How to cancel a JVZOO subscription

37 replies
Hi guys,

i have a product subscription that i want to cancel but i cannot understand how.

I went to my paypal pre-approved subscriptions and its not there, so from paypal its ok.

In JVZOO i cannot see any way to cancel a subscription.

I don´t want to go to the resolution center every month. but this is starting to annoying me.

Any tip or suggestion to accomplish it?

#cancel #jvzoo #subscription
  • Profile picture of the author olavlind
    Originally Posted by morg2k2 View Post

    Hi guys,

    i have a product subscription that i want to cancel but i cannot understand how.

    I went to my paypal pre-approved subscriptions and its not there, so from paypal its ok.

    In JVZOO i cannot see any way to cancel a subscription.

    I don´t want to go to the resolution center every month. but this is starting to annoying me.

    Any tip or suggestion to accomplish it?

    Is this a monthly fee that they take from your paypal account every month of somesorts?

    If this is the case have a look here:
    Subscription Cancellation

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    • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
      Thanks for the info.

      I have already looked at it, and i dont have anything active related to JVZOO or the seller and this month i have paid the subscription again.

      So i don´t very well to who will i need to contact.


      Originally Posted by olavlind View Post

      Is this a monthly fee that they take from your paypal account every month of somesorts?

      If this is the case have a look here:
      Subscription Cancellation

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If it's not viewable in your Paypal account subscriptions then they can't be charging you every month automatically, right?
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    • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If it's not viewable in your Paypal account subscriptions then they can't be charging you every month automatically, right?
      Well its supposed like you said, but the fact is:

      1) I dont have that subscription active any more , to be honest i have canceled about 2 weeks ago or so.

      2) A few days ago i was charged again.

      So that´s my issue.
      Should i try to contact Paypal or JVZOO?

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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by morg2k2 View Post

        Well its supposed like you said, but the fact is:

        1) I dont have that subscription active any more , to be honest i have canceled about 2 weeks ago or so.

        2) A few days ago i was charged again.

        So that´s my issue.
        Should i try to contact Paypal or JVZOO?

        Paypal cannot recharge you unless you have an active subscription so something must be up there. I would contact Paypal as they are the ones taking your money and it won't stop until the subscription has been properly cancelled.
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        • Profile picture of the author yakim1
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          Paypal cannot recharge you unless you have an active subscription so something must be up there. I would contact Paypal as they are the ones taking your money and it won't stop until the subscription has been properly cancelled.
          This is not entirely true as PayPal is not doing the rebilling...

          I may be able to help clear a few things up...

          JVZoo is running adaptive API with chain payments. This is so they can pay all receivers of commissions at the point of sale.

          Subscription payments work much different from your regular x-click subscription payments that most people use.

          With the Adaptive API subscription payments the buyer has granted preapproval to rebill at the predetermined time period and amount with PayPal.


          JVZoo is responsible for rebilling every 30 days if that was the time period agreeded upon.

          You need to go to your PayPal account and remove the preapproval that you granted to JVZoo.

          Here are the steps...

          1. Login to your PayPal account
          2. Click on 'Profile'
          3. click on 'My Selling Tools'
          4. click on 'My automatic payments' 'update'
          5. click on the highlighted seller name to go to the details of you subscription payment.
          6. click on the cancel link there.

          Now, this is if you have a business account. A personal account my be a little different.

          To cancel preapproval go here...

          You could have already done this and JVZoo may not have received PayPal's ipn message with the cancelation.

          You should also call PayPal and have them guide you on the cancelation process to make sure it has been cancelled.

          You can also contact JVZoo if PayPal says the subscription has been cancelled and see why you are still being billed by their system. This is an automated system so anything could have gone wrong and you will continue to be billed for 1 year the maximum time for subscription billing with the Adaptive API.

          I seriously think you have not cancelled this subscription and you need to take the necessary steps to cancel.

          I hope this straightens everything out on how subscription payments work when the Adaptive API with chain payments are being used.

          Let me know if you still have questions about the Adaptive API and how it works and I will do a better job of explaining.

          Best regards,
          Steve Yakim
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          • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
            Hi Steve,

            Thanks very much for your compreensive explanation now i understand how all the they work and above all the difference that i did not had the idea, to me everything was subscriptions.

            Thanks once again,

            Originally Posted by yakim1 View Post

            This is not entirely true as PayPal is not doing the rebilling...

            I may be able to help clear a few things up...

            JVZoo is running adaptive API with chain payments. This is so they can pay all receivers of commissions at the point of sale.

