How to use StatCounter Plugin?

4 replies
I am trying to enable StatCounter on my blog page, I followed all the instructions to register for StatCounter. I installed it as a plug in on my page. I put just the IDs in each box and it is still not working. It keeps telling me to "Try Again?" What am I doing wrong??:confused:
#plugin #statcounter
  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    have you copied and posted the code and placed in in a text widget and pressed save! as i forgot to do that and as soon as i did it worked fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author organicgirl6
      No, I am SO very new to this, I actually don't know what a widget is. I am just on the StatCounter page on WordPress where you put the IDs in to the three boxes. I typed each set of numbers into each box. I do this, then click "Enabled" and update and it still brings me to the next page which says, "Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again." ??
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      • Profile picture of the author payment proof
        I know blogger has a layout page, where you can edit the layout and add an html gadget to the bottom of the page. Then just copy/paste the code in. Not sure if it is similiar on Wordpress, but imagine it would be.
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        • Profile picture of the author organicgirl6
          I e-mailed StatCounter and this was their reply on how to enable this Plugin:

          Please use these steps
          to add our code to your Wordpress blog.

          1. Login to your blog
          2. On the left hand side under the Appearance menu select Widgets (if you
          do not have this option please click the Presentation link at the top)
          3. About half way down the list of widgets there is one titled, "Text",
          click the Add link to the right of it
          4. Now on the right hand side there should be a bar titled "Text" with a
          link named "Edit" to the right of it, click "Edit"
          5. A text entry box will appear. Paste the StatCounter code into this box
          and then click the "Save Changes" button

          After you've done this the StatCounter code should be added to your blog
          as a widget. Please make note of these steps in case you ever need to
          change the code.
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