Need Help Finding Similar Theme

5 replies
Hey All,

I don't post much on the forum, lurk a lot and spend too much on WSO's in all honesty!! Anyway, I am looking for a little help if possible....

A local club I am a member of has asked me to re-do their website as a Wordpress page. They are going to cover costs but mainly I am doing it as a favor, something to help out. Anyway, the site is a HTML one and I am looking for a Wordpress theme that could possibly have a similar look?

The URL is claysportsirl . ie (no spaces)

I would really appreciate any help or advice that could be given.

Thanks everyone!
#finding #similar #theme
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    There are tons of Wordpress themes you could use to create a site that closely resembles that one... or better yet, looks even better.

    Here is the best resource for affordable and professional themes:
    WordPress | ThemeForest
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    • Profile picture of the author ianeire
      Thanks Will, it literally is a forest in there!! Hundreds of themes to choose from I know.... was thinking if anyone recognized one that would work just off the top of their head....

      Anyway I'll have a good look around, cheers
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      • Profile picture of the author jinmin
        I think this is what you can do. Firstly, check out the popular Wordpress Theme provider such as elegantthemes, Themeforest, Templatic, studiopress, woothemes (google the name to get the respective URL). If you cannot find the one that resembles claysportsirl, then I would advise you to build it yourself using artisteer. This is a simple-to-use tool where you can easily customized your header, layout, sidebar, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Is there a reason for wanting to go to WordPress? Is it because they want to be able to update it themselves?

    Martin Platt

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    • Profile picture of the author ianeire
      Originally Posted by MartinPlatt View Post

      Is there a reason for wanting to go to WordPress? Is it because they want to be able to update it themselves?
      Yes Martin, the club secretary want to be able to update it regularly and easily, I have shown him how easy it is to update a WordPress site.
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