK members will know, was one of the UK's largest retailers, went into very sudden administration.
No one saw it coming, and as a result I lost everything. I went from having over $200,000 in the bank to losing my house and being over $400,000 in debt overnight!
It was a scary time! In the end I had to wind up my business as the financial hole was too big to plug and we were sinking fast.
When the money ran out, so did my wife of 20years, leaving me and the kids for someone 10 years younger than myself! This didn't do much for my resolve as you can well imagine!
"What the hell do I do now?" I thought. I had no choice but to find a job. The area I had moved to was beautiful yes, but as for employment you couldn't get much worse, and all I could get was a Storeman position at a local factory driving a Fork Lift truck. Talk about a career change!
During my search for employment, part of my keyword research was "working from home" as I had the kids to look after on my own, and this led me into the world of Internet Marketing and making money online.
This was back in early 2010. Like most new to this arena, I fell foul of all the hype and bought any and every product under the sun getting no-where fast!
But I didn't give up. Something inside me told me this was the career for me! In Dec of last year I finally found myself an ethical marketer and used up the last of my savings to get him to mentor me.
This is when things all started to change for me. Since then I have learned so much and have made it my initial goal to get the foundations RIGHT!
I have set up my hosting account and know how to use it correctly, even down to having a professional looking email address linked to my domain name. Simple stuff I know, but necessary!
I have also been working hard on setting up my blog with all the right plugins. I have put a webform on the blog with a free offer to build my list, and made sure all my resources have affiliate links to them.
I also know my way round Aweber really well now too, and am broadcasting to my list to build that relationship with them.
Over the past few weeks I have been creating my very own product to put on my blog as a free giveaway to continue to build my list.
Just recently I have been posting in the forums to drive free traffic and I have already been getting a steady 20-30 visitors a day.
I know this is nothing epic, but I have managed to build a list for free of around 260 people so far and have already made just over $300.00 in sales. Small as this may seem, these figures for me are tangeable results!

Now I KNOW that what I am doing works! And I'm excited about the journey ahead and scaling things up as I go!
I just wanted to share this with you because I know there will be others in a similar position to where I was, not knowing what the hell to do and seing no results whatsoever for their efforts.
All I can say is DONT give up! I felt pretty crushed after what happened to me, but now I have a solid plan, I'm sticking to it, learning along the way and trying to pass on what I have already learned to help others out if I can.
I built a mulitlple 6 figure business offline, and I am damn well gonna do the same online!
I look forward to sharing my journey with you all and cannot wait for the day when I will be posting to tell you all I have handed my notice in and become a full time Internet Marketer!

Watch this space and for anyone struggling like I was, my advice is to KEEP pushing forward!!!!
All the best to my fellow warriors,
Andy Benson
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Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.~ Walt Disney.