I'm a Scammer now! - (Apparently)

47 replies
Hi Gang

Sometimes you've just gotta laugh. I've got the odd video on Youtube about Internet Marketing right, well, I did one after New Year about how you should change your habits if you want to make more Money, i.e Don't spend all day checking emails, checking Clickbank account etc.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see somebody had made a comment, and this is what it said "SCAMM!!!!!!"

What the!??? There used be a time when I got upset about that sort of thing but I couldn't stop laughing, where do people get these ideas from, you gotta love 'em.

Ok, now please send this to all your friends...just kidding!!! Anybody else got any instances of this sort of stupid thing?

#apparently #scammer
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Yeah, I did.

    I am running several groups on a major social network.
    I tend to send out once or twice a week, a group message.

    Suddenly, after six month, I get a reply to one of my messages
    saying- I reported your Ass because you are a spammer! Stop
    sending me these messages!

    just opt out from the group, dumba**!

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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Agh, don't you just love that. I sent out an sutoresponder message the other day to one of my markets in the baby niche...and one of the recipients made a complaint. I guess we have to accept that these people exist..and in fact don't do much more than just exist. The way I deal with that is I feel sorry for them, because they must be really sad...as in losers of course. Glad it's not just me then.


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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Well, there are all sort of people out in the world, some are small kiddie and some a people who just like to "downgrade" people. All I have to say is look on the bigger marketer (where the money is from) and just ignore these small portion of people (less than 1%).

    Do not get upset about this, because this is usual. Even if you have a great product, someone will say that it's a scam to get attention from it. I have seen people promoting THAT product and he say THAT product is a big scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou
    You made me laugh
    [UPDATED] FREE 1-ON-1 MENTORSHIP: Student Makes $12,000 His First Week Of Running Ads
    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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  • Profile picture of the author wconsultation
    some people just don't understand that they have the option to Opt-Out.


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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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      • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        I think the morons hang out at YouTube and AOL.com just to post stupid comments. No matter the subject of the content, if there are more than a few replies at either site, you always find at least one brain-damaged person.

        Tina G
        Now That made me laugh!

        Ops, hope i didn't wake the neighbors.
        People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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        • Profile picture of the author jayleishman
          One time I got so pissed at someone for saying stuff that I was a spammer and he has double opted in with IP address verification.... I told him off. From that point on I realized those losers will always be there. Then it clicked in my head....

          GET RID OF THE NEGATIVITY AS FAST AS YOU CAN and dump those people without a thought. When I stopped taking it personal it was all good.
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          • Profile picture of the author jstover77
            That happen to me like two weeks ago on one of my videos. So I went to the guys YouTube page, and he had a bunch of videos of Asian women dancing half naked. At that point it just became funny to me.
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          • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
            Originally Posted by jayleishman View Post

            GET RID OF THE NEGATIVITY AS FAST AS YOU CAN and dump those people without a thought. When I stopped taking it personal it was all good.
            Absolutely agree. There will always be some jackass who wants to tear you down to his level. Don't fall for it. Just accept that some people are asshats and always will be asshats no matter what. Life's too short to worry about pleasing idiots.

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    • Profile picture of the author ken_p
      Originally Posted by wconsultation View Post

      some people just don't understand that they have the option to Opt-Out.
      Because I think, sometimes the options/link are too small to be found right away. All they gotta do, was to remember how they joined in that group, and look for the unjoin link.
      But sometimes its just too easy to get mad, and reply . Instead of finding out the way how to not get it anymore.
      hates the rain
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    • Profile picture of the author nanohits
      Originally Posted by wconsultation View Post

      some people just don't understand that they have the option to Opt-Out.
      Yeah but the question is did they OPT-IN in the first place? They have every right to be pissed off if they didnt OPT-IN.

      I also get tons of emails I didnt even OPT to, now that pisses me off. Sure there is an OPT out button, but the point is they sent me junk mail in the 1st place which they had no right to send.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Tina, I think you're right, I should remember that a lot of YouTube traffic is from kids...sorry, should that be traffik..innit! LOL n stuff AGH!!!!

    p.s About Morons, my Dad once said that some people are just born Morons, they only difference when they grow up is they just become bigger morons ha ha Actually, it wasn't morons but a workd beginning wityh W which I'd better not repeat here :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author dwt
      Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

      Tina, I think you're right, I should remember that a lot of YouTube traffic is from kids...sorry, should that be traffik..innit! LOL n stuff AGH!!!!

      p.s About Morons, my Dad once said that some people are just born Morons, they only difference when they grow up is they just become bigger morons ha ha Actually, it wasn't morons but a workd beginning wityh W which I'd better not repeat here :-)
      Your Dad is a very wise person!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyrus Antas
    That's why email providers have been creating feedback loops. Many people opt-out of newsletters by just declaring them as "spam". Email providers then send an email to the newsletter provider who automatically unsubscribes that particular subscriber. It still sucks though.

