Sexy Women That Don't Respond :(

17 replies
Lately I've seen ads on Facebook with very "enticing" pictures. When you click on the ad, you are taken to a game site which I'm sure has little or no "enticement" inside based on the front screens.

What do you think about this advertising strategy?
Do you feel misled, cheated, etc. and would never do business with that company or do you realize it's all part of the marketing game and are willing to go with the flow?

Thanks for any thoughts.

#respond #sexy #women
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    That's the oldest trick in the book. I think facebook v1.0 shipped with that marketing trick. Ranks up there with picking a sexy unrelated screenshot for your Youtube video to get free traffic. Don't believe me? Look up Marvin Gaye's sexual healing and there's a vague screencap of an obese kid. TONS of traffic. Unintentional too.
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  • Profile picture of the author ibesmanicanbe
    If the tactic works. You cant knock it. Even though I wonder just how much traffic they get with that technique.
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    • Profile picture of the author randak
      It has been used forever, caters to the lowest common denominator. Not sure how well it works, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworkers
    Its a old method, which most of the internet users know now a days and most of them try to avoid them. Also there is a feeling of jealousy in people that if I click on the ads someone else would get money. So most of them avoid.
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    • Profile picture of the author Axeslinger
      Personally I hate that kind of advertising. It obviously works in that it gets people to click but whether it converts people into a customer or not I have no idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author rodonet
        Try your luck with unsexy women. They always respond.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    For me it's those weight loss ads (that offend me as it is, just because I'm a woman aged such and such to such and such doesn't need I want to be served up three ads on how to look inhumanly incredible thankyouverymuch), that have a picture of something... just weird, that make you go, what is that? I mean, come on. Invest in some real testing with proper headlines would you, and stop insulting our intelligence, please!
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  • Profile picture of the author ironman2000
    I appreciate all these people who post sexy images of women all the time....................its a known fact that looking at sexy women at least 15min's per day is healthy and keeps your spirits high.

    Hey, ladies does this have the same effect on you, when you look at a sexy man or should I really say a handsome

    Lets have some fun here and get some idea's here going for a marketing strategy together!!!

    Good Luck and feel young from within and you will feel young from without
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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Hahahah how about when it goes the other way around!
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  • Profile picture of the author ashloren
    Hey, if you can manage to pull off using a sexy woman in order to get more attention, clicks, sales, sign ups, buzz or whatever other conversion you're aiming for...then the more power to you. People like to look at attractive women and if it makes them like your product or service more, then don't stop with one hot lady...get a few!
    -Ashly Lorenzana
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  • Profile picture of the author petemcal
    It may increase the CTR but it will probably actually lower their conversion rate.

    Using bait and switch for PPC is completely retarded IMO, unless you're driving traffic to a page that absolutely cannot fail to convert.

    If you're paying for traffic why would you want to mislead the traffic that you're paying for? I'd much rather pay for a lower volume of traffic with a higher conversion rate, than waste more budget on such a scattergun hit and hope strategy.
    Follow Pete on Twitter #SEO #Marketing
    "It's like if Einstein did SEO"
    "Much shorter than Shakespeare"
    "I would follow Pete over Jesus Christ himself"
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  • Try split testing put a sexy woman and a realistic one and see which one wins.

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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    Lol, doesnt this exclude other demographic which is gay/lesbian lol
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Sure, it may increase their click, and then, they come back asking why they have x amount of visitors and zero sales ?!

    Getting traffic is never an issue, it is the quality and type of traffic that you should be concerned about
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    People don't generally keep spending money on advertising if it's not working.

    So there's your answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Ya i've never tried this strategy on facebook although ive seen many people employ it but have used it in my youtube videos and got some pretty good clicks...BUT my conversions were off and I think it was because like you said people can feel misled and lied to depending on how misleading you actually are
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