            Subscription payments work much different from your regular x-click subscription payments that most people use.

            With the Adaptive API subscription payments the buyer has granted preapproval to rebill at the predetermined time period and amount with PayPal.


            JVZoo is responsible for rebilling every 30 days if that was the time period agreeded upon.

            You need to go to your PayPal account and remove the preapproval that you granted to JVZoo.

            Here are the steps...

            1. Login to your PayPal account
            2. Click on 'Profile'
            3. click on 'My Selling Tools'
            4. click on 'My automatic payments' 'update'
            5. click on the highlighted seller name to go to the details of you subscription payment.
            6. click on the cancel link there.

            Now, this is if you have a business account. A personal account my be a little different.

            To cancel preapproval go here...


            You could have already done this and JVZoo may not have received PayPal's ipn message with the cancelation.

            You should also call PayPal and have them guide you on the cancelation process to make sure it has been cancelled.

            You can also contact JVZoo if PayPal says the subscription has been cancelled and see why you are still being billed by their system. This is an automated system so anything could have gone wrong and you will continue to be billed for 1 year the maximum time for subscription billing with the Adaptive API.

            I seriously think you have not cancelled this subscription and you need to take the necessary steps to cancel.

            I hope this straightens everything out on how subscription payments work when the Adaptive API with chain payments are being used.

            Let me know if you still have questions about the Adaptive API and how it works and I will do a better job of explaining.

            Best regards,
            Steve Yakim
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
    If the subscription has been paid by PayPal, then it IS active and you will have to look harder to find it and then cancel it.

    PayPal may have many faults, but they don't tend to pay cancelled subscriptions (they are more likely to find ways of not paying active ones!)


    If you are not finding JVZoo or the product vendor in your subscriptions list, try looking for the amount instead. In fact, if, as you say, it has just been paid, simply go to your PayPal account summary page and click on Details in the transaction listing itself.
    Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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  • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
    ok i have now noticed what happened.

    And its a bit weird, if you go to the active subscriptions its not not there. So you will think that you dont have that subscription active.

    the in that page 2nd paragraph i can read this:

    Can’t find what you need? Try the preapproved payment plans page.

    And when clicking there i can find that JVZOO subscription that was not viewable in the active subscriptions filter.

    Did not like this hidden subscription, or there is a bug on their filters, either way its not good.

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    • Profile picture of the author IM Ace
      Thank you so much for your link given in the post reproduced below - I could get the jvzoo recurring payments cancelled.
      Otherwise the jvzoo video showed something that my paypal account was not showing and no matter how many times I checked on my profiles of subscriptions etc. this link was never seen.

      >Did not like this hidden subscription, or there is a bug on their filters, either way its not good.
      Same here!

      Thanks again soooo much.

      Originally Posted by morg2k2 View Post

      ok i have now noticed what happened.

      And its a bit weird, if you go to the active subscriptions its not not there. So you will think that you dont have that subscription active.

      the in that page 2nd paragraph i can read this:

      Can't find what you need? Try the preapproved payment plans page.

      And when clicking there i can find that JVZOO subscription that was not viewable in the active subscriptions filter.

      Did not like this hidden subscription, or there is a bug on their filters, either way its not good.

      I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
        JVZoo isn't trying to hide anything here...

        The problem is that Paypal's Adaptive Payments does not support "subscriptions".

        JVZoo has circumvented the problem by using the Paypal API to implement Preapproved Payments, so that they can re-bill (via Paypal) each month.

        Both Paypal Subscriptions and Preapproved Payments work well, but unfortunately they show in different areas in your Paypal account. Either can be canceled via Paypal, and if you do get re-billed after cancelling a Preapproved Payment, you should contact Paypal. They should not accept a pre-approved payment once you have cancelled the pre-approval.

        Sid Hale
        Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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        • Profile picture of the author IM Ace
          Thanks for your attention
          First, I never said anything against jvzoo
          However I wish that jv zoo included a link to cancel the paypal subscription on the product purchase page. This will be easy for those wanting to cancel the subscription since going through the usual route, Paypal does not show the required page to do the needful.
          I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
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          • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale

            Originally Posted by IM Ace View Post

            First, I never said anything against jvzoo
            I understand that. I was just concerned that others might read this thread (not just your statements) and come away with the impression that jvZoo was trying to make it difficult. My opening statement was intended to make it clear that I don't think that's the case, at all.