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  • Profile picture of the author Darth Executor
    Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

    Hi Gang

    Sometimes you've just gotta laugh. I've got the odd video on Youtube about Internet Marketing right, well, I did one after New Year about how you should change your habits if you want to make more Money, i.e Don't spend all day checking emails, checking Clickbank account etc.

    Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see somebody had made a comment, and this is what it said "SCAMM!!!!!!"

    What the!??? There used be a time when I got upset about that sort of thing but I couldn't stop laughing, where do people get these ideas from, you gotta love 'em.

    Ok, now please send this to all your friends...just kidding!!! Anybody else got any instances of this sort of stupid thing?

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  • Profile picture of the author bminor
    Don't worry Phil.
    In this world you can deliver the most effective and most unselfish help to others and you can bet there will be the one or other who declares it as betrayal or scam.

    But the good side of this is that there are a lot of intelligent and able people who feel attracted by such comments.
    If they see someone screaming "Scam!" about something but not based on any concrete facts they rather tend to look at it more closely because "then it must be good!"


    Complete Understanding and Successful Application Of A Subject Depends On Knowing The Terminology

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  • Profile picture of the author traces2757
    Obviously this entire thread is a scam!! I'm checking my bank accounts as we speak, and contacting the C.I.A.

    ...right after my "Paranoids Anonymous" meeting.
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    • Profile picture of the author PLRwithAlex
      Originally Posted by traces2757 View Post

      Obviously this entire thread is a scam!! I'm checking my bank accounts as we speak, and contacting the C.I.A.

      ...right after my "Paranoids Anonymous" meeting.
      Now, I'm LMAO!!!

      Thanks for the light moment in the middle of the day!
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  • Profile picture of the author lilydab
    The annoying bit is when you know they have opted in and then they send a message "Why did I get this email"?

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    • Originally Posted by lilydab View Post

      The annoying bit is when you know they have opted in and then they send a message "Why did I get this email"?
      That always cracks me up to. I got one this morning - "Why are you sending me this email course?" Uh...cause you DOUBLE OPTED IN to receive it! Comedy!
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    He's a member of a club, and doing a "shout out":

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    • Profile picture of the author Randy Bheites
      This is why, on every newsletter, autoresponder, etc, the first sentence is:

      (You are receiving this message as a member of the ______ newsletter)

      ... with an unobscured "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email.

      My complaint rate is nil. My unsubscribe rate is practically nil, and I almost always get feedback when people do opt out.
      have a great day

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
    Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

    Phil Wheatley, the man who continually spams my forum with videos of hamsters driving cars and other strange dross. Hmmmm
    Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    I know how you feel. I think that many people assume that with all the scams about we are scammers. I had a lady i met through twitter put a paypal dispute in and when i informed her that she must have missed the download page as it was automated she said she had received that page but expected me to download it for her and because i hadnt i was a scammer.

    thankfully she has since closed the dispute and apologied she is on my subscriber list and i cant believe im saying this but god i hope she doesnt order anything as i cant be bothered to go through it again!

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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    You're such a scamm Phil...

    LOL... gotta love it... It could be worse, you could have used my mug in the video, that'd be nasty!



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    It does not matter what people say about you. You just have to laugh at it and move on. No matter how legit you are your program are, people will always find something bad to say about you.

    Who cares. Just ignore it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I like Randy's solution although I'm sure someone would still complain.
    I went back to some of my autoresponder messages. It seems I've
    been doing this to one group but not to a couple of others. Gonna go
    ahead and add that right now.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley

    Hey SCAMM-busters, that will teach me to leave the Warrior forum for a few hours, I come back to a mixture of abuse and very funny comments!!

    Kevin, as for your forum, I wish I could say that wasn't true, but I just know you'll produce hard evidence! ;-) I would love to throw some abuse at you but your product creation workshop is too damn good, and there's rumours flying around that you're upping the price in a few days. People really need to check your stuff out! Hmmm, it's not going to stop me posting pictures of strange animals on your forum though!

    Tracy, as for you, your comment was too funny for words!! :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    Some people's sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. It sounds like you met one of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Kaplan
    now that I have read all this I am trying to find a way to opt out of the thread...LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Sorry Sid, it was free for you to opt in but costs 100000 bucks to opt out...now there's a thought ;-)

    Oh, and I just remembered another constructive comment on one of my videos...it was showing how to do some research with Keyword Elite, it was during a hot summer so in the video I had long shorts on and no shoes..so the visitor's comment was: "Put some freakin shoes on".

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  • Profile picture of the author Revolves
    Just two points of advice I'd like to add (don't bullets actually rock?),

    • Take constructive criticism positively. It's only through difference of opinion that you get new insights into something. No one is born knowing everything.
    • Ignore blatant stupidity and other unwanted comments as if you've never received them. Don't try to please everyone. It's only these fools that make we intelligent look more intelligent .
    And there we have it!

    Have a nice day
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley

    You do have a good point, with so many scammers, you can understand how we all get grouped in with them. In my case though, my video was actually for a blog post and wasn't promoting anything. It was me saying Happy New Year and giving some tips for the year.

