Every Warrior Needs a Plan for Failure
One thread that was recently closed showed exactly why this is so important. You're bee bopping along, growing your business using a specific formula of product creation and article marketing and BAM - a Google animal knocks you to the ground.
You have a couple of choices when (probably not if) this happens - it might not be Google - it might be some other reason:
1. You can get so pissed and fed up that all your hard work is gone that you quit.
If you do this, please don't drag everyone else down with you - especially if you've been an Internet Marketing leader and you convinced them to follow you in the first place.
It's GREAT to be transparent about the ups and downs - realism is a good thing. But when you start spitting nails, you're better off throwing a fit where it's not de-motivating others.
2. You can take stock of what's left after the disaster and rebuild using whatever talents you have.
This MAY require you to admit you're once again a newbie, learning everything from scratch. Maybe before you relied on EZA and now you're broke and don't have money for paid traffic.
Well, find another free traffic method.
If you did it once using certain talents (writing, teaching, email marketing, etc.), then you can do it again - you may just have to find a different way to go about it. There are too many strategies for you to sit there saying you know it all and have mastered it all.
None of us has.
If you sit there and say, "Well I've never been able to rank a website," don't just throw your hands up in the air and walk away - become that newbie again and find out WHY your website rankings suck.
Don't be too proud to go back to square one and learn it all over again and ask for help.
Don't we ALWAYS tell newbies to test and tweak and learn and continue their education and not put all their eggs into one basket?
You need to have a plan to fail because it could happen. People often ask me if I'm freaking out about certain things - Squidoo closing lenses, etc. No. It'll suck if it gets closed, but my plan of failure is to have a TON of income streams going all at once:
- Info product sales of my own courses
- Affiliate sites
- Web 2.0 pages
- Services
Does my business take a hit sometimes? Yes. One year I lost $33k - ouch!
When that (or life - divorce, etc.) happens, I look at all of my business branches and pour a bunch of effort into one of them to fire up the sales again.
Don't tell me you're too old, etc., either. I'm teaching 80+ year olds to do this online. Everyone's tired at some point - but you're sitting at a computer. Get a good night's sleep and work on this. Or see #1.
So what happens if you wake up tomorrow and your main income stream is wiped off the face of the Earth? What's your plan B, C and so on?

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Ruth Clark