            However I wish that jv zoo included a link to cancel the paypal subscription on the product purchase page. This will be easy for those wanting to cancel the subscription since going through the usual route, Paypal does not show the required page to do the needful.
            I don't think the product purchase page is the right place for an "unsubscribe" link because the buyers will never see that page again.

            Instead, I think jvZoo should provide a way to cancel a subscription from within their customer portal at (but don't tell them that... they are my competition)

            Sid Hale
            Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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            • Profile picture of the author art72
              Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post

              Instead, I think jvZoo should provide a way to cancel a subscription from within their customer portal at (but don't tell them that... they are my competition)
              I wholeheartedly agree, as I have been back and forth with JVZoo and PayPal trying to make a 'pre-approved' payment purchase, and they are both blaming each other for the inconvenience... neither has yet resolve the issue, so I can purchase the product before the current firesale ends, and the price increases.

              The problem I am having is the initial transaction failed on PayPal's pre-approved end, and JVZoo shows the product as being purchased 2x already - but they are not allowing me to remove the (2) failed transactions from their "My Purchases" dashboard.

              So, when I attempt to change the payment from 2 payments to a one-time payment, JVZoo's checkout window 'flags' the purchase stating the information provided by the recipient (at checkout) has already purchased the product! (*Which ironically, is me still trying to buy the product, lol)

              While, this thread explains it from the subscription cancellation aspect, it seems JVZoo definitely needs to allow paying customers to 'remove' (or add, detract, or change) certain purchases and subscriptions payments from within their customer dashboard, and as of yet - I cannot find a way to do it!

              In my 3rd request ticket now to have 2 items removed. Maybe they'll honor my request this time, instead of claiming it's a PayPal issue, and forcing me to contact the vendor direct for an alternative purchase method (outside JVZoo) - which I'd prefer NOT to be forced to do.

              PS - being this thread began nearly 2 years ago, you'd think they'd have it figured out by now, lol.
              Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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              • Profile picture of the author 12in10
                Originally Posted by art72 View Post

                I wholeheartedly agree, as I have been back and forth with JVZoo and PayPal trying to make a 'pre-approved' payment purchase, and they are both blaming each other for the inconvenience... neither has yet resolve the issue, so I can purchase the product before the current firesale ends, and the price increases.

                The problem I am having is the initial transaction failed on PayPal's pre-approved end, and JVZoo shows the product as being purchased 2x already - but they are not allowing me to remove the (2) failed transactions from their "My Purchases" dashboard.

                So, when I attempt to change the payment from 2 payments to a one-time payment, JVZoo's checkout window 'flags' the purchase stating the information provided by the recipient (at checkout) has already purchased the product! (*Which ironically, is me still trying to buy the product, lol)

                While, this thread explains it from the subscription cancellation aspect, it seems JVZoo definitely needs to allow paying customers to 'remove' (or add, detract, or change) certain purchases and subscriptions payments from within their customer dashboard, and as of yet - I cannot find a way to do it!

                In my 3rd request ticket now to have 2 items removed. Maybe they'll honor my request this time, instead of claiming it's a PayPal issue, and forcing me to contact the vendor direct for an alternative purchase method (outside JVZoo) - which I'd prefer NOT to be forced to do.

                PS - being this thread began nearly 2 years ago, you'd think they'd have it figured out by now, lol.
                It is JVZOO issue.
                They are responsible for their customers.
                They created the system for a vendor to make subscriptions....
                They should create a system/link for a customer to cancel subscriptions.

                It is TERRIBLE that after 2 or 3 years they have still not given customers what they wanted, an opportunity or way to manage their subscriptions without any fuss. TERRBLE!

                It looked as if I am screaming, isn't it? Yes, I am! Because it is a needless waste of time, which can be easily fixed, but I feel they are making some extra dosh and don't want to; so, someone needs to scream in the public for them to get their acts together.
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    • Profile picture of the author daniel27lt
      I don't like it this was too, everything should just be within the "subscription" section. But the reason for this is that JvZoo has a "Preapproved" payment plan between there vendor and PayPal under the one account of JvZoo within PayPal. So hence the reason why it's under other section of a preapproved payment plan and not a subscription.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR

    It depends what you are talking about here.

    If this was a subscription for a product being sold on JVZoo, that's one thing. But if this was actually a subscription with the JVZoo platform itself then you would have had to give permission to that payment plan and yes, they show in separate areas since they are different things.
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    • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post


      It depends what you are talking about here.