    Just to remind people of my first post in this thread, I'm not actually bothered about it, in fact it made me laugh. I must admit though, It's hard not to get annoyed when people who have opted in your list complain about receiving your emails, or reporting you to Aweber. Still, that's life...I feel a song coming on! (p.s I prefered David Lee Roth's version of That's Life to old Blue's One, I can't say many will agree)

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  • Profile picture of the author Treby
    Never let small minded fools of life get to you-Then they have won! Stay positive-
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Haha, I like that Romanus..Ruin them!! That's the spirit. Ah, that gives me an idea for a sales page:


    Hehe, there could be a market for this, maybe my next WSO ha ha

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    • Profile picture of the author Revolves
      Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

      Haha, I like that Romanus..Ruin them!! That's the spirit. Ah, that gives me an idea for a sales page:


      Hehe, there could be a market for this, maybe my next WSO ha ha
      Oh boy, I liked the idea. But hey, who'd waste money on getting those jokers killed anyways? .

      Anyways, as already mentioned a thousand times, just ignore them . I guess these people might be talking the same about us in some other stupid forum, as we're doing about them here . Oh well, an endless discussion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kishor Karsan
    People who abuse you as a scammer, this is how I see them

    They have nothing good going for them
    They just want to put others down cos they can't do any better
    They just stick to what society "expects" them to do

    They just lazy and jealous cos they can't do what we IM'ers are doing today

    Ignore them, you will be the better person, i just ignore them and I just feel sorry for them, in the end they are the ones losing out.


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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Sorry Phil, after people see my vids, they usually just call me gay.

      Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, mind you.

      But my wife sure gets a kick out of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amber Jalink
    Hey Phil,

    I'm so sorry... but I REALLY had to laugh at this one ) Some people are just out to cause problems unfortunately. Here's a good one for you if you want another laugh at the stupidity of some people...

    Last week I was running a small survey of my customers and members. It was three simple questions (after an explanation), asking their preference on our upcoming site/system, for their membership options. (The concept was, including ALL sites I own that are upcoming in ONE membership cost, including all future releases).

    His first two responses to the first two questions were "no" he wasn't interested in it. (Fine, no problem, that's why I put out the survey).

    Here's the guys response to the third question (copied right from the email)

    "Do you have any requests, questions or comments? (If not, leave blank)"

    Response: yes now you give me$500.00 for the servey you are not here for the peaaple youre there for the $$so it is going to my poket now so send it now my time is money so do it.


    a) learn how to spell.

    b) don't waste time answering a survey!!

    What do you say to these people?

    He joined as a free affiliate on one of my sites - never bought (which is fine) - but I mean seriously, for those who are accused of being scammers like Phil, and these other remarks above - I think we all agree, these people are just not looking for their own success, not honestly, are they?

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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Amber, you owe me dry cleaning expenses because you just made this 34 year old pee himself with laughter - kidding of course but it was close! :-)

      Steven, I'm just happy to get a reply from a Warrior legend, and your comment was funny!

      By the way, this just reminded me of something funny I did by mistake last week, I did an article on Weight Loss for Ezine A, and because I copied some code from another of my Article Bios, when they clicked my "lose weight" link, it took them to a site of mine about playing heavy metal guitar!! Waaa!!! Love it.

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  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    that is insane, just I have an experience people scammer as a job site as he didn't
    even work for me, sometimes people do thing like. They don't like you and want to get
    rid of you!
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  • Profile picture of the author writergirlk
    Is there a way you can delete the comment? No use in even replying - that's what they want. It's probably a kid.

    I use rentacoder sometimes to find clients and I wrote a squidoo lens about it. Some person kept commenting dropping information about how rentacoder is a SCAM. I think I replied once or twice in reaction to the comments. I just want to set the record straight so that my readers don't get taken in by that crap. I did read the resource he provided and it appears as if he didn't follow the rules and then blamed the system.

    Sometimes I do respond back in the form of a lively debate. I love debating - I write about things I am knowledgeable about and love to respond to comments. But in your case, that's totally someone who just wants a reaction.
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    • Profile picture of the author lucasmurray
      This is a prime case of having the bad apples spoiling the whole bunch. No one likes to get emails from strange sources anymore. They are all taken as a scam. Don't feel to bad you didn't create junk email...did you?:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Maybe they meant to call me scum instead of Scam..or Scamm?? ;-)

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  • Profile picture of the author TerryTelford
    Hi Phil

    I had someone like this on a teleconference once. They went on and on and on about how one of my mentors was a scammer and they were going to report him to the FBI and have his house confiscated. It was all I could do not to laugh at them before I muted them. LOL.

    Enjoy your day!

    Listen To "The $50 Millionaire" Free

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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Haha, I can remember when someone was being stupid on a call I was on, so I took my phone and rubbed it on my backside...then the person on the other end said "what's that funny noise" and I burst out laughing and had te giggles for the rest of the call!

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