Any Lead-Gen software using Forums/Yahoo Answers etc.

6 replies
I know how effective it can be to find ready to buy leads, just by looking through forums and/or Yahoo Answers etc. that are related to your niche/product.
Was wondering if there is any type of lead-gen. software that uses these types of platforms by returning results related to keywords that you would type in and let the software do the rest??
#answers #forums or yahoo #leadgen #software
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
    Hi, I created software to use this strategy, "Forum Renegade" for targeted forum searching and Stealth Backlink Sniper which has a Yahoo Answers component. This can never be totally automatic, the software finds the content for you to respond to, but you need to read and make good replies. Automation of the posting would just result in your accounts getting banned.

    Stealth Backlink Sniper has been redesigned and is in testing at the moment,but forum renegade can be checked out in my sig below.


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    • Profile picture of the author bbminded
      Checking out the software now!

      Originally Posted by Rob Maggs View Post

      Hi, I created software to use this strategy, "Forum Renegade" for targeted forum searching and Stealth Backlink Sniper which has a Yahoo Answers component. This can never be totally automatic, the software finds the content for you to respond to, but you need to read and make good replies. Automation of the posting would just result in your accounts getting banned.

      Stealth Backlink Sniper has been redesigned and is in testing at the moment,but forum renegade can be checked out in my sig below.


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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    If you are open to more suggestions, mine would be leadpro 24/7. You might want to check what their features are and it's likely you'll be interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Can't you use Google search engine to find the keywords on Yahoo answers?

    try to type this in google search: <your keywords>

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I use Google Alerts... Works like a charm.

    You can set it up so Google Alerts emails you as and when Google indexes new pages with keywords you're looking for on websites you want the intel on.

    Totally free to use as well

    Hope it helps buddy

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author nidjo
    With Yahoo Answers you have to be legit, nothing else will do. Forum are similar, you have to gain trust first for people to follow your links. Set aside some time each day and post 2-3 post every day, provide good, valuable info and you will amazed at response you get.
    Amazon FBA Specialist - Need someone with experience and proven results to manage your product, improve your rank and sales? PM me and lets discuss it!
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