      If this was a subscription for a product being sold on JVZoo, that's one thing. But if this was actually a subscription with the JVZoo platform itself then you would have had to give permission to that payment plan and yes, they show in separate areas since they are different things.
      Hi Will,

      I know what you are taling about and i did give permissions for the subscriptions as i always do when i subscribe a service for exemple. The issue is when you try to filter the susbscriptions, where you can choose the actives, suspended or canceled and you choose the active ones.

      That JVZOO subscription was not listed there, and i did not missed it, because i only have 5 subscriptions active.

      Then i have saw that link (the one i have posted earlier in this thread) and there was the JVZOO subscription..

      That was the issue, because in more then 5 years that i use paypal (to say the least) i never had this kind of issues with subsriptions and i had up to 20 subscriptions active at the same time.

      Well but for now its canceled i am pleased

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        It does not have to be listed as a "subscription". There are subscriptions - and there are recurring payments ...they don't always show up in the same way.

        The difference seems to be in how the payment is generated - with a subscription paypal automatically processes the payment each month.

        But there are also payment methods where the company you signed up with "recharges" you each month - those don't show as a subscription.
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        • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          It does not have to be listed as a "subscription". There are subscriptions - and there are recurring payments ...they don't always show up in the same way.

          The difference seems to be in how the payment is generated - with a subscription paypal automatically processes the payment each month.

          But there are also payment methods where the company you signed up with "recharges" you each month - those don't show as a subscription.


          Thanks for your explanation, this was probably the issue and since it happened to me only once i did not knew about it and think it was missing

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  • Profile picture of the author tommocharlie
    Yes. What others have said is correct. This product is known as an pre approval adaptive payment, with which you make an agreement with the third party to "bill" you (against the preapproval plan). Subscription billing is handled by paypal and is different to preapproval where the agreement is made with paypal but the billing Is initiated by the third party.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    This is the same way that automatic payments for GoDaddy works
    with PayPal. GoDaddy initiates the payment that you gave permission
    to be charged yearly for example, so you don't have to enter your
    PayPal information all the time. In that case you'll have to cancel
    with them to stop payments, not PayPal.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffjbell
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    • Profile picture of the author ddrew
      I cancelled a JVZoo purchase a few weeks ago, and had another payment for one of the OTO's taken from my PayPal account. I have NO Preapproved purchases (went through ALL the different categories, including the one referenced earlier in this thread under Profiles/Selling Tools) and they still have taken it out. I scoured the JVZoo site, and can find no way to contact their billing people. Does anyone have a phone number or email address for the billing dept? I'm starting a dispute with PayPal if this can't get resolved quickly.

      Let YOUR system work for you. It really does work.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
    I had the same issue never did figure out how to find it in paypal so what i tend to do in that situation is contact the vendor on their support page and have them cancel it for you
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  • Profile picture of the author Akiles
    hi, look at this page,, JVzoo shows how to find and cancell these kind of recurring payments. --> JV zoo Support
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  • Profile picture of the author JL Media
    What a pain in the butt..Just figured it out how to cancel thanks to the guy explaining it on this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author yakim1
    Try this link to cancel a preapproval at JVZoo.

    I hope this has been helpful,
    Steve Yakim
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  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    I cancelled a JVzoo seller subscription yesterday, it's a pain in the nether regions.

    I eventually found the payment link in Paypal under the link to change payment cards, there was nothing in subscriptions or reoccurring payments.
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  • Profile picture of the author yakim1
    At the cancel link is always showing on every page in the menu when you are logged in.

    They don't try to hide anything.

    Best regards,
    Steve Yakim
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pagulayan
    Look inside your Paypal account. If it's not under subscriptions, it might be under pre-approved payment plans.

    Payments sent > click on any recurring payment you have (like domain or hosting fees) > My preapproved payments > preapproved payment plans
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    • Profile picture of the author 12in10
      It is a real pain in the nether region!

      Anyway, I had the same issue and it was this link that helped:

      One major problem is the NEW PayPal interface, it doesn't give you all the links as in the "Classic" interface.

      If you can't find it easily, just login to your paypal account AND also open this LINK in another window. It will take you straight back there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amer A
    Hi warriors

    I found it very useful information on how to cancel JVZoo subscription in this thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author pro-jv
    My biggest peeve is that I have found the approved payment page - yet they all start with PA and no details on what product they are related to.. so I have a few payments on the same day for same amount i.e. $47 which do I cancel I want to keep 2 and lose 2 - That Sucks!!!

    None of my payment receipts show that PA and start with AP - and the rest does not tie in with the either

    i.e PA-4A100648M
    to: AP-4A100648M
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