How the Warrior Forum Changed My Life
Seems like just yesterday doing research on internet marketing and joining the warrior forum. Now today I am in such a substantially different place then I was almost 4 years ago when I joined here.
Today I have solid 6 figure months running multiple web ventures and will be launching my first affiliate product this week and I have the Warriror Forum to thank and the story to boot below:
I was in college and knew that at the time I wanted to work in financial services. My dream was to end up at an investment bank such as Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, or Goldman Sachs. Shortly before my graduation from college Lehman Brothers collapsed and filed for bankruptcy and my hopes and dreams of working in finance was quickly being dashed. I spoke with my mentor and he told me to take the intern angle and speak with everybody and anybody that you can. Reach out to alumni, friends, family, strangers it doesnt matter let them know you are hungry and you will work for free (this is a critical part of where I am today).
So I started my outreach and made a list of every local and national investment bank, wealth management firm, and financial services related company in the country. I reached out to everybody that I could with little to no success until I remembered a friend of mine 2 years prior mentioned his uncle had an office locally and might be able to help.
So I went in and found that financial services was not in my future but I had an opportunity to work on a website the hedge fund manager was venturing and I could learn something called SEO and SEM. I jumped at the opportunity because I felt that I had an opportunity to pay my dues and eventually step into the trading.
From there I learned the ground workings of SEO. I was taught what a backlink was, how to design a webpage with proper header tags, directory listings, and the method used to promote the site to number 1 in the search results which was to go to Blogsearch.google.com (it's no longer on a sub-domain) and do an outreach to every blogger in our niche and contact them for a guest blog post.
While I worked for free for 5 months and practically starved to death I learned a lot of valuable things. 3 thoughts that I had at the time are below:
- I never want to be poor and hungry ever again
- Being Poor sucks and you can either vent about it or do something about it
- You want to work as hard as you can and take chances when your poor so you can transition quickly and stop living off of rice, pasta, and leftover food from your co-workers
Being wet behind the ears we paid for sports scores, schedules, and news feeds from the sports network at a price tag of $1,300 a month and no traffic or revenue to boot.
So at this point I am now making $450 a week and have to commit 650 of that to the website just to afford the feeds. So without being able to afford guest blog posts, directory submissions, and any other paid links I had to get crafty and learn the ropes of building a business with no capital.
Now I am searching online to further educate myself and stumble upon this internet marketing forum called the Warrior Forum. Here is where I learned about Paul and Angelas backlinks, creating compelling content, and learning the tricks of the trade such as creating web 2.0 properties, the benefits of wordpress, article directories, and ways to promote my sports website without having a lot of money to purchase links.
As the website was slowly growing we decided that non-revenue generators such as schedules and scores feeds had to be cut out. Finding free replacements is very easy if you just look around. Also my job at the startup was not working out and my dreams of working in finance were no longer. Having the ability to work on my own schedule was the new desire not sitting in front of a bunch of screens tracking the stock market round the clock.
Fast forward to football season and obtaining front page rankings for a lot of the desired keywords we were targeting thanks to what I had learned from the forum and help from a few members. With more traffic strarted to come more leads and more leads gave us a sense of really having something. Having the website up for almost a year and finally getting the momentum flowing was great. We got an office and started selling and by December we started ringing in 5 figure in sales.
From the success that I have had in promoting this website catches the attention of others. From here I have been referred numerous clients in similar niches and even had one friend ask that we start an SEO agency. With an initial bit of hesitation to the time I posted that ad on craigslist to the time that we started a reputation management company that shortly there after had clients ranging in pay from $500 a month to $30,000 a month. Yes 30k a month from just one client and it all comes back to stumbling upon this forum and sharpening up my skills.
The wealth of information, feedback, and assistance from fellow Warriors is absolutely astounding. This forum goes above and beyond helping it's new members then the other forums that I am active on.
I am grateful for the day I stumbled upon the forum here and am always glad to give honest feedback and advice to other members. Now today I am still active with the rep. man, sports sites, and expanding my businesses online because as you succeed with one business it becomes easier to create the next venture using what you have learned from the previous one and leveraging resources from before.
Thank you Warrior Forum for changing my life.
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